
  • Cultural root-seeking;cultural-root exploration
  1. 《马桥词典》&20世纪90年代文化寻根的升华

    Ma-Qiao Dictionary & The Sublimation of 90 's Root-searching Culture

  2. 论文化寻根小说的渊源及文化价值取向

    On the Origin and Cultural Value Tropism of " Cultural Seeking - Roots " Novels

  3. 元代前期戏剧的文化寻根精神

    The Spirit of Seeking Source of Chinese Traditional Culture of Drama in Early Yuan Dynasty

  4. 穿越当代经典&文化寻根文学热点作品局限评述

    To Pass Through Contemporary ' Classics ' & On the limitation of the popular literature getting to the cultural roots

  5. 置身于20世纪80年代文化寻根热潮中的京味文学第二代作家对京味文学的兴起和鼎盛做出了决定性贡献,把老舍开创而有待于命名和发展的京味文学推向后人难以企及的美学高峰。

    In her second generation , staying in cultural root-seeking , Beijing-flavour Literature has been pushed onto an aesthetic peak .

  6. 文化寻根与章太炎对现代国家认同的建构

    The Looking for the Original of Cultural and the Construction of the Approval of Nation of the Modern China by Zhang Taiyan

  7. 莫言的创作契合了寻根的主旨追求,分两个方面来论述:一,文化寻根与寻根文学。

    There were two aspects to discuss : one seeking root to trace origins , " root-seeking " literature was devided into two stages .

  8. 元初的文化寻根是以重振传统文化、树立理性权威为旨归的文化现象。

    The seeking source of Chinese tradition culture was an appearance in order to carry forward the tradition culture and establish the authority of reason .

  9. 研究日本汉文学史,首先就是一种挖其古坟、文化寻根的工作。同时,对日本汉文学作鉴赏评析,也是为了充分实现其艺术价值和思想价值。

    The study of Chinese literature in Japan , first of all , means a hard work of digging up ancient tombs and seeking for cultural roots .

  10. 新时期电影具有一定程度的文化寻根色彩,这是文化界都注意到的现象。

    Movies of the new period had the character of seeking cultural root in a certain extent , which was the phenomenon that the whole cultural circle noticed .

  11. 在过去的20世纪,西方文化寻根已发展成为波及最广泛的文化复兴思想运动,也催生了一批重要的文化成果。

    In the past 20 centuries , cultural root-seeking has developed into the most widely spread cultural renaissance movement , and therefore spawned a number of important cultural achievements .

  12. “文化寻根”小说既是国际国内的文化思潮冲击的结果,又是文学自身逻辑演变的产物。

    " Cultural Seeking-Roots " Novel is not only the result of impaction of domestic and international cultural thoughts , but also the product of logical evolve of literature .

  13. 随着科学研究的进步和社会“文化寻根”热的兴起,姓氏越来越凸显其独特的文化价值。

    With the developing of related science and the hot of seeking for the origin of culture , the Chinese surnames and clan names show their special cultural value .

  14. 在民族一国家文化寻根、反思和重构的全球性语境中,非物质文化遗产和民俗成为最热门的话题之一。

    In the global context where a country-nation search for its cultural roots , reviews and reconstructs , non-material cultural heritage and folk custom become one of the hottest topics .

  15. 元前期大部分剧作家视戏剧创作为文化寻根的有效途径,表现出强烈的群体意识和理性精神。

    In the earlier Yuan Dynasty , most of dramatists considered producing drama as an effective way of seeking the source of Chinese tradition culture and reflected strong group idea and rationality spirit .

  16. 80年代文化寻根小说中的鲜明主题意向,繁复的情节叙述,以及创作主体强行介入人物命运的写作方式,都流露出社会转型时期现代性的焦虑。

    The striking themes , extravagant narration , and imposition of creative subject upon the fate of characters in the root-seeking novels of 1980 's all reveal the anxiety of a transitional society .

  17. 除了张承志、韩少功、贾平凹、莫言这些寻根作家还在用创作继续他们的文化寻根之旅外,也还有不少作家陆续加入其中,共同探寻着寻根这个古老而又永不过时的话题。

    Except that Zhang Cheng-zhi , Han Shao-gong , Jia Ping-wa and Mo Yan all continue their cultural roots , other writers also take part and together explore the ancient but not outdated topic of root-seeking .

  18. 广西文学创作处于国内文坛边缘,全国范围内文化寻根热的兴起,周氏兄弟花山绘画的成功,推动了百越境界理念的提出。

    Guangxi edge of literary creation in the domestic literature , cultural roots across the country the rise of heat , the success of the Zhou Brothers painting Huashan , launched the " Baiyue state " concept proposed .

  19. 本土人类学小说大致可分为考古寻根派、地方派和人类学笔记等三种类型,它们遥相呼应了西方的文化寻根热潮和新时代运动,对现代人有精神治疗的作用。

    Native anthropology novels can be divided into three genres-the school of seeking for roots , that of locality and that of anthropology , which echoes with western craze for seeking for roots and " new times campaign " .

  20. 本文认为《亚洲铜》一诗是海子在80年代中期对文化寻根热的呼应,是海子独特的文化反思的一个文本

    The article that HAI Zi echoed the heat of " Root Searching in Culture " with the poem in the mid of the 80 ′ s and it is shows version of HAI Zi ′ s unique culture introspection

  21. 自20世纪60&70年代以来,新时代运动经过30多年的迅猛发展,从西欧和北美扩展到全世界,形成了反叛现代性的文化寻根大潮。

    By its rapid development of over 30 years beginning from 1960 ' 70 ' , the " New Era Movement " has spread to the whole world from North Europe and North America and formed a culturally anti modern root seeking wave .

  22. 专业化背景下教师自尊文化的寻根与重建

    Retrospection and Reconstruction of Teacher Self-Esteem Culture Against the Background of Professionalization

  23. 中国体育文化心理寻根

    On the Psychological Origin of China 's Sports Culture

  24. 二十世纪八十年代的寻根小说,虽旨归于从文化中寻根,但它们却朝着不同的方向展开。

    The root - seeking novels of 1980 's have various developing directions .

  25. 从现实角度讲,强调传统文化的寻根文学使人们获得了一条不同于现代性文学的新的发展道路。

    Thirdly , from the society angle , emphasis on traditional culture makes people find a new way different from that of modern literature to develop .

  26. 本文通过对文本的分析,探讨了她对中国文化进行寻根、重构和改写的种种表现,并分析了其原因和意义。

    The thesis aims to analyze the text in order to explore this manifestation , as well as the reasons and the significance for the rewriting and preservation of Chinese culture .

  27. 文化史诗:寻根途中的收获与遗落

    Epic of culture : gains and losses on the journey of finding cultural roots

  28. 英汉姓氏差异与社会文化河南姓氏寻根活动中存在的问题及对策

    On Cultural Differences and Implications between Chinese and English Names The Question That Exists in the Family Root-Seeking Movement of Henan Prince and How to Handle It

  29. 在他的作品中洋益着丰厚的道家文化精神,同时,这也是阿城对文化寻根做出的重要贡献。

    His works are brimming with a great of spirits of Taoist-culture . Meanwhile , this is an important contribution to culture seeking – root .

  30. 黄玉雪在成长的过程中侧重于物质追寻来突出文化融合,而《喜福会》中女儿们则希望通过文化寻根来寄托精神需求。

    In the growing process , Jade Snow focuses on material pursuit to highlight the cultural integration , while the daughters in The Joy Luck Club entrust the spiritual needs to seek cultural roots .