
  1. 常小兵表示,到2012年,无线用户数将增长至9亿,其中20%的用户预计将使用3g。

    Mr Chang said the number of wireless users would grow to 900m by 2012 , with 20 per cent of them expected to use 3G .

  2. 联通董事长兼首席执行官常小兵表示,一旦与网通的合并在10月份如期完成,该公司就将获发3g牌照。

    Chang Xiaobing , chairman and chief executive of Unicom , said the company would get a 3G licence once the merger was completed , scheduled in October .

  3. iPhone手机将帮助我们改变客户群结构,提高每用户平均收入(ARPU),常小兵说。

    IPhones will help us to change the structure of our customer base and improve [ average revenue per user ] , said Mr Chang .

  4. 新公司筹备组组长常小兵说,以中国联合网络通信有限公司的挂牌成立为标志,中国网通、中国联通的历史将翻开新的一页。

    Chang Xiaobing , the head of preparatory group of the new company , noted that the establishment of China Unicom Limited will create a new history for China Unicom and China Netcom .