
  • 网络Monograph review
  1. 轻质烃类转化利用的新机遇和技术进展&1993年NPRA年会专题综述

    The favorable circumstances and technical progresses of transforming utilization of light hydrocarbons ── A special topic summary on ' 93 NPRA Annual Meeting

  2. 泥沙及河流动力学研究专题论文综述

    A Summary of Papers on River Dynamics and Sedimentation

  3. 云南省语言学研究精英论坛艺术语言专题研讨会综述

    An outline of artistic language special topic seminar on linguist forum of Yunnan province

  4. 近十年我国微量元素饲料添加剂专题文献综述

    Review on Special Topic Documentation of Trace Element Feed Additive in Recent 10 Years

  5. 地方建筑的发展&国际建协第20届大会专题报告综述

    DEVELOPMENT OF LOCAL ARCHITECTURE ── Summarization of the keynote reports in the 20th UIA Congress

  6. 减少工程投资缩短工期的大坝设计和施工技术&第22届国际大坝会议第84专题内容综述

    Introduction of Question 84 of the 22nd Congress of ICOLD & Technical solutions to reduce time and costs design and construction

  7. 新闻专题自动综述是多文档自动文摘的一种应用形式,它可以帮助人们快速了解某个新闻事件的概貌。

    News automatic summarization is an application of multi-document summarization , which can help us to grasp the news ' general quickly .

  8. 联合国国际教育规划研究所教育伦理和教育腐败专题研究综述浅议当代青年学生的消费伦理教育

    Summaries of IIEP 's Efforts on " Ethnical and Corruption in Education " Project Study on Consumer Education of Contemporary Chinese Students

  9. 本文提出了一种基于名实体的面向新闻专题的自动综述方法。

    A method of news automatic summarization based on named entity is proposed in this article .

  10. 本文是根据南水北调西线工程超前期工作任务的需要,围绕国内外长隧洞工程实例的修建概况、特点及遇到的复杂地质问题进行的专题情报调研综述。

    A review of information investigation on long tunnel engineering , its construction work , characteristics and the geological problems encountered both abroad and at home is given .

  11. 中美证据开示理论与实务专题研讨会会议综述当前刑事证据开示中存在的问题及对策

    Comprehensive Review on the Sino-American Seminar on Theories And Practices of the Disclosure of Evidence System Problems and Their Solutions in the Current System of Disclosure of Evidence in Criminal Cases

  12. 黑龙江省民族研究学会2004年年会暨专题学术研讨会综述

    Thought in the Process of the Full Construction of Well-off Society of National Minorities & Summarization on the seminar about the full construction of well-off society of national minorities in the annual meeting of HeiLongjiang National Research Academy in 2004

  13. 专题地图的编制综述

    The Summary of Compilation of Maps on Special Subjects

  14. 本刊采用临床论著、专题、讲座、综述、进展、经验交流、临床病理讨论、疑难病例析评、短篇报道、案例报道等形式,报道国内外最新学术动态。

    It also reports the significant progress made in clinical research on bone tumors and diseases at home and abroad , therefore promoting communication among doctors .