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  • 网络Human bone;skeleton
  1. 2000年2~11月,北京市文物研究所对石景山区老山地区的一座西汉贵族墓进行了发掘,出土一具人骨。大同北魏时期墓葬人骨的种族特征

    The Tomb excavated from February to November of 2000 yielded a human skeleton . The racial pattern of Human skeleton from the Bei-Wei Dynasty in Datong City , Shanxi province

  2. 从中国新石器时代人骨遗骸中提取出古代DNA。

    Ancient DNA was extracted from Neolithic human skeletal remains excavated in China .

  3. 人骨保护素N端片段在大肠杆菌中的表达及其活性分析

    Expression of N-terminal Fragment of Osteoprotegerin in E.coli Using a New Strategy and Its Bioactivity Characterization

  4. 人骨形态发生蛋白-7全长cDNA的克隆及序列测定

    Cloning and sequencing of human bone morphogenetic protein-7 full cDNA

  5. 结果:人骨形态发生蛋白质7基因存在于转染后的骨髓基质干细胞中并表达相应的mRNA。

    RESULTS : hBMP-7 gene was contained in MSCs after transfection and expressed the relevant mRNA .

  6. 目的:初步探讨影响老年人骨密度(Bonemineraldensity,BMD)变化的因素。

    AIM : To investigate the factors that affects the bone mineral density ( BMD ) of elderly people .

  7. 新疆青铜时代古代人骨中痕量元素的ICP-AES法测定

    Determination of Trace Elements in Bronze Age Human Bone in Xinjiang by ICP-AES

  8. 新石器时代人骨遗骸中古代DNA的提取及X-Y染色体同源基因片段的PCR扩增

    Ancient DNA extraction from Neolithic human skeletal remains and PCR based amplification of the X-Y homologous amelogenin gene

  9. 人骨保护素(OPG)重组腺病毒的制备及其生物活性研究

    Construction and Biological Activity Study of Human Osteoprotegerin Expressing Adenoviral System

  10. 巢式逆转录-聚合酶链反应扩增人骨形成蛋白2全长cDNA及其真核表达载体的构建

    Amplification of full-length cDNA gene of human bone morphogenetic protein-2 and construction of its eukaryotic expression vector with nested reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction

  11. 新开发的低弹性模量B钛合金其弹性模量更加接近人骨组织的弹性模量,对其生物力学相容性的研究可以为种植体材料提供更多的选择。

    The elastic modulus of newly developed β - Ti alloy is more like that of human bone , and the research on its biomechanical compatibility can supply more choice of the implant material .

  12. 本实验以人骨纤维肉瘤为实验材料,采用RT-PCR技术对人骨形成蛋白3基因的部分cDNA进行了扩增、克隆、序列测定和分析。

    With the application of RT-PCR , we amplified , cloned , sequenced and analyzed partial cDNA of hBMP-3 gene from human bone fiber sarcoma tissue .

  13. 实验结果说明,我们自制的EPO制品,不仅能用于动物,也能用于人骨贿红系祖细胞的培养。

    Experimental evidences showed that our preparation could be used in both animal and human bone marrow erythroid cells culture .

  14. 目的:探讨吸烟对人骨组织骨桥蛋白(Osteopontin,OPN)表达及功能的影响。

    Objective : To explore the influence of smoking on the function and expression of human bone tissue osteopontin ( OPN ) .

  15. 目的评价复合人工骨材料珊瑚羟基磷灰石-重组人骨形态形成蛋白-几丁糖(corallinehydroxyapatitecomposite,CHC)做为自体骨移植替代物在手术后10周的融合效果。

    Objective To evaluate the short-term bone fusion after implantation of composite biosynthetic bone made of coralline hydroxyapatite composite ( CHC ) as a substitute for autologous bone grafting .

  16. 重组人骨形成蛋白-2(rhBMP-2)对人脑胶质瘤细胞凋亡的影响

    Effects of Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 ( rhBMP-2 ) on Apoptosis of Glioma Cell SHG-44 in Vitro

  17. 初步结果提示,性激素受体与人骨组织代谢有一定关联,骨组织细胞恶变后,其ER和PR数量要发生改变。

    Our study suggested that the sex hoemone receptor correlate with the metabolism of human bone tissue . The concentrations of ER and PR in bone tissues would undergo changes when the tissues became malignant .

  18. 目的观察甲状腺激素(TH)水平对老年人骨代谢指标变化的影响。方法健康老人40例作为治疗组,选择健康老人30例作为正常对照组及甲亢老人28例作为甲亢对照组。

    Objective To get the information about the effect of biochemical marks of bone turnover with various dose of thyroid hormones ( TH ) in older persons Methods 40 cases of healthy old person served as treatment group ;

  19. 研究、观察基因重组人骨形态形成蛋白-2(rh-BMP-2)和几丁糖的临床效应。

    To observe and research clinical effect of rh-BMP-2 and chitosan .

  20. 目的判断退行性脊椎病对老年人骨矿密度(BMD)及骨质疏松诊断的影响,选出较适宜的BMD测量部位。

    Objective To determine the effect of degenerative spondylosis on the bone mineral density ( BMD ) and the diagnosis of osteoporosis in aged people , and to select proper anatomic sites suitable for BMD measurement .

  21. 采用葡聚糖-活性炭单点饱和分析法(DCC)测定13例正常人骨组织,10例恶性骨肿瘤组织(其中转移性癌3例)的雌激素及孕激素受体(ER、PR)之含量。

    Thirteen cases of normal human bones and 10 cases of malignant bone tumors were assayed for estrogen and progesterone receptors ( ER , PR ) by Dextran - coated charcoal single point method ( DCC ) .

  22. 目的构建人骨保护素(OPG)哺乳类表达载体并在非洲绿猴肾COS7细胞内初步表达。

    [ Objective ] To construct the mammalia vector of the human osteoprotegerin ( OPG ) and express it primarily in COS 7 cell .

  23. 建立一种用荧光标记引物扩增AMG基因的性染色体同源片段方法,对古代人骨遗骸进行性别鉴定。

    A sensitive and reliable method , based on the amplification of AMG gene by fluorescent-labeled primers , was established to identify the sex of archaeological human remains .

  24. 目的:克隆人骨形态发生蛋白-7(BMP-7)全长基因,并进行测序及序列分析,研究其结构和功能。

    Objective : To clone the full-length human bane morphogenetic protein-7 ( BMP-7 ) gene and analyse its sequence , to aid in investigation of its function and structure .

  25. 目的克隆人骨形成蛋白1(OP1)全基因cDNA,研究其结构与功能。

    Objective To study the function and construction of osteogenic protein 1 ( OP 1 ) by cloning human OP 1 ( hOP 1 ) full length cDNA from a Chinese woman placenta .

  26. 本系统仍以中国人骨发育评价标准(CHN积分法)为依据,采用数字化成像替代传统的X光胶片。

    This system is still based on The Standard of Estimating Skeletal Maturity for Chinese ( Method of CHN Scoring ), uses the digitized'image substitution tradion X light film .

  27. 将重组人骨形态发生蛋-2(rhBMP-2)及骨形态发生蛋-2活性多肽与水凝胶复合作为实验组,以空白水凝胶作为对照组。

    The recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 ( rhBMP-2 ) and BMP-2 related peptide combined with hydrogels respectively were the experimental groups and the blank hydrogel was the blank control group .

  28. 结果:与正常对照和骨化性纤维瘤患者比较,中国人骨纤维发育异常患者存在Gsa蛋白第602位编码基因位点特异性突变,造成第201位氨基酸由Arg→His突变。

    Result : Compare with normal and ossifying fibroma patients , fibrous dysplasia in China lie in mutation of 602 coding gene of Gs α, which result in substitution of the arginine 201 residue with histidine .

  29. 方法:使用SPA-IV型骨矿分析仪器对107例60岁以上老年人骨关节病患者进行骨矿含量测定,并对其中41例在治疗前后的骨矿含量与其症状改变的关系进行分析。

    Methods , The bone density measurement was analysed in 107 osteoarthropathy patients over 60 years by Type SPA - IV Bone Mineral Analyzer . Among them , the relation between the bone density level and clinical symptoms was analysed in 41 cases before and after treatment .

  30. 目的观察基因重组人骨形态蛋白-2(rhBMP-2)对骨质疏松性骨折愈合的作用与影响。

    Objective To observe the effect and influence of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein 2 ( rhBMP 2 ) on osteoporotic fracture healing in the rat and to expect to provide an effective therapy for osteoporotic fracture .