
  • 网络Special Test Equipment;STE;ScoE
  1. 专用测试设备计量确认技术与管理

    Technology and Management of the Metrology Confirmation for Special Test Equipment

  2. 电子专用测试设备测量不确定度来源分析

    Analysis of Sources of Uncertainty in Measurement for the Electronic Special Test Equipment

  3. 基于C语言的51系列单片机专用测试设备校准接口设计

    Calibration Interface Design of 51 Series SCM for the Special Testing Equipment Based on Language C

  4. 专用测试设备及JTAG接口等主流SoC验证手段不便于SoC在系统联调时的验证。

    Using definite purpose test equipment and JTAG interface ect which are main SoC verification means were deficiency when SoC in system couplet verification .

  5. 该系统在现场条件下可对多种不同型号的ATE、专用测试设备进行自动化综合计量校准,提高了计量保障效率和质量。

    The system can perform automatic synthesis calibration of much more types of ATE and Special Purpose Test Equipment . Servicing efficiency and quality of measurement support is improved .

  6. CTS-RW铁路数字信号电缆自动测试系统是对铁路数字信号电缆的电气性能参数进行自动测试的高精度专用测试设备。

    CTS-RW is a high precision automatic testing device specially designed for measuring electric performance of railway digital signaling cable .

  7. 谈专用测试设备校准规范编写坐标测量机的溯源与校准规范

    Discussion of Drafting the Calibration Specification for Special Measuring Equipment

  8. 专用测试设备有效性的计算与评价

    Calculation and Evaluation of the Availability for Special Test System

  9. 专用测试设备校准技术方案

    The Project of Calibration Technology for Special Test Facilities

  10. 专用测试设备电气校准接口设计

    Design of the Special Equipment Electric Calibration Interface

  11. 航空专用测试设备可计量性设计

    Measurability Design on Special Aviation Test Equipment

  12. 专用测试设备校准探讨

    Research of Calibration for Special Testing Equipment

  13. 基于虚拟仪器技术的鱼雷专用测试设备自动计量系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Automatic Measuring System for Special Torpedo Test Equipment Based on Virtual Instrument Technology

  14. 编写专用测试设备校准规范是一项非常重要的工作,它是计量保证的基本要求。

    Drafting the calibration specification of special measuring equipment is a very important object , it is the basic requirement for metrological assurance .

  15. 由于目前还没有用于测量发动机转动惯量的专用测试设备,故采用测功机对发动机进行转动惯量的测量则是一个新的尝试。

    Owing to no special equipment being available at present , it is an attempt to measure the value of engine rotational inertia on a dynamometer directively .

  16. 型拉力试验机是为电业系统及相关企业单位开发的专用测试设备。

    The pulling force test machine of Model YSJ500-D is special-purpose test equipment that has been developed for the business system of electric power and the relevant enterprise .

  17. 该系统是对空空导弹进行空中目标机截获跟踪试验时使用的飞行试验参数专用测试设备,用于实时显示载机、目标机的速度、高度、位置、轨迹、和相对运动参数。

    The system is a dedicated measuring equipment of flight test parameters for missile target interception . It can present the real-time data of speed , height , position , track and relative motion parameters of the missile and target .

  18. 然而,传统的电路板测试系统往往是针对单一电路板的专用测试设备,存在很多不足,为了满足不同电路板的自动测试需求,迫切需要一种通用的测试系统。

    However , most of the traditional circuit board test system is special test equipment , which is designed for single circuit board . In order to meet the automatic testing demand of different circuit boards , a universal test system is urgently needed .

  19. 专用电子测试设备系统校准方法研究

    Research on System Calibration Method of Special Electronic Testing Equipment

  20. 要检测所设计的突发式光收发模块的性能,就需要一套专用的测试设备或系统。

    In order to test the performances of the designed burst-mode optical transceiver modules , special testing devices or systems are necessary .

  21. 并非所有测试都将在正常工作时间中进行,因此要预先为测试时间甚至专用的测试设备做好计划和预算。

    Not all testing will be done during normal work hours , so plan and budget ahead for testing time and even dedicated testing equipment .

  22. 目前平显火控设备的测试一般只能在内场完成,而且每种设备都要配备专用的测试设备,通用性较差。

    The test of HUD fire-control equipment only can be finished infield at the present time and each equipment must match a special test instrument .

  23. 型综合测试仪是斯特林制冷机和斯特林控制器的专用测试、试验设备,是控制器的上位机。

    The STL_A integrated testing instrument is the special instrument used in the test and the experiments of the stirling cryocooler and its controller . It 's also an upper instrument of the controller .

  24. 本设计实现了与各种通用、专用试验与测试设备信息共享的目标,提高了信息传递的高效性、快速性和可靠性。

    This design achieves the goal of information sharing with a variety of general , special test and test equipment . At the same time , it improves the efficiency , rapidity and reliability of information transmission .