
  • 网络moving shot;motion shot
  1. 这种在画面内外进行的不连续的运动镜头使这一段(以及整部电影)看上去都带有一种视觉上的弹性。

    Staccato movements in and out of the frame give the whole passage a visual snap that launches the movie .

  2. 并对微格教学摄像中画面的构图、景别的选取、运动镜头的设计以及镜头的组接等予以重新认识,旨在培养适合基础教育新课程要求的新型教师。

    Aim at cultivating new type of teacher to meet the requirement of basic education , the article redefining the microteaching photographic 's structure of screen , selection of scene , design of moving lens , camera lens assembly and connection .

  3. 视觉的超常体验&数字运动长镜头在当代电影中的创造性应用

    The Paranormal Experience of Vision & The Creative Application of Digital Fluid Long Take in the Modern Films

  4. 然后我们通过对候选镜头边界的虚警分析,有效地降低了闪光灯和快速运动对镜头边界检测产生的影响,并实现了镜头突变检测。

    Next then , we utilize intensity of motion intensity and block-based edge direction histogram to distinguish shot boundaries from the false positives caused by rapid motion and complex flashlight scenes .

  5. 该算法先把包含物体运动的镜头标记出来,采用聚类的方法提取关键帧,对其他镜头则采用基于镜头边界的方法提取关键帧。

    We first mark the shots of containing objects exercise , then use cluster technology to extract the key frame ; On the others shots , we use the method based on shot boundary to extract key frame .

  6. 然后利用B帧的运动信息将镜头的边缘在图像层GOP中精确定位。

    Feature difference threshold may be self - adaptively regulated ; And then , shot boundary is located precisely in GOP using motion information of B frame .

  7. 提出了一种基于MPEG视频流运动特征的镜头边界检测模糊推理方法。

    An approach to shot boundary detection by fuzzy reasoning was introduced , which was based on the motion features of MPEG video sequence .

  8. 基于运动信息的镜头切变检测算法

    A Shot Cut Detection Method Based on Motion Information

  9. 一种融合颜色和运动特征的镜头探测方法

    A Shot-Detection Scheme Combining Color and Motion Features

  10. 该文提出了一种基于运动信息的镜头切变检测算法。

    A novel algorithm based on motion information is suggested to apply for shot cut detection .

  11. 针对体育视频中运动因素对镜头边界检测的干扰,提出了加入摄像机运动分析的方法。

    For Sports Sports video shot boundary detection on the interference , add camera motion proposed analysis method .

  12. 基于视觉内容分析的方法对于运动较多的镜头不能充分地描述视频内容。

    Visual content analysis method is insufficiency to describe the video content for the shots with more motion .

  13. 琼斯在接受《珀斯在线》采访时表示,当他在罗特内斯特岛骑行时,这只短尾矮袋鼠一直跟着他。待他停好车后,这个小家伙一下跳到了他的运动相机的镜头前。

    He told Perth Now the quokka chased after him as he was biking on Rottnest Island , and that it jumped at his GoPro camera after he put down the device .

  14. 基于信息熵和运动信息的视频镜头检测

    Shot Detection Based on Information Entropy and Motion Information

  15. 该方法综合颜色特征和摄像机运动分析,通过镜头边界检测、重放标志识别和运动模式匹配,实现了精彩事件的自动提取。

    Our method combines color features and camera motion analysis into shot boundary detection , replay logo recognition and motion pattern match for highlight extraction .