
  • 网络five awareness
  1. 在大学理念转型的同时,我国高校教师的基本素质应该强化五种意识:世界意识、创新意识、通才意识、竞争意识、终身学习意识。

    Under such circumstances , higher school teachers should increase the following five awareness : sense of the world , sense of innovation , sense of competence , sense of competition , and sense of non-stop learning .

  2. 马克思主义哲学发展中的五种意识批判

    Five kinds of conscious critique in the developing of Marxist philosophy

  3. 透析医疗纠纷,提高五种意识

    Analyse the Medical Dispute , Improve Five Kinds of Consciousness

  4. 增强五种意识努力做好离退休工作

    Strengthen Five Ideology , Make Every Effort to do Better Retire Work

  5. 第三、有五种意识和能力。

    The third , they have five kinds of consciousnesses and abilities .

  6. 图书馆发展要注重五种意识

    A discussion on the five consciousnesses in the development of the library cause

  7. 思想政治工作必须树立五种意识

    Ideological and Political Work must Have Five Ideas

  8. 贯彻十六大精神档案部门要强化五种意识

    Archival Departments Should Strengthen Five Kinds of Consciousness for Study of 16th Party Congress

  9. 论市场经济条件下图书选题策划的五种意识

    Five Kinds of Consciousness for Subject Selection Planners of Book Writing Under Market Economy

  10. 西部大开发要防止的五种意识

    Preventing Five Ideas to Realize Western Development

  11. 强化五种意识开创高校思想政治工作新局面

    Strengthening the " five kinds of consciousness " to Create a new Situation of Moral Education in Universities

  12. 同时还要注意在工作中不断强化五种意识。

    At the same time , we still pay attention to strengthening five kinds of consciousness in work .

  13. 主题式教学设计则是基于强化这五种意识而构想的。

    To strengthen these five consciousnesses , it is necessary to adopt the thematic instruction design in Mathematics teaching .

  14. 五种意识是:主体意识、发展意识、问题意识、创新意识、合作意识。五种能力是:同化与顺应能力、经验归纳与演绎推理能力、理解或解释能力、反思能力和理性直觉。

    The five kinds 6f consciousness are : the consciousness of subject , of development , of problem , of creation and of cooperation .

  15. 因此,必须强化五种意识,即时代意识、机遇意识、中心意识、人本意识、教育质量多元化意识。

    Moreover , they should strengthen five consciousnesses , namely , time consciousness , opportunity consciousness , center consciousness , humanism consciousness and consciousness of multiple educational quality .

  16. 本文针对这些存在的问题,提出以下解决问题的建议:1、提高领导干部直面网络监督的能力,树立“五种”意识;

    In this paper , these problems , the following suggestions to solve the problem : 1 , to improve supervision of leading cadres to face the capacity of the network , establish a " five " consciousness ;