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  • 网络pottery kiln
  1. 陶窑古韵

    Ancient Charms of the Pottery Kiln

  2. 先秦&三峡陶窑的发生期。

    Pre-Qin dynasty & emergence period of the Three gorges ceramic kilns .

  3. 方法:观察并统计秦始皇帝陵区山任陶窑遗址出土的104具人骨架全部2452个牙齿的牙周病患病情况。

    Method : 2,452 teeth of 104 skulls in terra-cotta site near the mausoleum of Qinshihuang were observed .

  4. 这一带遍地是陶窑,给彭城周围的景色增添了几分独特的风貌。

    The abundance of these ovens in the fields throughout this whole area gave the scenery around Pengcheng a rather unique appearance .

  5. 郧西五斗种遗址发掘出土一批具楚文化特点的遗物以及陶窑等遗迹,还有动物骨骼、铁器等。

    Objects with vivid Chu features and pottery kilns , as well as animal skeletons and irons , were excavated from the Wudouzhong site in Yunxi County .

  6. 同时,该类陶窑在宋元以及以前的考古发掘中又较为罕见,与当时较为流行的馒头窑和葫芦形窑差异明显。

    However , this kind of kiln was seldom found before the archaeology of Song and Yuan Dynasties , and was different from the kilns popular at that time .

  7. 新石器时代先民们创造的制陶技术,从制陶材料、器物造型、烘烤烧制、陶窑建造、烧陶温度和气氛,都为冶铸技术的起源提供了直接的技术借鉴。

    The original smelting and casting technologies were benefited directly from the pottery-making technique , including raw materials , artifact forming , heating and firing , kiln constructing , temperature and atmosphere inside the kiln .