
wǔ xīnɡ jí
  • five-star
  1. 这个城市的五星级宾馆太多了。

    The city has a superfluity of five-star hotels .

  2. 他们喜欢五星级的宾馆和毕恭毕敬的接待。

    They like five-star hotels and deferential treatment .

  3. 他已经在那个五星级饭店预订了一个大包间。

    He has reserved a big private room in that five-star hotel .

  4. 事实上,消费者对级别最低的一星级机构给出了相比于五星级杌构更高的满意度。

    As a matter of fact , consumers expressed higher satisfaction with the one-star facilities , the lowest rated , than with the five-star ones .

  5. 这是一部经典的犯罪小说,获得超过13000个Goodreads五星级评分:主人公菲力普·马洛卷入到退伍军人妻子谋杀案的谜团中,当这名退伍军人失踪时,这一事件升温了。

    A classic crime novel with over 13000 five-star Goodreads ratings : PI Philip Marlowe is drawn into the mystery of a war veteran ’ s murdered wife , which heats up when the veteran himself disappears .

  6. 据北京市旅游发展委员会(BeijingTourismAdministration)的统计,截至2014年年底,北京有68家五星级酒店和130家四星级酒店。

    There were 68 five-star hotels and a 130 four-star hotels in Beijing at the end of 2014 , according to the Beijing Tourism Administration .

  7. 这座五星级酒店位于哥伦布环岛(ColumbusCircle)的时代华纳中心(TimeWarnerCenter),酒吧非常典雅,也非常安静。

    The five star hotel , is in the Time Warner Center on Columbus Circle , and the bar is quiet and sophisticated .

  8. 去年夏天,阳光在红场(RedSquare)附近慢慢褪成金色,奥利弗•斯通(OliverStone)穿过莫斯科一家五星级酒店的大堂酒吧。

    The summer light was fading to gold near Red Square as Oliver Stone maneuvered through the lobby bar of a five-star Moscow hotel last year .

  9. 就连楼层的编号方式也别出心裁,强化了开发商RelatedCompanies提出的五星级居住环境的营销概念。

    Even the numbering of the floors was a bit of upwardly mobile sleight of hand , calibrated to enhance the perception of what the developer , the Related Companies , marketed as Five Star Living .

  10. 为了接受这次采访,史泰龙穿得无可挑剔,走进同样无可挑剔的五星级半岛酒店(PeninsulaHotel)。和往常一样,他的脸看起来像是用花岗岩雕刻出来的。

    For this interview Mr. Stallone , sartorially impeccable , his face looking as hewn from granite as ever , went to the five-star Peninsula Hotel .

  11. 介绍了即将实施的欧洲UVA保护法,并对比了Boots五星级体系各自的优势。

    European UVA protection method is introduced and compared each advantage with the Boots five star system .

  12. 艾图品牌设计机构专注于白金五星级、五星级酒店以及国际精品酒店VI设计,品牌推广。

    Aitooad brand design organization chart focus on : five-star hotels and platinum five-star hotel VI international brand image design and brand promotion .

  13. 但根据官方新闻通讯社新华社(Xinhua)的报道,奥运会期间,北京五星级酒店的入住率达到81%。

    But according to Xinhua , the official news agency , five-star occupancy in Beijing reached 81 per cent during the Games .

  14. rfhotels称,作为一个一般规则,它只雇用具有五星级酒店丰富工作经验、拥有强大关系网的门房。

    RF hotels says that , as a general rule , it only employs concierges with extensive experience in the five-star hotel sector who have exceptionally strong contacts .

  15. 获得国外网站五星级评价的CSS所见即所得编辑器,透过这套软件您可以编辑出更好更完整的CSS。

    Evaluation of access to foreign websites star CSS WYSIWYG editor , you can edit the software through a better and more complete CSS .

  16. 尽管如此,马克南开始在伦敦五星级酒店格罗纳夫大酒店(GrosvenorHouseHotel)的ChezNico餐厅厨房干兼职。

    Despite this , McKenna started to work part-time in the kitchen at Chez Nico restaurant in the five-star Grosvenor House hotel in London .

  17. 这个五星级加列里亚饭店(Galleria)和零售中心计划今年年底开业。

    The five-star Galleria hotel and retail center is scheduled to open late this year .

  18. JonyIve遇到的一个麻烦是为乔布斯在伦敦找一家五星级精品酒店。

    Jony Ive went to the trouble of finding a boutique , 5-star hotel room for Jobs to stay at in London .

  19. 位于上海最繁华街道南京西路上的五星级酒店——锦沧文华大酒店(JCMandarinHotel)表示,区政府要求其加入午餐工程,酒店方面本着服务社区的精神也愿意这么做。

    The five-star JC Mandarin Hotel , on Nanjing West Road , Shanghai 's ritziest street , says the government asked it to become involved , and it was happy to do so - in the spirit of community service .

  20. 意大利和大部分国家一样,酒店等级最高只有五星级。新的七星级将由一家名为“SGS”的私人认证公司发出和监管。

    Like most countries , Italy gives hotels only up to5 stars , and Milan 's top tag will be issued and controlled by a private certification company called SGS .

  21. 其中一个度假村是五星级的蜃景喜来登度假酒店(SheratonMirage)。这家酒店曾以其巨大的游泳池、高尔夫球场、船坞和迷你购物中心帮助道格拉斯港在1987年荣登上旅游地图。

    One property the five-star Sheraton Mirage helped put Port Douglas on the tourist map in 1987 with its giant swimming pool , golf course , marina and mini shopping mall .

  22. 5月8日,147辆巴士带着客人从四或五星级酒店前往尼斯海滨大道,用人组成TIENS'DREAMISNICEINTHECOTED'AZUR(天狮梦想尼斯绽放),打破最长人体组词世界纪录。

    On Friday 147 buses took the group from their four or five-star hotels to the Promenade des Anglais in Nice , where they formed the words Tiens ' dream is Nice in the Cote d'Azur , in a record-breaking longest human-made phrase .

  23. 在此基础上运用SWOT模型结合杭州西溪天堂喜来登五星级酒店AV系统工程现实情况对其风险因素进行了分析,对当前酒店AV系统工程建设中所面临的风险因素进行了更深层次的实证探究。

    On this basis , SWOT model in combination with the reality of Sheraton Hangzhou Wetland Park Resort AV System is used to analyze risk factors , and an empirical study is conducted on risk factors confronting current hotel AV system engineering constructions .

  24. FIFA高层聚集在环境优雅且能看到阿尔卑斯山和苏黎世湖的五星级酒店BaurauLac召开年会时,十多名瑞士便衣执法人员也出其不意地抵达酒店。

    As leaders of FIFA gathered for their annual meeting , more than a dozen plainclothes Swiss law enforcement officials arrived unannounced at the Baur au Lac hotel , an elegant five-star property with views of the Alps and Lake Zurich .

  25. 从技术上来讲一座豪华的五星级酒店将巍然耸立于城中,AbrajKudai酒店规模如此之大,堪称一座垂直型城邦国,而且城中的每个居民保证都是百万富翁。

    Technically a luxury , five-star hotel that will loom over the holy city , the Abraj Kudai is so big that it more resembles a vertical city-state , where every citizen will be a guaranteed millionaire .

  26. 周六这天,他们搭乘法国高速TVG列车到里维埃拉,到坎城和摩纳哥定下的79家五星级酒店的4760间套房休息,又在当天上午专为他们开放的老佛爷百货购物。

    On Saturday , the visitors jumped aboard France 's high-speed TGV trains and headed to the French Riviera to relax in one of the 4760 rooms reserved at 79 hotels in Cannes and Monaco . They spent the morning shopping at the Galeries Lafayette , which had been opened exclusively for Tien employees .

  27. 公厕评定将从一星级一直到五星级。

    Public toilets will be rated from one to five stars .

  28. 熟练掌握五星级酒店礼宾部工作流程和标准。

    Well know concierge working procedure and standard in5 star hotel .

  29. 这是一家五星级的大酒店,有很多经过培训的侍者。

    This is a five-star hotel which has many trained attendants .

  30. 在这座岛的中央有一家五星级宾馆。

    In the middle of the island lies a five-star hotel .