
chánɡ ɡuī nèi cún
  • conventional memory
  1. 简述了微机DOS下的内存类型及使用原理,介绍了如何利用DOS功能优化内存,以及最大限度地使用常规内存的方法。

    The memory type used for DOS and its principles are related simply in this paper . Methods of memory optimization and methods using the conventional memory into full play are introduced too .

  2. 装入器不能获得所有的常规内存。

    Loader cannot get all the Conventional memory .

  3. 可以预先分配错误处理池(Error-handlingpools),以便程序在常规内存被耗尽时仍可以恢复。

    Error-handling pools can be preallocated so that your program can still recover if regular memory is exhausted .

  4. 通过CPU芯片的发展和MS&DOS版本的更新,历史地介绍了微机内存管理技术的发展.详细地说明了常规内存、扩充内存、扩展内存、富裕内存的基本原理,实现方法和使用技巧。

    From development of CPU core and prompting MS-DOS version , this paper introduces the technical development of microprocessor memory management and minutely explained the basic principle , practical method and using skill about conventional memory . expanded memory ( EMS ), extended memory ( XMS ), free memory .

  5. 安装程序没有足够的常规内存去检查计算机的硬盘。

    Setup does not have enough conventional memory to check your computer 's hard disks .

  6. +请上载使用常规内存的驱动程序或内存驻留程序,或减小该程序内存属性页中总常规内存的数值。

    + Unload drivers or memory-resident programs that use conventional memory , or decrease the value for Total Conventional Memory in the program 's Memory properties sheet .

  7. 通过对常规内存、扩充内存、扩展内存、影子内存、高速缓存及虚拟内存的应用分析,对微型计算机的内存技术作了较系统的分析和总结。

    By the applied analysis of conventional memory , expanded memory , extended memory , Rom shadow and cache , this thesis sums up the memory technology of PC systematically .

  8. 谷歌(Google)的人工智能部门在开发思维计算机方面取得一项突破,他们创造了一台结合“神经网络”计算系统与常规计算机内存的学习机器。

    Google 's artificial intelligence arm has made a breakthrough in the development of thinking computers by creating a learning machine that combines a " neural network " computing system with conventional computer memory .

  9. 一种常规用途的内存池(也在RAM区域),其中保存了Java对象。

    This is a general-purpose pool of memory ( also in the RAM area ) where all Java objects live .