
  • 网络ceramic filter;CERAFIL
  1. PZT压电陶瓷滤波器的烧结工艺研究

    Research on the sintering technology of the PZT piezoelectric ceramic filter

  2. NBT基无铅压电陶瓷滤波器

    Ceramic Filter Based on Lead-free Piezoelectric NBT Material

  3. TV用压电陶瓷滤波器的片式化最终研制出频率精度高、温度特性好的片式压电陶瓷谐振器。

    The SMD Piezo-ceramic Filter for TV Sets The testing results indicate that these chipped devices have high frequency precision and good temperature property .

  4. 用不同的国际标准说明了各种线路网所能承受的干扰脉冲的最大振幅,对几种新型EMI陶瓷滤波器的结构与装配技术进行了描述。

    The maximum amplitude of interference spikes that may be borne by various mains is specified in deferent international standards .

  5. PZT6.5MHz压电陶瓷滤波器的设计与工艺研究

    Design of the 6.5 MHz piezoelectric ceramic filter and technological study

  6. 最后分析了无铅化生产对国内陶瓷滤波器的影响。

    Analyze the effect of Lead-free to the domestic Ceramic Filter production .

  7. 提高陶瓷滤波器相频特性一致性的途径

    The Way to Improve Identity of Phase Shift frequency Curves in Ceramic Filters

  8. 人造卫星用差接桥型压电陶瓷滤波器

    Differential Bridge Piezoelectric Ceramic Filters Used in Satellite

  9. 陶瓷滤波器及无铅焊接

    Ceramic Filter and Lead - free Soldering

  10. 用低温共烧技术制备片式多层高通陶瓷滤波器。

    Chip multilayer highpass filter was prepared by low-temperature co-fired ceramic technology ( LTCC ) .

  11. 低插损窄带型10.7MHz压电陶瓷滤波器的研制

    Research on the Piezo-ceramic Filter : Low Insertion Loss , Narrow Band , 10.7 MHz

  12. 陶瓷滤波器带宽系列化的研究

    Research on Bandwidth Series of Ceramic Filters

  13. 我将解释陶瓷滤波器是什么和怎么使用。

    I will explain what a ceramic filter is and how you can use it .

  14. 介绍了6.5MHz压电陶瓷滤波器的设计原理和制备工艺。

    The design principle and manufacturing technology of the 6.5 MHz piezoelectric ceramic filter are introduced .

  15. 陶瓷滤波器中频放大电路

    Ceramic filter IF amplifier circuit

  16. 于是,这种新的压电材料适于制作高频陶瓷滤波器超声换能器,金属探伤检测器,以及声表面波器件等。

    This new piezoelectric material suitable for high frequency ceramic filters , ultrasonic transducers , metal flaw detectors and SAW de -

  17. 介绍了低插损窄带型10.7MHz压电陶瓷滤波器的一种设计制作方法。

    Presented is the design and manufacturing technology for the ceramic filter of low insertion loss and narrow bandwidth working at 10.7 MHz .

  18. 以日本村田公司的两个新产品为例,分别介绍了陶瓷滤波器和陶瓷鉴频器的新特性及其应用。

    This article introduces the new characteristics and applications of the piezoelectric ceramic filter and discriminator by two new products made from the Murata Manufacturing of Japan .

  19. 分析了影响陶瓷滤波器相频特性的因素,探讨了提高陶瓷滤波器相频特性一致性的主要途径。

    The factors influencing on phase shift frequency curves in ceramic filters are analyzed and the main way to improve identity of their phase shift frequecy curves is indicated .

  20. 这种梯形陶瓷滤波器中心频率为140kHz,具有低插损、高阻带、高选择的特点。

    These ladder type of ceramic filters with center frequency of 140 kHz , have the characteristics of low insertion loss , high attenuation in the outband and high selectivity .

  21. 传统用于无线通信的带通滤波器以介质陶瓷滤波器和声表面波滤波器为主,他们因为体积大或工作频率低等因素已经不能满足需要。

    Surface Acoustic Wave filter and ceramic filter are primarily used in the traditional wireless communication systems ; they can not meet the needs of current communication system because of large volume or low operating frequency .

  22. 采用高频结构模拟软件模拟1/4λ同轴型带通微波陶瓷滤波器结构,讨论了耦合槽直径对滤波器的性能如带宽、插损、带内波动、阻带抑制等的影响。

    In this study the relation between the structure parameter ( such as coupling aperture diameter d ) of 1 / 4 λ microwave band-pass dielectric filter and its final microwave properties ( such as bandwidth , passband ripple , insertion loss and stop-band attenuation ) is discussed .

  23. 如微带滤波器、同轴滤波器、波导滤波器、声表面波(SAW)滤波器、陶瓷介质滤波器等。

    Such as microstrip filters , coaxial filters , waveguide filters , surface acoustic wave ( SAW ) filters , ceramic filters and other media .

  24. 片式多层三端陶瓷EMI滤波器的研究

    Three-terminal Multilayer Ceramic EMI Filter

  25. 小型化多层陶瓷微波滤波器结构设计与性能研究

    Design of Multilayer Ltcc Microwave Bandpass Filter and Performance Research

  26. 多层陶瓷微波滤波器的设计

    The Study and Designing of Multilayer Ceramic Microwave Filter

  27. 集成900MHz陶瓷介质滤波器的实现

    Realization of the integrated 900 MHz Ceramic Dielectric Filter

  28. 微波透热疗法中用增透介质层提高注入功率的研究多层陶瓷微波滤波器的设计

    Increasing the transmission power by use of an antireflecting dielectric layer in microwave hyperthermia The study and design of the multi - layer dielectric filter

  29. 多层陶瓷微波滤波器是一种基于低温陶瓷共烧技术的新型滤波器,具有小型化、轻便化和高频化特点,在通信、汽车、数字化家电等产品中已得到广泛应用。

    Small size , low weigh and high working frequency are the characteristics of multilayer ceramic microwave filter , and it is now being employed in communication and electric products application .

  30. 与含铅压电陶瓷多节滤波器相比,BNKLT无铅压电陶瓷滤波器的特性有待进一步改进。

    Compared with the lead-based multi-section filter , the out-band attenuation of the BNKLT lead-free filter needs to be further improved .