
  1. 陶瓷烧成炉的神经元PID控制

    PID Neuron Control for Ceramics Burn Stove

  2. TTT分析在陶瓷烧成质量控制中的研究和应用

    Research and Application of TTT Analysis on Quality Control of Ceramic Firing

  3. 研究结果表明,陶瓷烧成过程中NOx的生成主要受到升温速度、烧成温度和烟气流速的影响。

    The results show that the formation of NOx is mainly affected by the rising-rate of temperature , the maturing temperature and the flow velocity of kiln gas .

  4. 指出高温空气燃烧技术具有高效节能和极低NOx排放的双重优越性,在陶瓷烧成窑上应有好的应用前景。

    High temperature air combustion has excellent advantages of extra low NO x emission and high energy saving . It will have excellent applied prospects on ceramic kiln .

  5. W还能提高烧成体的强度。当■(W)=15%时,烧成体的三点弯曲强度为101MPa,为不含活性填料的陶瓷烧成体的1.5倍。

    W enhanced the three-point bending strength of the resulted ceramic with a strength of 101 MPa when the volume ration of 9 ( W ) was 15 % , which was 1 . 5 times of that of where W was excluded .

  6. 陶瓷烧成炉温度及气氛控制系统设计

    Design of Temperature and Atmosphere Control System for Ceramic Sintering Furnace

  7. 坯釉配方对陶瓷烧成及其质量的影响

    Effects of Batching of Body and Glaze on Ceramic Firing and Quality

  8. 间歇式陶瓷烧成窑炉操作制度的研究

    Study on the Operating System of the Ceramic Batch Furnaces

  9. 应用于陶瓷烧成的高温空气燃烧技术实验研究

    The Experiment Research of Heating Ceramic with High Temperature Air Combustion Technology

  10. 低压压敏陶瓷烧成过程中的温度因素研究

    A Study on Temperature Effect on Low-voltage Varistor Ceramics Sintering

  11. 还原条件对陶瓷烧成的影响

    Influence of Reducing Conditions on the Sintering of Ceramics

  12. 利用硅灰石降低日用陶瓷烧成温度的研究

    Using Wollastonite to Decrease Firing Temperature of Table Ware

  13. 复合矿化剂降低陶瓷烧成温度的试验研究

    Investigation on lowering ceramic firing temperature with compound mineralizers

  14. 陶瓷烧成温度曲线的数字模拟

    Numerical simulation 's research ceramic firing temperature curvilinear

  15. 对富氧燃烧技术在陶瓷烧成工艺中的应用展开了分析与评价。

    The application of oxygen combustion technology in ceramic crafts is analysed and evaluated .

  16. 富氧燃烧技术在陶瓷烧成工艺中的应用

    Application of Oxygen Combustion Technology in Ceramic Crafts

  17. 陶瓷烧成窑炉燃烧技术的发展

    The development of combustion technology on ceramic kiln

  18. 在分析当前我国陶瓷烧成窑炉现状的基础上,提出了间歇式窑炉的节能问题。

    Based on the analysis to the present situation of the ceram ic s furnaces in our country , this paper bring up the energy-saving problem of batch furnaces .

  19. 陶瓷烧成窑高效、节能、低污染燃烧技术的研究&高温预热空气互补型受控脉动燃烧技术

    The Study of High Efficiency , Energy-saving , Low Pollution Combustion Technique for Ceramic Kiln : The Technique of Mutual-complement , Controlled and Pulsated Combustion with High Temperature Preheated Air

  20. 为降低生产成本,人们应该充分利用本地劣质廉价原料,降低陶瓷烧成温度,缩短烧成时间。

    In order to lower the cost of porcelain production , we should make full use of native raw materials with low price and quality , reduce the temperature of burning and shorten the time of burning .

  21. 本文介绍的电窑具有控温精度高、全自动送料、烧成产品合格率高、设备运行长期可靠等特点,是一种性能优异的电子陶瓷烧成设备。

    The electric kiln described in the paper is characterized by high accuracy in temperature control , full automatic loading , high yield of finished products and reliable long time run . It is an extra performance firing equipment for electronic ceramic .

  22. 低阻高性能PTC热敏陶瓷合适烧成制度的探讨

    Probe into Suitable Sinter-System of Low-Resistance and High-Performance PTC Ceramics

  23. Fe-Si3N4结合SiC特种陶瓷的烧成过程

    Sintering Process of Special Ceramics Fe-Si_3N_4 Bonded SiC

  24. 谈中小型陶瓷企业烧成设备的改造

    Discussion on renovation of firing equipments in the Medium-Small-Scale Industrial Enterprises

  25. 陶瓷制品烧成周期的调节范围与节能

    The adjusting range of firing time for ceramic bodies and economizing on energy

  26. Nd:YAG透明陶瓷的烧成及其显微结构

    Preparation and microstructure of nd ∶ yag transparent ceramics

  27. 扩大陶瓷制品烧成范围的途径

    Ways of enlarging the range of ceramics firing

  28. 陶瓷窑炉烧成过程属于一个时变性、大滞后、多干扰的热工过程。

    The firing of ceramic kiln is a thermotechnical process with the variation of time , large time delay and much interference .

  29. 将陶瓷制品烧成中各个阶段的工艺要求作为遗传算法优化梭式窑升温速率的约束条件。

    The request of the ceramics products in various stages of the process is constraints of genetic algorithm to optimize shuttle kiln heating rate .

  30. 研制的高温发泡陶瓷具有烧成温度低、烧成时间短、烧成温度范围宽、易于生产控制的特点。

    The high temperature foamed ceramic produced has low firing temperature , short duration of firing , wide range of firing temperature and easily control production .