
  • 网络Post editing;Adobe Premiere
  1. 只有通过后期剪辑,找到最佳的排列组合方式进行衔接,才能给人以感官上和艺术上的享受。

    Only through post-production , to find the best combination of cohesion , in order to give the sense and the enjoyment of art .

  2. 特定虚拟空间中的真实故事,以全方位,真实的近距离拍摄和以人物为核心的戏剧化的后期剪辑而作成的节目。

    The true story in the specified virtual space is made into program by comprehensive and authentic close distance shoot and take people as the core in the anaphase edit .

  3. 情境英语教学片的应用具有理论背景,其制作包括编稿、写脚本、拍摄、后期剪辑、评审修改等。

    The application of situational English teaching film has its theoretical background , and its production includes compiling draft , writing scripts , filming , post-editing , assessment and revision , etc.

  4. 今天的工作针对后期的剪辑进行了学习。

    Late for work today , clips in the study .

  5. 动画片的创作涉及故事选材、脚本创作,直至角色的形象动作设计、性格特征刻画、影片整体色调安排,以及后期的配音及剪辑等技术制作。

    The creation of cartoon refers to materiel selection , script creation , also including design of roles ' images and actions , depict of character traits , tone of the whole movie and some technology manufacture involving upper dubbing and film cutting .