
wén huà yònɡ pǐn
  • stationery
  1. 本文化用品商店供应各种规格齐全、漂亮的书写工具。

    This stationery store supplies Beautiful writing instruments in various specifications .

  2. 是一个专营图书及文化用品的进出口贸易公司。

    An enterprise specializing in the import and export of publications and stationery .

  3. 汕头互动文化用品有限公司是一家致力于研发、生产DIY类产品的专业公司。

    Shantou Interacive Stationery & Sports co. , ltd is specialized in DIY products Development and production .

  4. 当然,国家统计局的CPI篮子看上去就有这种嫌疑。比如,把诸如休闲娱乐和教育这样的项目和文化用品及服务捆在了一起。

    Certainly , the National Bureau of Statistics ' CPI basket looks like no other , lumping together items such as recreation and education along with cultural articles and services .

  5. 凭着全体员工的努力成为了在国际市场具有一定知名度的文化用品品牌。

    With the efforts of all staff in the international market as a certain well-known brand of Stationery .

  6. 2008年成为“小破孩”的授权生产商,并在同年开创第一家时尚文化用品连锁店。

    In2008 a " small broken child ," the authorized manufacturers , in the same year to create the first fashion stationery stores .

  7. 启东市华美文化用品有限公司创建于1984年,是一家专业生产工艺美术画、刻材料用品的企业。

    Qidong Huamei Culture Article CO. , LTD was established in1984 , which is a professional manufacture of arts and crafts pictures and sculpture material .

  8. 广州市凤江塑料文化用品厂创建于1988年,是一家集产品设计、生产制造、营销于一体的企业。

    Established in1988 , Guangzhou Fengjiang Plastic Stationary Factory is a comprehensive stationary manufacturing enterprise integrated design , manufacturing and sales as an organic whole .

  9. 第三届温州艺术节将于本周末落幕,两场视觉宴席将分别在温州文化用品市场和世纪广场举行。

    Third Art Festival will be held in Wenzhou ended this weekend , two visual feast will be held in Wenzhou Stationery market and the Century Plaza .

  10. 本文综述了日本蜡在防水剂、涂料、粘接剂、润滑剂、日用化学品、文化用品、电工电子技术和纺织印染等方面的应用。

    This paper reviews application of Japan wax in waterproofers , coatings , adhesives , lubricants , daily chemicals , stationeries , electric and electronic technics , textiles and printings , etc.

  11. 自创办以来一直秉承“一切为了孩子”为使命,努力开发“有利于孩子,有助于学习”的文化教育用品。

    Since its inception has been adhering to the " everything for the Child " for the mission , efforts to develop " pro-children , contribute to learning " education Supplies .

  12. 以陕西十五年来的数据为依据,经回归分析得出:在三种人力资本投资形式中,文化教育娱乐用品及服务支出的效果最为明显。

    Among those three realized investment models , this article , based on the fifteen-years data of Shaanxi province , takes to analyze that the most effective way is to invest on educational , recreational commodities and services .

  13. 从传统文化研究谈生活用品的再设计

    Redesign Life Appliances from the Traditional Cultural Research

  14. 南京东路家居文化街,重点建成文化用品、品牌家居经销为主的特色街;

    Residential Culture Street on Nanjing Road ( E ) is the characteristic street focused on cultural commodities and distribution of brand residence .

  15. 第一章以结婚礼仪习俗彰显婚礼文化,婚礼文化派生婚礼用品和我国婚礼用品呈现多元化三小节,来着重论述我国婚礼用品与婚礼文化的历史渊源。

    The first chapter of the marriage ritual practices highlight the wedding culture wedding culture derived wedding supplies and our wedding supplies diversified three sections , focuses on the historical origins of our wedding supplies and wedding culture .

  16. 中国文化产业之菁华辉映着中国文化用品交易会之辉煌;

    It witnessed the development of China stationery and office supplies industry and the expanding of Chinese brands .