
wén huà jī gòu
  • Cultural institutions;cultural organization
文化机构[wén huà jī gòu]
  1. 图书馆作为文化机构的重要组成部分,则肩负着重要使命。

    The library is the cultural organization important component , is to be taking on important mission .

  2. 许多艺术管理专业包括学生作为志愿者或职员在艺术或文化机构实习以获得实践经验。

    Many arts administration programs include a practicum in which the student volunteers or works in an arts or cultural organization to gain practical experience .

  3. 与所有文化机构一样,画廊和艺术博览会正在适应新的现实

    Like all cultural institutions , galleries and art fairs are adapting to a new reality

  4. 除了它们,深受本地人喜爱的文化机构还有“一只黄兔”剧团(OneYellowRabbitPerformanceTheater),团里的舞蹈演员兼编舞丹尼斯·克拉克(DeniseClarke)在2013年12月荣获加拿大勋章,这是加拿大公民的最高荣誉之一。—

    They join beloved cultural institutions like the One Yellow Rabbit Performance Theater , whose dancer and choreographer Denise Clarke was in December named to the Order of Canada , one of the country 's highest honors . -

  5. Heinz学院提供核心管理课程,美术学院提供领导非营利艺术与文化机构的支撑课程。

    Heinz College provides the core management coursework and the College of Fine Arts support the MAM Program with coursework specific to leading not-for-profit arts and culture institutions .

  6. 摘要大学是一种功能独特的文化机构,其发展道路是多样化的。

    University is a special cultural institution with diverse ways to develop .

  7. 我们主要的文化机构,联合国教科文组织,是这项事业的推动者。

    Our main cultural agency , UNESCO , is a champion of this cause .

  8. 文化机构应该可以依照特有的标准自由分配基金。

    Cultural organisations should have the freedom to allocate funds according to their unique criteria .

  9. 这种大众化很对怀尔德的胃口,他坚持文化机构不应故作清高。

    This democratisation suits Mr Wild , who insists cultural institutions should not be precious .

  10. 作为文化机构,图书馆以其本身对文化的积淀,对文化的发展起到了推动作用。

    As a cultural institution , library has greatly promoted the cultural development through its cultural accumulation .

  11. 学校是文化机构,教师则是学校最重要的人员。

    Schools are cultural institutions in the full sense of the term where teachers are the most important actors .

  12. 美术馆是一个综合收藏、展示、教育和研究的艺术文化机构。

    Art museum is an institution of comprehensive collection , display , education and research for art and culture .

  13. 公司的成立得到众多文化机构、社会团体、业内知名人士的鼎立支持。

    Establishment of the company are numerous cultural institutions , community groups , the tripartite confrontation support from the industry .

  14. 公共文化机构应该积极参与非物质文化遗产资料的建设与管理

    The Public Cultural Institutes should Take Active Part in the Construction and Management of the Information of Nonphysical Cultural Heritage

  15. 这是一项艰难的事业,不论是在学校、图书馆还是文化机构,这项事业都需要所有人的参与和支持。

    This is a difficult task , requiring the participation of all , whether in schools , libraries or cultural institutions .

  16. 认为中国最初的大学乃是一种文化机构,高等教育是逐渐从文化事业中分离出来的;

    The author holds that the university is a unit of cultural institution and higher education is separated from culture gradually .

  17. 图书馆的历史表明,它不是中性文化机构,而是具有强烈的政治文化功能。

    The history of library indicates that library is not a neutral cultural institution , but has a strong function of political culture .

  18. 这本手册也有关于美国十年内的可持续发展,这由美国科教文化机构负责。

    The OzonAction Education Pack is also linked to the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development , which is led by UNESCO .

  19. 这一部分涉及面较多,笔者将其分成社会结构、经济、文化机构、社会生活以及社会问题等几大板块。

    This part is concerned with many aspects such as social structure , economy , cultural bodies , social life , and social problems .

  20. 我们觉得首先要树立一个全新的形象,着力打造一个不同于一般语言文化机构的鲜活的孔子学院品牌。

    We want first to build a fresh image and forge a brand for the CI which distinguishes itself from other language training organizations .

  21. 美国的很多文化机构都有这样那样的铭牌以表明其支持艺术—不管他们从哪些公司获得的资助。

    Many of your cultural establishments in the United States will have a plaque somewhere acknowledging the support-the money they received from whatever corporation .

  22. 他们的目标是要有联邦津贴。嗯,呃,给艺术家和艺术的或文化机构的财政援助。

    The idea was that there be a federal subsidy ... um ... uh ... financial assistance to artists and artistic or cultural institutions .

  23. 同时,西方传教士在华创办的教会学校和其它文化机构为近代学校科学教育的兴起提供了积极借鉴;

    Meanwhile , western missionaries in China set up church schools and other cultural organizations which provided active reference for arising of modern scientific education .

  24. 两年前,苹果和其他公司就针对零售业开始推出信标技术,但如今文化机构也抓住了机遇。

    Apple and other companies started beacon technology two years ago with retail use in mind , but cultural institutions have latched onto the possibilities .

  25. 在知识经济时代,服务型社会的要求正在促使包括博物馆在内的公共文化机构与设施的传统功能发生巨大转变。

    At the age of knowledge economy , service-oriented society is impelling traditional functions of public cultural institutions and facilities including museums to change dramatically .

  26. 我不知道是应该像女学生那样咯咯发笑,还是应当被这个伟大的日本文化机构的严格健康标准所打动。

    I 'm not sure whether to giggle like a schoolgirl or be impressed by the rigorous health standards of this great Japanese cultural institution .

  27. 在过去几十年里,该基金会已向教育、文化机构,犹太机构以及医学组织和环保团体捐款。

    Over several decades the foundation has given money to educational , cultural and Jewish institutions as well as to medical organizations and conservation groups .

  28. 学院建立了广泛的国际联系,与世界十余所艺术院校和文化机构建立了交流合作关系。五十多国家和地区的学生来留学、研修。

    STA has established extensive international exchanges , inviting considerable number of foreign experts to lecture , direct , and perform , while sending teachers abroad .

  29. 同时学校作为社区中重要的文化机构,它所开展的德育教育活动对促进社区的健康发展、长远发展也起到了重要作用。

    On the other hand as the important culture institution in the community , the school moral education help the community to develop healthy and lastly .

  30. 我们选择在社区宣传与展示,谁愿意和能够实施全面的教育计划优秀文化机构。

    We select cultural institutions with demonstrated excellence in community outreach , who are willing and able to implement the Education Program in a comprehensive way .