
  • 网络text interpretation;interpretation of text;textual interpretation
  1. 从哲学阐释学角度看翻译中的文本解读

    Text Interpretation in Translation Studies & From the Perspective of Philosophical Hermeneutics

  2. 文本解读:亨廷顿虚拟2010年全球战争

    Text Interpretation : An Imagined Global War of 2010 Proposed by S.P. Huntington

  3. 对伯顿·R·克拉克《高等教育新论》的文本解读

    Understanding of Perspectives on Higher Education by Burton R. Clark

  4. 在文本解读过程中,词汇衔接解读文本深层次的信息,是文本织体(texture)的重要表现形式。

    In the course of understanding a text , lexical cohesion helps acquire deep information and it is an important way to show texture .

  5. 南昌的文脉与旅游形象塑造研究语境分析与文本解读

    Analysis on the Context and Tourism Image Creation of Nanchang

  6. 文本解读与哲学创造&张异宾教授访谈录

    Textual Unscrambling and Philosophical Creating & An Interview with Professor Zhang Yi-bing

  7. 《哈瓦那》:地理名词的修辞认知与文本解读

    Hawana : Rhetorical cognition about geographical nouns and text explanation

  8. 主体权利文本解读及其对西欧史研究的意义

    Subjective Rights and Its Meanings to the Studies of Western European History

  9. 从而提醒我们,应该越来越多的关注教师对教材文本解读的过程。

    Thus we should pay more attention to the teacher teaching text reading .

  10. 对语文教材文本解读取向的反思:基于解释学的视角

    Reflection of orientation in Chinese text material verstehen : based on hermeneutics perspective

  11. 后现代语境下的电视广告文本解读

    Reading of TV . Advertising Text from the Perspective of Post - modernity

  12. 第六部分:教学课例及评析。本文选取了一则附有教师文本解读策略的课例,据此进行评析。

    This paper selected and analyzed a teaching case throughout the text reading strategy .

  13. 最后总结提出文学诠释和文本解读的一些有效性原则。

    Finally some valid principles of textual interpretation are set forth for hermeneutic criticism .

  14. 道家美育思想的文本解读

    Text Explanation of Taoist School Aesthetic Education Thought

  15. 文本解读与马克思主义的科学化&读阿尔都塞《保卫马克思》

    Unscrambling Text and Defining Marxism Scientifically & Reading Althusser s Defense of Marx ;

  16. 谈英语诗歌的文本解读

    On the Text Appreciation of English Poetry

  17. 高中文学文本解读的现状及原因分析。

    The third part is analysis of the current interpretation of literary text in high school .

  18. 改革开放时期学校体育政策法规的文本解读

    A Text Explanation of School Physical Education Policy and Law in China 's Reform and Opening

  19. 新课标与高中文学文本解读。

    The second part is the new curriculum standard and interpretation of literary text in high school .

  20. 其中每一章内又继而分为两大部分:理论分析与文本解读。

    Each of the three is then further divided into two parts : theoretical analysis and close-reading .

  21. 图式理论主要研究读者如何运用先存知识来进行文本解读。

    Schemata theory studies how to interpret a text by taking advantage of the reader 's pre-existent knowledge .

  22. 苗族古歌的潜文本解读&以黔东南苗族古歌为个案

    On the Hidden Text Decoding of the Miao 's Ancient Songs : A Case Study of Qiandongnan Prefecture

  23. 没有相应问题的回答&阿尔都塞文本解读方法透析

    An Answer Which Does not Correspond to any Question Posed : On Louis Althusser 's Reading Text Method

  24. 平面广告文化:象征文化的符号学诠释&动感地带平面广告文本解读

    The plan advertisement culture : A semeiology annotation of the symbolisticculture & unscramble the plan ads of M-Zone

  25. 阿伦特论马克思的文本解读&以西方政治思想传统为视角

    The Text Interpretation of Hannah Arendt on Marx & In the prospective of the Western political ideological tradition

  26. 本文试图从东方主义的视角对其进行文本解读,探讨其中所建构的中国形象。

    This article attempts to interpret the text by Orientalism and explore the Chinese images made by the West .

  27. 冰心晚年散文的非文本解读&也谈冰心的爱

    Study Bing Xin 's Prose at Her Later Years beyond the Text & To Discuss Bing Xin 's Love

  28. 柏拉图式爱情辨正&基于对《会饮篇》的文本解读

    A Critical Study of " Platonic Love " & Based on the Interpretation of the Text " Symposium "

  29. 本章首先探讨了文本解读的概念及主要观点,并对教材文本做出了分析。

    This chapter discussed the concept of text interpretation and its main viewpoint , and analyzed the teaching text .

  30. 众所周知,新批评的文本解读方法是细读法。

    As is well-known ," Close Reading " is the text reading method of the " New Criticism " .