
jī jià
  • rack;frame;framework;body frame
机架[jī jià]
  1. 由机架、主真空室、12支预抽管路、超高真空插板阀和ZDB-250型低温泵组成。

    It consists of a body frame , a main vacuum chamber , 12 branchs fore pumping vacuum pipes , an ultra high sluice valve and a ZDB-250 type cryogenic pump .

  2. KD3200型压砖机的主机架采用套筒拉杆预紧式框架结构,减少了机架的弹性变形,提高了整机刚度,节省了能量;

    A tube-and-rod pretightening frame construction is adopted in the mainframe , which reduces the elastic deformation of the body frame , increases the stiffness of the complete machine and saves the energy .

  3. 我紧张地把摄影机架在大腿上,但是它冰冷的外形并没能给我任何安慰。

    I cradled my video camera nervously on my lap , but its cold contours did nothing to comfort me .

  4. 巨型压机C型机架的结构分析与改进

    Structural analysis and improvement of C type frame of huge pressure machine

  5. C型机架校直压装液压机

    C-frame hydraulic straightening and mounting press

  6. PLC在三机架冷连轧机液压站中的应用

    The Application of PLC to the Hydraulic Station of Three Stand Cold Tandem Mill

  7. 利用ANSYS软件建立了剑杆织机机架的有限元模型。

    The FEM model of rapier loom frame is established with ANSYS software .

  8. 通过有限元分析ANSYS软件的动态分析计算,得出机架的动态指标。

    Through the ANSYS software for dynamic analysis of the calculated rack dynamic targets .

  9. 机架及夹具采用国外技术标准生产及CNC加工。

    The machine and tongs adopt the foreign technique standard production and CNC to process .

  10. 在轧钢机机架铸造工艺CAD中用专家系统拟定工艺方案的几点考虑与实现

    Considerations and Practice of Drawing up Technological Plan by Expert System in Casting Technological CAD of the Mill Housing

  11. MIMO系统辨识在多机架冷连轧过程中的应用研究

    Study of application of MIMO system identification to multi-stand cold rolling process

  12. 她目前在信息管理和信息服务器开发团队担任下一代InformationServicesDirector应用程序的客户机架构师。

    She currently works on the Information Management , Information Server development team as a client architect for the next generation Information Services Director application .

  13. 介绍了一种适用于中厚板双机架轧机负荷分配的优化方法,并采用VISUALBASIC6.0软件编制成应用程序。

    Introduced an optimized method suitable for loading distribution in medium plate two-stand mills , and compiled its program in Visual Basic software .

  14. PickerIQCT机架倾斜故障的分析及检修

    Examining and analyzing malfunctions in Picker IQ CT Gantry Titling

  15. 简述了基于3D实体单元的2CZ-21型甘蔗种植机机架设计有限元法。

    The finite element method of design of the vehicle frame of sugar cane planter based on 3D solid element is introduced .

  16. GCA-90A型SPECT机架驱动电路故障和电路改造

    Malfunction and circuit reform for gantry driving circuit of GCA-90A SPECT

  17. SomatomPlus全身CT机架冷却系统驱动电路维修和改进

    Repairing and Reform of the Drive Circuit of Cooling System of Somatom Plus CT

  18. 五机架冷连轧AGC模糊小脑模型学习控制

    Fuzzy CMAC Learning Control of Five Stand Tandem AGC System

  19. 冷连轧机末机架AGC控制方式分析

    Analysis of the AGC control models of the last stand of tandem cold mill

  20. 四机架六辊HC冷连轧机轧制模型分析

    The analysis of rolling models for 4 stand 6 high continuous cold rolling mill

  21. 针对五机架冷连轧机利用H∞状态反馈控制方法设计了其张力鲁棒控制器。

    A tension robust controller is designed by using state-feedback robust control method for the tension system between fourth and fifth stands of 2030 cold tandem rolling mill .

  22. 如果在reader的同一个机架上有一个副本,那么就读该副本。

    If there exists a replica on the same rack as the reader node , then that replica is preferred to satisfy the read request .

  23. 浅议汽车零配件电子目录EPC集成软件机架(及零件),铁道或有轨电车轨道机车或车辆用

    Discussion for auto parts EPC integration software frame ( and parts thereof ) for railway or tramway locomotives or rolling-stock

  24. 采用BP神经网络与数学模型相结合的方法对热带精轧机组机架间水冷区带钢热流密度进行预测,进而优化了机架间冷却的数学模型。

    The hot strip heat-flow density in interstand water cooling zones of finishing mill was predicted by mathematical model combined with BP neural network for optimization of the model of interstand cooling .

  25. 输送带的材质有:橡胶、橡塑、PVC、PU等多种材质,机架材质有:碳钢、不锈钢、铝型材。

    Conveyor belt material are : rubber , plastics , PVC , PU and other materials , frame materials are : carbon steel , stainless steel , aluminum .

  26. 除了Hadoop参数之外,还有一些会影响总体性能的系统参数,比如机架间带宽。

    Besides Hadoop parameters , there are also some system parameters , such as inter-rack bandwidth , which affects overall performance .

  27. 针对柳钢2800mm双机架中厚板轧机,自主设计开发了完整的LevelⅡ计算机控制系统。

    An entire Level ⅱ computer control system for 2 800 mm medium and heavy mill of LISCO was independently designed and developed .

  28. 对本钢四机架冷连轧机张力自动控制(ATC)系统进行了深入的研究。

    The automatic tension control ( ATC ) on 4 stand cold tandem mill in Benxi Iron and Steel Company is studied .

  29. 本文讨论了MIMO(多输入多输出)线性系统的辨识问题,针对钢铁工业中的多机架冷连轧机实际生产系统,利用实际系统辨识方法和计算机技术,对数学模型的建立问题进行了研究。

    In this paper , MIMO linear system identification has been discussed . Using system identification and computation the mathematical modelling for multi-stand cold rolling system is discussed also .

  30. 为了把I/O设备转移到新的机架上,IBMCE要断开所有适配器上的所有SAN和网络连接。

    The IBM CE was going to disconnect all of my SAN and network connections from all of my adapters in order to move the I / O drawers to the new frame .