
  • 网络opisthocoelous
  1. 颅后凹占位性病变对小脑扁桃体位置影响的MRI研究

    A MRI study between space-occupied lesions of the posterior fossa and the position of cerebellar tonsil

  2. 开颅减压治疗猫急性脑梗塞的实验研究后凹开颅进路的探索

    Experimental study of decompressive craniectomy in treating cat acute cerebral infarction model

  3. 先天性耳前瘘管与耳轮后凹家系分析

    An Analysis on Congenital Preauricular Fistular and Posterior Helical Ear Pits Genealogy

  4. 麻醉对颅后凹手术的脑室压的影响神经导航在后颅凹手术中的应用

    The Influences of Anesthesia on the Intraventricular Pressure During Surgery of Posterior Cranial Fossa

  5. 这说明半球肿瘤脑电图多为局灶性慢波,而弥散性慢波以颅后凹或中线深位肿瘤为主。

    It was determined that the EEG of cerebral hemisphere tumors mostly showed focal slow waves , and the diffuse abnormality was predominant in tumors of the posterior cranial fossa and deep midline .

  6. 67例颅后凹肿瘤脑电图,除18例桥小脑角肿瘤中的11例正常外,余56例均为广泛不正常。

    The EEG of 56 cases ( 83.5 % ) of posterior cranial fossa tumors was diffusely abnormal in 67 cases , except the fact that EEG of 11 cases in 18 cases of pontocerebellar angle tumors was normal .

  7. 40例儿童后颅凹肿瘤CT扫描结果分析

    Analysis of CT scanning to posterior cranial fossa tumor in 40 children

  8. 后颅凹非典型室管膜瘤的CT和MR诊断

    CT and MRI diagnosis of posterior fossa atypical ependymoma

  9. 后颅凹血管网状细胞瘤的CT诊断及其特点

    CT Diagnosis of Posterior Fossa Hemangioblastoma and Its Peculiarity

  10. 后颅凹肿瘤MRI诊断价值

    Diagnostic Value of Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Cranial Posterior Fossa Tumors

  11. 后颅凹肿瘤的MRI诊断(附28例分析)

    MR Diagnosis of Posterior Fossa Tumors ( An Analysis of 28 Cases )

  12. CT和MRI联合检查,能对后颅凹多数常见肿瘤作出定位及定性诊断。

    CT combined with MRI , most common tumors in the midline region of children 's posterior cranial fossa could be diagnosed accurately .

  13. 经前颅凹颅内外联合入路额、筛窦泛眶切除术后颅凹占位性病变CT影像学探讨

    Massive Resection of Frontal and Ethmoid Sinuses through a Combined Intra-extracranial Approach via Anterior Cranial Fossa Computed Tomographic Diagnosis of Space Occupying disease in the Posterior Cranial Fossa

  14. Chiari畸形后颅凹形态学的临床研究

    The clinical study on the morphology of posterior cranial fossa in Chiari malformation

  15. 介绍了24例后颅凹肿瘤伴有脑积水患者采用坐位手术时,于术前2~3d行脑室外引流的作用与方法。

    The authors introduced the method and effects of ventricle drainage which was carried out 2-3 days before tumor removal in sitting position for 24 cases of posterior fossa tumor with hydrocephalus .

  16. 方法收集我院儿童后颅凹肿瘤40例,其中普通CT扫描20例,螺旋CT扫描20例,40例病人中32例行CT强化扫描。

    Methods Among forty cases of tumors in the midline region of children 's posterior cranial fossa , CT plain scanning was 20 cases , spiral CT scanning was 20 cases . Enhanced scanning was used in 32 cases from 40 cases .

  17. 方法:对35例后颅凹肿瘤患者进行术前术后BAEP动态监测,并以100名听力正常的健康受试者作对照。

    Methods : Pre and post operative monitoring of BAEP were done in 35 patients with posterior fossa tumors and 100 healthy subjects with normal auditions were served as controls .

  18. 目的评价磁共振灌注成像(PWI)在后颅凹肿瘤的诊断和鉴别诊断中的价值。

    Objective To evaluate the potential of perfusion weighted imaging ( PWI ) in diagnosis and differential diagnosis among brain neoplasm in posterior cranial fossa .

  19. 后颅凹减压术后Ondine综合征的护理

    The nursing of Ondine syndrome after decompression of posterior cranial fossa

  20. 儿童后颅凹术后缄默综合征缄默出现时间0-2d,持续15-78d。

    Mutism syndrome after posterior fossa surgery in children The mutism disappeared within 15-78 days .

  21. 结论MRI及MRA联合应用可以清楚显示基底动脉的解剖及其与后颅凹结构的关系,显示附壁血栓和夹层动脉瘤。可作为VBD诊断的首选影像学方法。

    Conclusion MRI and MRA have the ability to display basilar artery anatomy and its relation to posterior fossa structures , to delineate mural thrombi and dissections , MRI is first choice to the diagnosis of vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia .

  22. 应用Aronalpha(一种液体生物粘合剂),行开颅直接人工栓塞术治疗3例大脑半球AVM,经枕动脉直接人工栓塞术治疗1例后颅凹硬膜AVM,获得满意的效果。

    This paper reports 3 cases of cerebral AVM and one case of dural AVM of bilateral posterior fossa . All cases were treated by direct injection of Aron alpha ( a liquid adhensive material of low viscosity ) into the main feeding arteries . The operative results were satisfactory .

  23. 后颅凹肿瘤术中的脑干听觉诱发电位监测分析

    Analysis of intraoperative monitoring of BAEP for tumor of postcranial fossa

  24. 后颅凹蛛网膜的显微外科解剖学研究

    Microsurgical anatomy of the arachnoid membranes in posterior cranial fossa

  25. 后颅凹显微血管减压手术治疗三叉神经痛初步报告

    Preliminary report of microsurgical vascular decompression in the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia

  26. 后颅凹肿瘤的磁共振灌注成像

    Perfusion MR Imaging in Brain Neoplasm of Posterior Cranial Fossa

  27. 恩纳气管内麻醉在神经外科后颅凹手术的临床应用

    Clinical Application of EMLA for Endotracheal Anesthesia during Neurosurgical Operation in Cranial Fovea Posterior

  28. 类似现象在靶后挖成凹形的等离子体中也会出现。

    Similar phenomena are dug into the concave target after the plasma will appear .

  29. 目的讨论外伤性后颅凹血肿的诊断和治疗。

    Objective To discuss the diagnostic and therapeutic principle of traumatic posterior skull fossa hematomas .

  30. 外伤性后颅凹血肿38例分析

    Traumatic posterior skull fossa hematomas 38 report