
  1. 淮河流域史前陶鼓的研究

    Study on Pre-historical Pottery Drums in Huai River Region

  2. 壮族、瑶族的陶鼓舞神话传说与族群认同&立足于盘瑶渡海神话的考察

    Zhuang and Yao nationalities use pottery drums during their dances . Myths and Identification with Ethnic Groups

  3. 甘青地区为数众多的史前璧环类玉器和陶鼓是祭祀太阳神所不可缺少的神圣法器。

    Large number of prehistoric Gansu and Qinghai regions bi rings jade and pottery drum is essential sun god worship the sacred instruments used .

  4. 陶鼓又称土鼓,是用陶土烧制成鼓框,再蒙上动物的皮革做成的。

    Pottery drum , also known as drum soil , clay is fired into the dark box , and then cast made of animal leather .