
  • 网络Battle of Towton
  1. 在陶顿战役之后9天寄出的一封信中,时任英国宰相乔治内维尔(georgeneville)写道,28000人在战役中丧生,这与爱德华寄给其母的信中的数字一致。

    In a letter sent nine days after the battle George Neville , the then Chancellor of England , wrote that 28000 men died that day , a figure in accord with a letter sent by Edward to his mother .

  2. 现在被人们称为陶顿25(towton25)的战士在陶顿战役前还参加过别的战斗,有愈合的头骨骨折为证。

    The soldier now known as towton 25 had survived battle before . A healed skull fracture points to previous engagements .