- 网络Marjorie Yang

Next week , Yang is hosting a conference with academics and other business leaders to launch an initiative called The Integral .
Next week , Yang is hosting a conference with academics and other business leaders to launch an initiative called " The Integral . "
First meet Yang 's daughter - 32-year-old Dee Poon , whose father is Harvey Nichols retail tycoon Dickson Poon .
When her mother recently asked Poon if she had read Sheryl Sandberg 's book Lean In , Dee confessed she hadn 't finished it - she 'd already grown up in that life .
The brand is called PYE , a combo of symbols reflecting Marjorie 's passion for math , profits , and fashion .
In discussions of China 's mounting pollution and waste problems , Yang is emerging as a power player .
The complex would stand as a showcase for how Chinese companies can pursue sustainable economic development , she said .
In its textile production , she wants a focus on natural , plant-based dyes and zero discharge into the surrounding waters .
Now , though , this mother-daughter focus on sustainability - which they say dates back to Yang 's industrialist grandfather - is about to ramp up beyond Esquel .
We were sponsored by Margie Yang and The Esquel Group , a leading garment and textile manufacturer that is headquartered in Hong Kong and has a large presence in Foshan .
Yang has plans to remodel a factory in the picturesque city of Guilian ( a town that brings to mind classic Chinese landscape paintings , as Bill Clinton once noted . ) .
Yang 's effort comes at a time when China is moving toward urbanizing 300 million people in the next 30 years . Half of the buildings needed to house that population have yet to be built ( one estimate has China building 20000 to 50000 new skyscrapers ) - with 220 cities breaking the one-million-population mark .