
  1. 结果表明:SWAN模型较好地模拟了渤海湾在定常风和非定常风作用下风浪成长和传播过程。

    It was suggested that the SWAN model could well simulate the development and propagation of steady and unsteady wind-induced waves .

  2. 另外,这一部分还分别研究了羽状流扩散与混合过程对河流径流量、底部纵向坡度、科氏力、定常风和M2分潮的响应。

    Studies are also made of the responses of the dispersal and mixing processes to the river discharge , the longitudinal bottom slope , the Coriolis force , steady winds , and the M2 tidal constituent .

  3. 本文研究了Mariner型船舶在定常风作用下的运动性能,将模糊控制理论应用于该船艏向及位置的自适应控制。

    A ship model of mariner is used for the study of its steering characteristics under uniform wind , and the fuzzy control method is applied for the adaptive control of its heading and position .

  4. 定常风作用下船舶运动模糊控制的初步研究

    A Primary Study on Ship Moving Fuzzy Control under Uniform Wind

  5. 船舶在非定常风中的舵力保向

    Keeping Course by Rudder Force When Ship Sailing in Confused Wind

  6. 高层建筑三维非定常风场并行计算的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of 3-D Unsteady Wind Field Around High-rise Building on Parallel Computation

  7. 定常风下舵力保向舵角的计算

    Calculation of Rudder Angles for Keeping Course by Rudder Force in Steady Wind

  8. 线性倾斜陆架上的定常风海流

    Steady wind-driven sea current on linear sloping continental shelf

  9. 风帆船模操纵实验定常风模拟控制系统

    Sailship Model Maneuvering Test and Steady Wind Simulation

  10. 风模型为2维拟定常风。

    I Am the Wind The 2 D quasi steady wind model was established .

  11. 并以太湖为例,对模型作了检验,分析了均匀、定常风场持续作用下太湖风生流场的形态特征。

    Moreover it is applied to Taihu Lake , and the morphological characteristic of wind driven current is discussed .

  12. 本学位论文针对非定常风场中的跃移JxL沙流开展了野外观测与数值模拟方面的研究。

    This dissertation focuses on the study of field observation and numerical simulation of unsteady sand saltation in nonstationary wind field .

  13. 降水量变化幅度较大,平均增加37.0%,雨日增加21.0%,蒸发量增加29.1%:但空气相对湿度和常风风速变化不大。

    The precipitation changed remarkably , increasing by 37.0 % ; the average rain days increased by 21.0 % ; the evaporation by 29.1 % .

  14. 建立基于非定常风荷载的大跨屋盖结构风致动力响应的试验和分析方法。

    A systematic method is developed for test and analysis of the non-steady wind pressure distributions in wind tunnel test of wind-induced dynamic responses of large-span roof structures .

  15. 本文根据船舶操纵运动方程,利用计算机数值求解了在定常风中斜航时用舵力保向的极限风速。

    Based on the ship maneuvering motion equation , computer calculations are carried out to determine the limited wind speed allowable for course keeping with the rudder force , given a steady wind condition .

  16. 以往的数值模拟多是在定常风情况下进行的,但是,近地层大气的运动实质上是一种速度的大小和方向都呈随机变化的风。

    Previous studies of flow simulation in wind engineering treats the wind as a steady flow . However , air movement near the earth surface is actually the kind of wind whose magnitude and direction change randomly .

  17. 本文在文献[5]给出的定常风中舵力保向舵角近似估算法的基础上,考虑风对船速的影响,提出了一种舵力保向舵角的新方法。

    Based on the approximate calculation of rudder angles for keeping course by rudder force in steady wind given in paper [ 5 ] , and considering the effect of wind on ship speed , a new method of calculating rudder angles for keeping course by rudder force is proposed .

  18. 本文还考虑了上界风速非定常对风廓线的影响。

    The effects of the nonstationary process to the wind profiles are also discussed .

  19. 本文推导了相关的导航控制律和制导指令计算方法,并且进行了计算机仿真验证和部分的实际飞行试验,此外,还分析了常值风及突风干扰时的导航效果。

    This paper derives the related control law of navigation and guidance . In addition , the function of navigation under the gust disturbance is analyzed .

  20. 本文从声学波动方程出发,对无风和有常速风情况下的波动方程进行了求解,得到了运动目标声信号的延迟关系;

    Starting from the wave equation of acoustics , in the case of wind with constant speed or no wind , the equation is solved and the time delay is found .

  21. 这堵墙挡着常刮的风,起到一些保护作用。

    The wall gives some protection from the prevailing wind .

  22. 沙尘在实际脉动或阵风风场中的输运规律不同于定常来流风场下的输运规律。

    Dust and sand transport law shows differences between the actual fluctuating or gust wind field and steady wind flow .

  23. 利用改进的边界层模式,对平坦地形条件下的非定常边界层风温场进行了数值模拟。

    Using the improved boundary layer model , under horizontal homogeneous geographical conditions , the nonconstant wind and temperature fields have been simulated numerically .

  24. 工程中常采用的风激振动的振型分解法与屋盖的振型特性密切相关。

    The mode superposition method that was often used in the analysis of wind induced vibration in engineering had great relevance to the mode characteristics of roofs .

  25. 常有恶风抽打嫩稚的花蕾,四季轮回难留时光的过客;酷暑的骄阳往往目光如电,金色的面庞时时雾障云遮;

    Thou art more lovely and more temperate : Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May , And summer 's lease hath all to short a date : Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines , And often is his gold complexion dimmed ;

  26. 在水利水电工程石方开挖施工中,常遇到施工用风优化配置问题。

    In exploding rock of hydraulic engineering construction , there is often a problem on optimizing disposition of wind-force for construction .

  27. 与风压通风系统相比,热压通风系统更能适应常变的外部风环境。

    Comparing with wind pressure ventilation system , thermal pressure ventilation system can adapt more daily changes of the outside wind environment .

  28. 常带有大雨和风,速度每小时海里(级)的剧烈的热带旋风。

    A severe tropical cyclone usually with heavy rains and winds moving a 73-136 knots ( 12 on the Beaufort scale ) .

  29. 对于响应以第1振型为主的高耸结构等结构,常以先求风振系数再求各类风响应较为方便。

    It is convenient to express the wind excited vibration of structures in term of gust response factor for tower structures and other tall structures taking only into consideration of first vibration mode .

  30. 结论:研究结果表明:疏风解痉法治疗咳嗽变异型哮喘具有确切的临床疗效,其方法优于常法如疏风宣肺止咳法。

    Conclusion : The efficacy results showed that the expending exterior wind and dispersing lungs treatment of cough variant asthma is the exact clinical efficacy , this method is superior to other common methods .