
jī xiāng
  • chassis;case;crate
机箱[jī xiāng]
  1. 其二就是功能,目前的机箱一般都具备前置USB和前置音频插口。

    The second is the function that the current chassis generally have front USB and front audio jack .

  2. 在将某个机箱添加到FlexSystemManager的管理范围内之后,FlexSystemManager会请求使用默认内置帐户访问后台的硬件组件,该帐户会随着组件而变化。

    When a chassis is added to the Flex System Manager 's management scope , the Flex System Manager requests access to the hardware components in the background using default built-in accounts that can vary by components .

  3. 桥式起重机箱形主梁PSN曲线统计法

    Statistical method of P-S-N curves for box girders of overhead travelling crane

  4. ANSYS动力学仿真技术在航天计算机机箱结构设计中的应用

    Vibration Analysis of the Aerospace Rugged Computer Using ANSYS Dynamic Simulation Technique

  5. PC机箱三维设计

    3D Design of the PC Case

  6. PC机箱塑件设计

    Plastic components design of PC case

  7. 适用CAD/CAPP/CAM集成的船用柴油机箱体类零件特征造型研究

    Feature Modelling Research on Integrated CAD / CAPP / CAM System for Box Parts of Diesel Engines

  8. 船用柴油机箱体零件CAD/CAPP/CAM集成系统设计和开发

    Design and Development of The Integrated CAD / CAPP / CAM System for Box Parts of Marine Diesel Engines

  9. ANSYS集成于Pro/E环境下机载机箱随机振动分析研究

    Study of Random Vibration Analysis of Airborne Cabinet at the Platform of ANSYS Integrated into Pro / E Software

  10. 基于以太网和USB技术的CAMAC机箱控制器

    Design of CAMAC Crate Controller Based on Ethernet and USB Technology

  11. 本系统硬件系统主要包括计算机,机箱控制器(CCU:CrateControlUnit),以及其它电荷、时间测量插件。

    Some advice also has been listed for the later work . The hardware in this system includes computer , CCU ( crate control unit ), some electronic units which measure the Q and T.

  12. 带USB接口的CAMAC机箱控制器CCU-USB的设计

    Design of the CAMAC crate control unit with USB interface

  13. 基于PCI总线的CAMAC机箱控制卡的研制

    Study of CAMAC box control card based on PCI bus

  14. L2型串行机箱控制器

    Serial crate controller type L2

  15. EMP激励下带孔缝金属机箱的耦合特性研究

    Study of the Coupling Characteristic of Metallic Enclosures with Apertures Excited by EMP

  16. 放入机箱后,场的纵向分量(z分量)增大了,表明场的模式发生了变化,横电磁波场的特性变差。

    Portrait heft ( z heft ) accretion . Those indicate that the mode of field changed , characteristic of transverse electromagnetic wave become worse .

  17. 最后利用CFD和试验证明在电子设备冷却机箱的流量分配中。

    In the end , some CFD validation and experiments has been proved that the model is properly in electronic cooling manifold system .

  18. 贯通导线对屏蔽机箱内电路HEMP耦合电流的影响

    Effects to HEMP induced current in circuits inside the shielding box caused by penetrative wire

  19. NUM数控系统在采煤机箱体加工中的应用

    Application of NUM System in Cabinet Processing of Coal Winning Machine

  20. 目前,几乎所有的个人电脑都有一个金属机箱,不难看出,这个传统是20年前IBM公司首创并一直延续至今的。

    Look at almost any personal computer today and it 's not hard to see a lineage that dates back to that clunky box introduced by IBM20 years ago .

  21. USB总线价廉、高速、低功耗、即插即用,安装方便且避免了机箱内环境干扰。

    The bus of USB is inexpensive , high-speed , low-power , plug-and-play ( PnP ) , easy to install , and avoid electromagnetic interference of classis .

  22. Multibus机箱控制器LAM处理的高速化

    Speedup of LAM Processing in the Multibus Crate Controller

  23. TSF算法及其在机箱屏蔽效应分析中的应用

    TSF algorithm for analysis of the effect of a shielding box

  24. 基于ADINA的真空干燥机箱体结构有限元分析及改进

    Finite Element Analysis and Improvement for Box Structure of Vacuum Dryer Based on ADINA

  25. SCSI设备安装在机箱内,由机箱对其提供电源,散热和保护等功能。

    SCSI devices reside in enclosures can provide power , cooling , and protection for the devices as well .

  26. 基于TLM的机箱孔缝电磁屏蔽效能数值分析

    Numerical Analysis for Shielding Effectiveness of Computer Enclosure with Apertures Based on TLM

  27. 介绍了评估机箱屏蔽性能的基本测试方法和CGE产品的技术特点。

    The basic method for investigating shielding effectiveness of enclosures and technical features of CGE are introduced .

  28. 基于嵌入式微机的智能型CAMAC机箱控制器

    A intelligent CAMAC crate controller based on IPC

  29. ATCA之机箱管理及高可靠性设计与实现

    The Design and Realization of ATCA Shelf management and High reliability

  30. 由于USB声卡处于机箱外部避免了计算机机内部的干扰并且以16位的编解码处理使音质更加完美。

    Because of an external USB audio card and 16-bit codec processing which avoid the interference of the internal noise , The sound is much more perfect than the internal audio card .