
  1. 这是人类发展史上的巨大的社会变迁。

    This will be a huge social change in human history .

  2. 这是人类发展史上的重要时刻。

    This is an important juncture in the development of human history .

  3. 资本主义是人类发展史上最后一个对抗形式。

    Capitalism constitutes a final antagonist form in history of human development .

  4. 那些人的名字已记入人类发展史中。

    Those names figure in the story of human progress .

  5. 它们揭露了人类发展史上或进步或落后的进程。

    They display the development of mankind with both positive and negative sides .

  6. 显然,我们使用工具的人类发展史也使我们的手变灵巧了呢。

    Apparently , our long history of tool use comes in ... handy .

  7. 服装在不同时期的发展和变化,是人类发展史的真实写照,它有如一面镜子映射着过去。

    The development and change of fashion mirrors the history of human development .

  8. 网络是人类发展史上的一次革命,它给我们的工作和生活带来了巨大的变化。

    Internet is a revolution in human history .

  9. 整个人类发展史就是一部主人和奴隶相互斗争的历史。

    And the whole humain history is a history of struggle between masters and slaves .

  10. 水文化在整个人类发展史上有着极其重要的意义。

    The water culture in the history of human development , has the extremely vital significance .

  11. 中华民族在人类发展史上曾创造过灿烂的古代文明。

    The Chinese nation created a glorious civilization in the early stage of mankind 's history .

  12. 在人类发展史上,电子计算机的产生和发展已有一段相当长的历史。

    In the history of human development , computer production and development has a long history .

  13. 从人类发展史来看,自然环境和经济发展间具有复杂的相关关系。

    From the history of human , the relationship between ecological environment and economic development was complicated .

  14. 互联网的出现与使用在人类发展史上具有深刻意思。

    The emergence and using of the Internet has profound implications in the history of human development .

  15. 而用火烹制食物,使食物由生变熟成为人类发展史的一个重要里程碑。

    Since the use of fire and cooking the food was an important milestone in the human history .

  16. 去博物馆了解人类发展史对每个学生来说都是值得的。

    A trip to a museum to know the development of human beings is always worthwhile for students .

  17. 对法律局限性问题的探讨在人类发展史上长达两千多年。

    Research on the Limitations of law has been existing for more than 2000 years in the human history .

  18. 互联网的出现和使用是人类发展史中具有深远意义。

    The invention and application of the internet technology have had profound influences upon the development of human history .

  19. 上世纪60年代,人类发展史上,出现了一种关于社会形态的全新概念,即学习型社会。

    Twenty century 60 's , a new form of society came into being , named the learning society .

  20. 每一种社会形态都是人类发展史上的一个阶段,人类历史就是这些阶段的依次更替。

    Each social formation is a stage in human history , human history is one of these stages of change .

  21. 在人类发展史上,水作为生命之源,一直扮演着重要的角色。

    In the history of human development , water has been playing an important role as the source of life .

  22. 深空探测贯穿人类发展史,在科学、技术、政治和文化方面都有重要意义。

    Deep space exploration throughout the history of human being is very important in science , technology , politics and culture .

  23. 而依赖于宗教这种人类发展史上的历史产物的人们,则没有那么聪明。

    Those who are less intelligent cling to belief in God , a relic of our evolutionary past , he added .

  24. 经济增长问题一直备受世界各国的关注,是人类发展史上的永恒主题。

    The problem of economic growth has always been cared by the world and it is an eternal subject in human history .

  25. 漫长的人类发展史上,人类与动物频繁接触,人与动物之间产生互相依赖的关系。

    Throughout the history of the social evolution , man comes into contact with animals frequently , resulting in an interdependent relationship between man and animals .

  26. 人类发展史就是一部不断创造公共性和实现公共性的过程,实质上,公共性的生成论奠基乃是系统论奠基的历史展开形式,这种历史展开主要有机械和有机两种方式。

    In fact , the generative base of publicity is a form of historical elaboration of the systemic base , which consists of mechanical and organic ways .

  27. 纵观人类发展史,社会发展到今天,必须有相配套的与时代相符合的法律,才能不断推动社会经济的发展。

    Throughout human history , social development today , must have the support of the era and comply with the law , to continuously promote the socio-economic development .

  28. 从人类发展史来看,证明模式包括神示证据、法定证据和自由心证三种类型。

    In the point of the history of law , the proof mode can be classified into three types : god judge , legal evidence and free evaluation .

  29. 作为人类发展史上一种极为重要的社会文化现象,宗教是各国历朝历代政府都必须面对和处理的社会事务。

    As a very important social cultural phenomenon in human history , the religion problem is a kind of social affairs which all the governments must face and solve .

  30. 黄金时代是古希腊神话传说中人类发展史的第一纪,代表着人类美好的生存方式。

    In Greek myths and legends , the ″ Golden Age ″ is the first age in human history , which represents the beautiful life style of human beings .