
  1. 河北民歌旋律起伏,曲调美。

    The folk song of hebei has beautiful melody and tune .

  2. 然后运用个案分析法对河北民歌的基本状况进行了研究,通过集体访谈分析出河北民歌在保护传承中存在问题及原因所在。

    Secondly it studies the current situation of the ballad in Hebei Province by using case studies and analyses the reasons and the problems .

  3. 河北民歌体裁丰富,种类多样,是一个资源丰富的宝藏,在中国民歌发展的历史长河中有着举足轻重的作用。

    Hebei rich folk songs , kinds , the genre is a rich resources , the treasure of the Chinese folk songs in the long history of has a pivotal role .

  4. 河北省民歌资源非常丰富。

    The resources of Hebei ballad are very rich .

  5. 1同时,本人作为声乐专业的音乐学研究生,亦作为河北省从事民歌研究的音乐工作者,更有义务为我省民歌的传承和发展作出贡献。

    As a musician engaged in the study of folk song in Hebei Province , at the same time , it is obligated to make contributions to inheritance and development of the folk song of our province even more .