
  • 网络Private line service;E-Line;PLS;IPLC;DPLC;VLL
  1. 打造高品质的IP专线业务

    Creating High - quality IP Leased line

  2. 用MSTP技术发展数据大客户专线业务接入,不但具有灵活、可靠的特性,还可以实现多个大客户共享网络资源,并简化运维管理,是目前各种接人技术方案中最有性价比优势的解决方案。

    MSTP has such characteristics as flexibility and reliability , and it can realize the share of network resources between various large volume customers and simplification of maintenance and management ;

  3. 对于这样一群特殊用户,作为电信提供商需要组建一个统一的高质量的特殊VIP服务中心:国际专线业务客户服务与快速响应中心,以满足对客户线路质量和服务的保证。

    For such a group of special users , as telecom providers need to build a unified , high-quality special VIP service center : international business line customer service and quick response centers to meet the customer line quality and service guarantee .

  4. 客户化成为市场竞争的重要手段,也有越来越多的大型跨国企业开始尝试使用安全性和效率更高的IPLC、FRAME-RELAY、MPLS-VPN等租用专线业务。

    Customization as an important means of market competition , there are an increasing number of large multinational corporations began to try to use safe and efficient IPLC FRAME-RELAY MPLS-VPN leased line business .

  5. 宽带专线业务的实现

    Implemented of Broadband Private Service

  6. 定价方面,对于差异化的企业专线业务,定价采取高价高品质战略;

    The pricing strategy for the enterprise market was set to be high price with high value service .

  7. 介绍了宽带专线业务的专线接入和专线互联方式,以及华为公司宽带专线业务解决方案。

    It introduces line access and line interconnecting methods of broadband line services as well as broadband line service solutions of Huawei Technology CoLtd .

  8. 传统的DDN/FR网络由于覆盖有限和成本较高,无法满足专线业务的快速增长趋势。

    The traditional DDN / FR network fails to meet the fast increasing tendency of private wires services because of its limited coverage and high cost .

  9. 为国内物流公司的主要城市航空物流专线业务提供业务处理平台,有利国内航空物流资源的整合。

    Provide business processing platform of the special aviation logistics lines of the domestic logistics companies in major cities , which is in favor of the integration of domestic aviation logistics resources .

  10. 并通过对电子工单管理系统的使用,使工单业务的执行更加的规范化,有效的监控工单,同时使各种专线业务故障处理的操作流程更加流畅和规范。

    And through the electronic work order management systems used to make workers more of a single business , the implementation of standardized and effective monitoring work orders , while making a variety of private line service troubleshooting operational processes more fluid and norms .

  11. 为了进一步验证EPON能提供TDM、数据和互联网专线全业务接入,论文进行了严格的指标测试,包括时延、丢包、E1仿真、流量控制、互通性测试等。

    In order to prove that EPON can provide full services access such as TDM , data and Internet , a strict function testing was going on including time delay , packet loss , El simulation , flow control and interoperability .

  12. 新,马,泰专线快递业务。

    Singapore , Malaysia , Thailand Special Line Express .

  13. 广东电信高速专线互联业务网络的建设策略(1)

    Construction Strategy of High-Speed Networks Providing Dedicated-Line Internetworking Service for GuangDong Telecom ( 1 )

  14. 专业从事日本专线快件业务,我们为客户提供全面的门到门快递和追踪、咨询服务!

    Specialized in Japanese green express business , we provide customers with a comprehensive door to door express delivery and tracking , consulting services !

  15. 它提供了一种捆绑业务,结合客户专线租用业务与客户端网络管理外包服务,为企业客户提供了一套更完整的业务服务。

    It provides a bundle services , the line leasing business and client network management outsourcing services for enterprises to provide a more complete service .

  16. 各运营商相继建设了的数据业务网,提供宽带接入业务和专线接入业务,宽带业务对电信运营商的重要性已是不言而喻。

    Data networks are built successively by each provider for broadband access service and special line access service . The significance of broadband service for those providers is self-evident .

  17. 国际直拨话务员受付电话、800号、200号、电子信箱、电视会议、国际移动电话漫游和高速数据专线等业务相继开办并迅速发展。

    We have also opened the international operator direct dialing services , No.800 , No.200 , electronic mail , tele-conferencing , international mobile phone service and high speed data lines .

  18. 随着全业务环境下的网络建设,数据、多媒体、无线、专线、宽带业务等各类业务将得到快速发展,而各种网络的业务电路呈现宽带化、工P化及电路的多样化。

    With the network construction of full-service environment , data , multimedia , wireless , private line , broadband services and other kinds of services will get rapid development , And the circuit service of the networks presents the trends of broadband 、 IP-based and the diversity of circuit .

  19. 基于电子客票的客运专线客票系统业务流程再造的研究

    Research on Business Process Reengineering of Ticket System in PDL Based on E-Ticket

  20. 产品管理:集团产品业务覆盖固话、宽带、移动、数据专线等全业务,较公众客户更为复杂。

    Product Management : Corporate Product include fixed line , broadband , mobile , data lines and other all-service , is more complex than the public one .

  21. 详细分析业务需求、提出业务模型,对总体业务流程进行再造,设计客运专线客票系统关键业务的处理过程。

    After analyzing the business demand in detail , a business model is proposed , and the total business flow is remade , moreover the handle process of key business of the electrical ticket system for passenger special line is designed .