
yùn liànɡ
  • freight volume
运量 [yùn liàng]
  • [freight volume] 运输量的简称

  1. 实证结果表明,采用改进的重力模型比传统的重力模型预测结果更接近实际,可用于铁路行包运输OD运量预测。

    The practical result shows that the forecasted result under the improved gravity model is more close to the true result than that by the traditional gravity model and that it can be used in forecasting the OD freight volume of railway luggage and parcel transportation .

  2. 改进的灰色预测模型在过坝货运量预测中的应用

    Application of improved grey forecasting model for freight volume forecast

  3. 在处理货运运量预测影响因素方面主要应用了BP神经网络算法,同时对预测结果做了详尽的分析。

    BP NN arithmetic be used freight forecast model .

  4. 基于Matlab神经网络工具箱进行港口集装箱运量预测

    Forecasting Container Throughput of Port on the Basis of Neural Toolbox of Matlab

  5. GIS与运输经济统计结合可进行运量模拟、分析、预测和规划。

    Combining GIS and transportation economic statistics , we can simulate , analyse and predict transportation flow .

  6. 灰色预测模型GM(1,1)及其在交通运量预测中的应用

    Grey Model-GM ( 1,1 ) and Its Application to Predicting Transportation Volume

  7. 运用灰色系统理论及GM模型拓朴选择,建立了相应的GM(1,1)模型,运用于运量预测,并以港口吞吐量与货物周转量的预测为例进行校验。

    Applying the grey system theory and topological selection with GM model , the corresponding GM ( 1.1 ) model applied in traffic volume prediction has been set up .

  8. 对铁路行包OD运量的预测提出一种基于重力模型的改进方法。

    The paper puts forward an improved method on the basis of gravity model to forecast the OD freight volume of railway luggage and parcel transportation .

  9. 针对公路交通系统在准确预测交通运量时的棘手问题,引进灰色预测GM(1,1)模型进行预测。

    Aiming at solving the demanding problem of road traffic system in exactly forecasting the traffic freight volume , an introduction is made into the Grey Model GM ( 1,1 ) for forecasting .

  10. DX型钢绳芯带式输送机属于高强度带式输送机,适用于高速度、大运量和长距离的散状物料运输。

    DX - type steel-cord belt conveyor is a high intensity belt conveyor , which is used for high-speed , large capacity and long-distance transport of bulk materials .

  11. 运用数据包络分析(DEA)方法设计了3种大运量快速交通方式(Subway、LRT、BRT)的评价模型。

    In this paper , the data envelopment analysis method is introduced to design an appraisal model for the decision-making process of three MRT systems ( Subway ? LRT ? BRT ) .

  12. 而在全年或半年每日预留180min“天窗”和按全段计算的各种情况,输送能力都不能完全满足运量需求。

    But if there is 180 minutes window per day reserved for maintenance for the whole year or a half-year , when all the situation of the whole section is considered , the carrying capacity fails to live up to the whole requirement .

  13. 认为:交流牵引优于直流牵引;在线路运量较大时,1500V柔性架空接触网受电比750V接触轨受电具有更多的优点。

    The conclusion is that AC traction is superior to DC traction , because the overhead contact network which uses 1500v electric current as its power supply has more advantages than the contact rail which uses 750v electric current in the condition that the volume of traffic is large .

  14. 本文的研究内容涵盖以下几个方面:1.构建了基于数据融合的区域枢纽运量预测方法。

    The regional transportation hub forecast methods based on data fusion .

  15. 运输网络运量分配问题的模型及算法研究

    Study on Model and Algorithm of Transportation Network Traffic Assignment Problem

  16. 不同运量水平的电气化铁道负荷特征参数研究

    Research on Characteristic Parameters of Electrified Railway with Different Load Levels

  17. 我国沿海运力运量平衡方法探讨浅谈格斗实战能力训练

    Capacity Equilibrium of Coastal Transport On Actual Combat Capacity Training Methods

  18. 水平型大运量埋刮板输送机的试验研究

    Test and Research for High Capacity Horizontal Type En Mass Conveyor

  19. 宁西铁路修建意义及经济运量分析

    Discussing significance of constructing x1'an-nan-jing railway and economic of traffic volume

  20. 根据运量分布情况,就可提出初步的规划建设方案。

    From this distribution information an intial construction plan can be proposed .

  21. 飞机场运量的灰色预测

    The Grey Prediction of the Transportation Amount of the Airport

  22. 一种基于投入产出表的运量预测方法

    A Method Based on the Monetary Input-Output Tables For Freight Volume Forecasting

  23. 灰色预测的拓扑选择在运量预测中的运用

    The Application of Topological Selection of Grey Prediction in Traffic Volume Prediction

  24. 灰色理论及其组合模型在交通运量预测中的运用

    Application of Gray Theory and Its Combined Model in Forecast of Traffic

  25. 湘江集装箱运量预测方法研究

    Study of the Forecast Method of Container Transportation Volume of XiangJiang River

  26. 大运量快速交通系统发展模式研究

    Study on the Development Pattern for Mass Rapid Transit System

  27. 浅析设计输送能力与运量的关系

    The relationship between design transport capacity and design traffic volume

  28. 基于运力均衡与运量转移的公路货运运力结构预测

    Highway Truck Conveyance Configuration Forecasting Based on Conveyance Equilibrium and Freight Diversion

  29. 铁路行包运量分布的统计分析

    Statistics and Analysis on the Distributing of Railway Baggage and Parcel Volume

  30. 神经网络在长江经济运量预测中的应用

    Application of Neural Networks to Freight Prediction for Changjiang River