
  • 网络ems
  1. 本文以中低速常导磁悬浮列车悬浮斩波器为研究对象,重点研究了传统的两象限H桥、三电平和零转换软开关三种不同类型的悬浮斩波器。

    This paper mainly studies on three different-type maglev choppers : traditional two-quadrant H-bridge maglev chopper , tri-level maglev chopper and zero transition soft-switching maglev chopper , that is basic on the study object of low and middle speed EMS maglev .

  2. 常导磁悬浮车辆支墩支承结构设计探讨

    Exploration on Pier Bearing Structure Design of Routine Conductive Maglev Train

  3. 常导磁悬浮铁路磁轨关系研究

    Studies on the Magnet / Rail Relationship of Electromagnetic Suspension Transport System

  4. 常导磁悬浮车悬浮电磁铁的电磁场分析

    Electromagnetic field analysis on suspension magnet of EMS maglev vehicle

  5. 本文对常导磁悬浮车辆支墩结构的设计理论进行了探讨。

    The following paper describes the design theory of routine conductive maglev train pier bearing structure .

  6. 该文从常导磁悬浮车辆转向架在轨道不平顺激扰下的振动分析入手,分析了悬浮电磁铁悬浮气隙的变化特征。

    Analyzing from the vibration of EMS vehicle bogie exited by track irregularity , this paper analyzed the changing characteristic of suspension air gap of suspension electromagnetic iron .

  7. 研究结论:常导磁悬浮车辆支承墩的设计理论及结构设计方法,经工程实验及四年多的运营实践,证明设计合理、结构安全可靠,满足悬浮运行的要求,具有一定的推广价值。

    Research conclusions : The theory and structure design method is reasonable and credible by project experiments and function practices for four years , which can run suspended and be popularized greatly .

  8. 常导高速磁悬浮列车采用长定子直线同步电机驱动,依靠电磁场进行悬浮和推进。

    The research achievements of the electromagnetic fields of a high speed normal magnetic levitation vehicle experimental system are reported in this paper .

  9. 常导高速磁悬浮列车电磁场的分析与测量常导磁悬浮车辆支墩支承结构设计探讨

    Electromagnetic Field Analysis and Measurement of the High Speed Normal Magnetic Levitation Vehicle System Exploration on Pier Bearing Structure Design of Routine Conductive Maglev Train

  10. 基于工控机的常导中低速磁悬浮列车机械制动控制系统

    Mechanical Brake System in EMS Middle-low Speed Maglev Train Based on Industrial Computer

  11. 常导中低速磁悬浮列车受流方式选择及受流器结构设计

    Current collection modes choice and collector structure design of the mid - / low-speed EMS maglev train

  12. 高速磁浮列车悬浮间隙传感器的研究高温超导和常导的混合磁悬浮轴承系统机理研究

    Research on Levitation Gap Sensor for High Speed Maglev Train Study on mixed magnetic suspension bearing system based on high-temperature superconductor and normal conductor

  13. 高温超导和常导的混合磁悬浮轴承系统机理研究飞轮储能器的新型高温超导悬浮轴承研究

    Study on mixed magnetic suspension bearing system based on high-temperature superconductor and normal conductor Research on the new high temperature superconducting magnetic bearings for flywheel energy storage device

  14. 试验型铰接式高速客车转向架非线性动态曲线通过性能的计算分析常导吸引式低速磁悬浮车辆动态曲线通过性能研究

    Nonlinear Curving Simulation for High Speed Articulated Train Study on dynamic performance of the Low-speed EMS maglev car in curve negotiation

  15. 高温超导磁悬浮车运行速度检测仪的研制常导吸引式低速磁悬浮车辆动态曲线通过性能研究

    The Implementation of a Measuring Instrument for Velocity of High Temperature Superconducting Maglev Vehicle ; Study on dynamic performance of the Low-speed EMS maglev car in curve negotiation