
  1. 文化与哲学的关系问题或文化哲学何以可能问题,在文化哲学日益完善之时凸显出来。

    The relationship between culture and philosophy emerged , when culture and philosophy mature .

  2. 这些差异是由两种语言的文化与哲学传统不同所引起的。

    These differences are caused by different cultural and philosophical traditions between these two cultures .

  3. “天人合一”是中国传统文化与哲学中的一个基本命题。

    Oneness of Heaven and Man is a fundamental proposition of the traditional Chinese culture and philosophy .

  4. 她不只是一本关于文化与哲学的书,她还是一本有关生态的书。

    She is not only a book about the culture and philosophy , but also a book about ecology .

  5. 《黄帝内经》不仅是医学的经典,也是文化与哲学经典。

    The Medical Classic of the Emperor is not about a medicine classic , but also a culture and philosophy classic .

  6. 在我国的城市空间形态正在被模式化的现代化城市风格所覆盖的背景下,中国的传统文化与哲学基本精神影响下的营城设计精髓在不同地域空间形态中被减弱甚至抹煞。

    In the background of city construction in china been modeling the " modern " city style , the essence of form covered with traditional city design context of cultural values embodied in different regions in space is reduced or even denied .

  7. 文化比较与哲学

    On Cultural Comparison & Philosophy

  8. 文化与文化哲学的形而上追思&文化哲学研究的一种理论语境

    Metaphysical Searching for Culture and Cultural Philosophy & A Kind of Speech Environment of Theory on Researching for Cultural Philosophy

  9. 对于中国文化传统与哲学的再探讨,有助于我们更深层地把握中西方女性主义批评发展差异的根源所在,在此基础上生发中国本土的女性主义理论。

    A further study of the Chinese philosophy and cultural heritage will give us insights into the differences between Chinese and western feminist criticism .

  10. 五个人各行其事,但却从不同角度诠释了传统文化与东方哲学对艺术家内心世界的影响和触碰。

    The five ones do their own business separately , but all express the internal world of the artists facing traditional culture and oriental philosophy .

  11. 百年来中国哲学学科的建设,至今仍存在着文化传统与哲学学科的双重合法性问题。

    The legality of cultural tradition and philosophy as a discipline has been existing , although the construction of " Chinese Philosophy " started one hundred years ago .

  12. 文章从文化渊源与哲学传统、制片体制和美学观念、感知方式与表意策略3个方面,将法国观念电影与好莱坞娱乐片加以比较。

    The paper compares Hollywood movies and French movies from three aspects : the source of culture and the philosophy tradition , the system of producing movies and the ideas of aesthetics , the ways of apperception and the strategy of expressing .

  13. 以对鲁迅《故事新编》的解读为例,就由此进入了一个由鲁迅独特的生命意识、历史意识、文化意识与哲学意识所组成的,具有巨大认识价值和警示意义的精神世界。

    Re-reading Lu Xun s New Redaction from Old Stories from such a perspective , one can enter the spiritual space full of cognitive value , which is composed of Lu Xun 's special life consciousness , historical consciousness , cultural consciousness and philosophical consciousness .

  14. 论中国古代生殖文化与传统生命哲学

    On ancient Chinese reproduction culture and traditional Life-philosophy

  15. 美国人民非常崇仰中国数千年来对文化与宗教,哲学与艺术,科学与艺术所做的贡献。

    The American people deeply admire China for its thousands of years of contribution to cultural and religion , to philosophy and the art , to science and technology .

  16. 中国传统文化与汤因比的历史哲学

    Chinese Traditional Culture and Arnold Toynbee 's Philosophy of History

  17. 寻找文化身份与当代中国哲学

    Seeking Cultural Identity and " Contemporary Chinese Philosophy "

  18. 消费时代大众文化的审美伦理与哲学省思

    The Aesthetic Ethics and Philosophical Introspection of the Popular Culture in the New Consumption Era

  19. 中国传统的数字文化与民族心理、哲学思想、传统节日习俗、文学等相互依存。

    The traditional Chinese digital culture , national psychology , philosophic thinking , traditional festivals customs , literature are interdependent .

  20. 汉语语境中的文化表述与中伊哲学的交流&论《勒瓦一合》和《真境昭微》的中伊哲学思想的融通

    Cultures Expressed in Chinese Language Context and the Philosophical Communication between China and Iran & On the Fusion of Chinese and Iranian Philosophical Thoughts in Lawa'ih and Displaying the Concealment of the Real Realm

  21. 武术不仅囊括了中国几千年来的古代体育文化,而且与传统哲学、政治伦理、军事思想、文化艺术、医学理论、社会习俗等关系密切,因此,武术是中国文化的集中体现。

    In fact , wushu not only accumulates thousands of years ancient Chinese sports culture , but also correlates with traditional philosophy , political ethics , military thoughts , literature and art , medicine and social customs .

  22. 通过对文化与生活关系的哲学思考、传统文化与传统生活的历史考察以及传统文化与现代生活的现实分析,阐明传统文化现代价值问题的哲学基础。

    We build philosophic basis of modern value of the traditional culture by inspecting culture and life , traditional culture and life , and traditional culture and modem life . In part II , We specifically expound the practical value of the traditional culture .

  23. 莱布尼茨的世界文化观及其当代价值&兼及文化权益与文化哲学的使命

    Leibniz 's Conception of World Culture and Its Contemporary Value : Also on Cultural Interests and the Mission of Cultural Philosophy