
  • 网络People's Music
  1. 1954年10月,上海新音乐出版社的部分人员抽调北京,组建成立了北京音乐出版社(即现在的人民音乐出版社)。

    In October of1954 a part of members of Shanghai New Music Publishing House were transferred to Beijing to organize and found Beijing Music Publishing House , now The People 's Music Publishing House .

  2. 本文整理2001-2003年间《人民音乐》,《音乐研究》、《中国音乐学》等杂志及各大音乐学院学报中有关中国近现代音乐史理论研究文章,介绍了目前中国音乐史理论研究的概况。

    This thesis sorts out many related theoretical research papers on Chinese modern musical history from People 's Music , Music Research , Musicology in China and journals of conservatories between 2001 and 2003 and then gives a survey of theoretical research on music history in modern China .

  3. 《人民音乐留声机》执行主编唐若甫主持了发布会,并作现场口译。

    The gramophone China deputy editor Ruopu Tang chaired the conference and made interpretation for the conference .

  4. 歌曲创作在我国的音乐创作和人民的音乐生活中占有重要的位置。

    Song creation holds a very important place in our music creation and the people 's life .

  5. 蒙古族音乐的创新与发展,必须扎根于蒙古族人民传统音乐文化语境的生活沃土中,保持民族特色;

    The innovation and development of Mongolian music must be rooted in the rich soil of the life of traditional music culture context of Mongolian people to keep its national features .

  6. 本文从波兰舞曲的起源和民族特色、肖邦波兰舞曲[英雄]所表现的历史背景、民族艺术特色三方面析读这种民族的和人民的音乐。

    The paper discusses the Polish people and their music from the origin and national characteristics of Polish dance music , the historical background of The dance music " the Hero " and the national art features .

  7. 除了演出以外,郎朗同样希望透过加强儿童及年青音乐家的培训和外展活动,与世界各地人民分享古典音乐的奥妙。

    Lang Lang has made it his mission to share classical music around the world with an emphasis on training children and young musicians through education and outreach programs .

  8. 随着我国音乐教育事业的发展,人民群众对音乐素质教育的需求不断提高,全国各大、中专院校和社会办学团体都开设了手风琴集体课。

    With the development of musical education of China , people have increased the demand for musical quality education , and most colleges and social teaching groups have conducted the accordion collective course .

  9. 人民广场有大型音乐喷泉,是市民聚会、休憩的重要场所。

    The natatorium is a large public sports facility and the most modernized of its kind in Shantou .

  10. 爵士我属于人民,然而人民对音乐的兴趣是可以变化的。

    Jazz belongs to the people , but popular taste is changeable .

  11. 他认识到他必须和人民同呼吸,创作人民需要的音乐。

    He realized that he must feel with the people and write the music they need .

  12. 要做一个优秀的作曲家,就必须与人民有共同的情感,创作人民所需要的音乐。

    To be a good composer , one must feel with the people and create the music they need .