
  • 网络Robot Arm;robotic arm
  1. 介绍了神经网络动态建模方法,以非线性两关节机器人手臂为例,用两个并联的BP网络对其进行了辨识研究。

    A dynamic modelling of neural network is introduced . Taking two-knuckle robot arm as an example , this paper investigates the identification of the nonlinear system for robot arm by using two parallel backpropagation neural networks .

  2. 根据仿真结果优化了机器人手臂结构;分析了T轴和R轴电机按照不同速度曲线运动时机器人的振动情况,为轨迹规划提供依据。

    The current structure of the robot arm is optimized , which can be a reference for a next-generation robots ' processing . The vibration of the robot is analyzed when the motor of T-axis and R-axis moves under different motion curves .

  3. 基于Java的音乐机器人手臂控制系统设计

    Design of Controlling System of Musical Robot 's Arm Based on Java

  4. 基于SolidWorks和ANSYS的机器人手臂性能分析与优化设计

    Property analysis and structure optimization of robotic arm based on SolidWorks and ANSYS

  5. 与PD加前馈补偿控制相比,直接PD控制对机器人手臂动态模型误差及外界不确定性干扰具有更强的鲁棒性。

    But direct PD control has better robustness against modeling error and uncertain disturbance compared with PD control with feedforward compensation .

  6. 如今,艾幸格是旧金山RedwoodRobotics公司的负责人,公司正在研究低成本的机器人手臂,用于产品制造和其他一些应用领域。

    Now Mr. Edsinger heads a San Francisco-based company , Redwood Robotics , trying to develop low-cost robot arms for manufacturing and other applications .

  7. 检测系统利用机器人手臂夹持视觉传感器与光源,对汽车底盘横向摇臂的焊缝分段采集结构光图像和LED光图像,根据不同图像特征设计适应性强的图像处理算法进行计算、判别。

    The system uses a robot arm to hold the CCD and the light sources in order to acquire the structured light images and the LED images of the weld seams . Adaptive image processing algorithms are designed according to the different image features .

  8. 应用各齐次变换方程连乘的方法求出运动学方程,在此基础上求出机器人手臂运动控制的雅可比矩阵,用蒙特卡洛法代入MATLAB仿真程序分析了机器人假肢的有效工作空间。

    Forward kinematics equation was solved using the homogeneous transform equation . Then jacobian matrix about the action of the robot was solved , and the effective work space of the robot had been analyzed with the Monte Carlo law by Matlab emulation program .

  9. 并通过在机器人手臂关节控制系统设计中的应用,说明了该算法在减少代数Riccati方程的计算量和增加系统鲁棒性上具有明显的优点。

    This approach is applied to design a robot arm joint control system , with the result that the computational requirement for the algebraic Riccati equation is reduced , and the stability robustness of this system is also increased significantly .

  10. LeighHochberg:“看到她用机器人手臂够着并拿起咖啡杯,15年内第一次能自己喝咖啡,这是个不可思议的时刻。”

    LEIGH HOCHBERG : " To see her with that robotic arm reach out and pick up that cup of coffee and serve herself that coffee for the first time in nearly fifteen years , it was an incredible moment . "

  11. 利用Sarrus机构在机器人手臂中能够同时传递运动、动力和连接两相邻模块的特点,能够有效拓展机械臂的工作空间,增强其运动灵活性。

    As the Sarrus linkage is able to transfer motions and connect two adjacent modules , its application in robotic arms can widen their workspace and strengthen their flexibility .

  12. 首先采用D-H矩阵法建立了机器人手臂距离的代数表达式,然后用优化连续法直接求出代数表达式的全部极值点,从而得到了机器人手臂的最远距离与最近距离。

    Firstly , the objective function for calculating the distance of the manipulator is established by using D H matrix method . Then , optimization continuation method is used for finding all optimal solutions . Finally , the closest and the farthest distances of the robot hand are obtained .

  13. 以研华PCL-818L数据采集板作为实例,借助Windriver开发工具实现了Win2000下的定时中断技术,并成功地应用于柔性机器人手臂控制系统,表明了方法的有效性。

    This paper realized this technology with the Windriver tool by using the advantech ′ s PCL-818L data acquisition board as an illustrative instance . Successful application of this technology in the flexible robot manipulator control system demonstrates the validity of the technology .

  14. 最新实验的视频显示,CathyHutchinson使用机器人手臂来拿起一杯咖啡,她指示杯子移向嘴边,向前挪动并用吸管饮用。

    John Donoghue says the latest development using robotic arms is a major victory . A video of the latest experiment shows Cathy Hutchinson using the robotic arm to pick up a cup of coffee . She guides the cup toward her mouth , moves it forward and drinks through a straw .

  15. 基于动力学的机器人手臂上零部件安装位置优化

    Optimization Design of Robot Arm Component Assembly Positions Based on Dynamics

  16. 机器人手臂极限距离分析的代数方法

    An algebraic method for analysis of extreme distances of robot arm

  17. 机器人手臂新结构及其动力学和平衡问题的研究

    A New Robotic Arm Structure and Its Dynamic and Balancing Problem

  18. 多模型自适应控制在机器人手臂控制当中应用

    Application of multimodel adaptive control algorithm in robotic manipulator control

  19. 关节型机器人手臂臂长参数的一种优化方法

    An optimization method for determining the arm length of joint-robot

  20. 打印过程还使用了自动化机器人手臂。

    The printer uses an automated robotic arm in the printing process .

  21. 机器人手臂的运动具有典型的非线性动态耦合。

    Industrial robots are characterized by nonlinear couplings between the variablesof motion .

  22. 用优化连续法求机器人手臂的极限距离

    Determination of Extreme Distance of a Robot Hand Using Optimization Continuation Method

  23. 机器人手臂(机械手)再现轨迹最优综合

    Optimum synthesis of robot arm ( manipulator ) for described path generation

  24. 三自由度机器人手臂的运动学可视化求解研究

    Visible Solution Study of the Arm Kinematics Based on a 3-DOF Robot

  25. 一种工业机器人手臂快速碰撞检测算法

    A Fast Collision Detection Algorithm of Industrial Robot 's Arm

  26. 多关节柔性机器人手臂的振动分析和振动控制

    Vibration and Vibration Control of a Flexible Robot Arm with Multiple Joints

  27. 柔性变截面滑移式机器人手臂的动力学与控制

    Vibrations and Control in a Moving Flexible Robot Arm with Variable Sections

  28. 自动包装机机器人手臂系统仿真

    Modeling and Simulation of Two Degree-of-freedom Rigid Robot System for Automatic Packing Machine

  29. 一种新的机器人手臂控制方法

    ^ A New Method for the Robot Arm Control

  30. 受扰不确定机器人手臂的终结有界稳定控制

    A strategy for ultimate bounded control of robot arms with disturbances and uncertainties