
  1. 我的粘人功是一流的,让他们在家休息不到一天就把我打发去买东西。

    I am so clingy to make them less than a day at home send me to go shopping .

  2. 有人功胜孤身一人,若有二人便能敌挡他。三股合成的绳子,不容易折断。

    And if one prevail against him , two shall withstand him ; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken .

  3. 目的探讨人主功脉-性腺-中肾(AGM)区基质细胞对脐血CD34~+细胞的造血支持作用。

    Objective To explore the supportive effects of stromal cells from human aorta - gonad - mesonephros ( AGM ) region on umbilical cord blood CD34 ~ + cells .

  4. 本文正是基于法治的属人性,从人性的角度,通过对人的功欲与法治、人的理性与法治之间关系的探讨,试图对法治有一个更为深入的研究。

    Based on humanity of Rule by law , the author try to deeply study the Rule by law through probing in the relation between human desires and Rule by law , and in relation between human nous and Rule by law .

  5. 方法对119例VACS和30例正常人行双功超声检查,观察椎动脉(VA)的走行,测量其内径和血流参数。

    Methods Color duplex Doppler ultrasonography was performed in 119 patients with VACS and 30 normal persons .

  6. 老年人慢性肾功衰竭47例临床及病理方面的病因学分析

    Analysis of 47 cases of chronic renal failure in the aged

  7. 该研究发现,夫妻中任何一方生活日程的改变往往是与对方相呼应的,这表明,我们的锻炼行为不仅仅出自个人的意愿,我们周围的人对此也功不可没。

    The study found that changes in one spouse 's routine tend to be echoed in the other 's , highlighting the extent to which our exercise behavior is shaped not just by our personal intentions but by the people around us as well .

  8. 测定了28例正常人和慢性肾功不全10例及肾小管性酸中毒1例的尿γ-GT,并与一部分尿β2-m排泄量相比较,所有病例均高于正常对照组。

    The present study reports urinary γ - GT in 10 cases with chronic renal failure & 1 case with tubular acidosis , comparing with 28 normal . Urinary γ - GT values of all patients were increased .

  9. 我挨字很速,由于我是电脑高手,人以至还该功乌客呢。

    I beat letter very fast , because I am a computer high hand . I even act as black guest .

  10. 很多人认为,一个成功的广告活动不是一人之功。

    Nowadays it is the fashion to pretend that no single individual is ever responsible for a successful advertising campaign .

  11. 在建水人心目中,桥梁不仅是桥梁还是祭坛,还是人功战胜天工的胜利纪念碑。

    In the minds of the Jianshui people , Bridge is not only a building but also a the altar .