
  1. 专业思维与专业方法&关于当代中国图书馆学基础研究的散思

    On Professional Thinking and Professional Method & Observations on the Basic Research of Library Science in Contemporary China

  2. 本文从建筑设计的角度出发,以物质空间设计为载体,针对建筑师的专业思维与工作环境,探讨建筑设计中与城市设计维度相关的问题。

    From the perspective of architecture design , the thesis takes the space design as the carrier and explores the urban-design-related problems in architecture design .

  3. 哲学课程对英语专业学生思维能力的影响

    Impact of Philosophy Courses on English Majors in Their Thinking Capacity

  4. 提高外语专业学生思维能力和创新能力。

    It is urgent to improve the intellectual and creative abilities of foreign language majors .

  5. 高职艺术设计专业学生思维能力培养方法探讨

    On the Method of the Cultivation of Thought Ability of the Students Specialized in Art Design

  6. 艺术设计专业创造性思维课程教学改革研究与实践

    Major of Art Design the Course of Training Creative Thinking in Art Design Teaching and Practice

  7. 体育专业教师创新思维的建构途径

    The Constructing Approaches of the Creative Senses of the Physics Teachers

  8. 论体育专业学生创新思维能力的培养

    How to Develop the Innovative Thinking of Physical Education Majors

  9. 护理专业教师批判性思维能力调查研究

    Investigation on critical thinking capability of nursing specialty teachers

  10. 护理专业中批判性思维的界定及其在护理实践中的体现

    Definition of critical thinking in nursing specialty and its personalization in nursing care practice

  11. 高师普通文科专业大学生在思维风格上偏向于表现出等级型、内倾型、执法型。

    Liberal arts college students in normal ordinary thinking style preference showed level type , internal type , law enforcement type .

  12. 目的了解临床医学专业学生批判性思维能力的现状和相关因素,为高等医学教育改革提供依据。

    Objective To investigate the critical thinking ability of medical students and its related factors in order to provide evidence for higher medical education reform .

  13. 商务英语题材的阅读文章有其独特的行文方式,专业的商务思维和严密的逻辑结构。

    It is known that the article in Business context has its own unique language style , the professional mode of thinking and the well-knit structure .

  14. 最后在这些处理方法基础上,通过对专业医师诊断思维的计算机模拟,提出了一种通过灰度对比分析的自动化检出方法。

    On the basis of these methods , by the computer simulation to diagnose thought of the doctors , we proposed an automatic detection method by means of intensity comparison .

  15. [目的]研究高校护理专业教师批判性思维的能力倾向,找出差距,为师资培训课程提供依据。

    Objective : To study on the tendency of critical thinking capability of nursing specialty teachers in universities , to find out difference so as to provide some bases for teachers training courses .

  16. 为了提高英语专业学生批判性思维能力,《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲(2000版)》将训练学生的独立思考能力和创新能力摆在了首要位置。

    In order to foster English majors ' critical thinking ability , National English Language Curriculum for English Majors ( 2000 ) put the training of independent and creative thinking into one of its priorities .

  17. 新时期以来的中国科幻小说在主题意蕴、叙事形式等方面呈现出鲜明的特点,科幻作家的专业修养及思维方式对作品的创作影响较为突出。

    There has been distinctive characteristics of themes and form since the new period of China . Professional accomplishment and way of thinking of science fiction writers are more prominent on the creation of works .

  18. 在此基础上,结合艺术设计学科特殊属性及教学实践经验设计出一套科学的开发艺术设计专业学生创造性思维的教学方法。

    On this basis , combine the special attribute of art design discipline and teaching method of professional student 's creative thinking of art design of development of designing a set of science of practical experience of teaching .

  19. 图形设计的维度教学适用于各个设计专业。通过思维方法研究、图形研究、实验、案例比较,归纳出系统的研究成果,为图形设计教学提供更加有效的学习方法和规律。

    By the thought method research , graphic research , the experiment , attempt , case example comparison , it can be induced the research result of the system , which offer more effective methods and rules for the teaching of Graphic Design .

  20. 护理学专业大学生评判性思维能力与临床决策能力的相关性研究

    The Relationship of Critical-Thinking Skills and Clinical-Judgment Skills of Nursing Students

  21. 试探旅游专业教学中创造性思维的培养

    How to Train the Students ' Idea of Creativeness in Teaching of Tourism

  22. 其中,对英语专业学生的批判性思维能力的研究为之甚少。

    Among them , the researches on English major students ' critical thinking are even less .

  23. 本研究还探讨了大学生思维风格的特点,比较了不同专业及性别在思维风格上的差异,为了解我国大学生思维风格特点提供了一些资料。

    Besides , the differences of thinking styles between specialities and between male and female were also discussed .

  24. 但是,就算像何女士这样的专业人员,如果思维和言行完全美国化的话,在中国也会给他人和自己带来许多不便。

    But looking Chinese and being American can bring some particular stresses in China , even for poised professionals like He .

  25. 目的了解江西省不同院校和不同层次的护理专业学生的批判性思维能力状况及其影响因素。

    Objective To explore the status and influential factors of critical thinking ability of nursing students of different levels from different schools in Jiangxi Province .

  26. 体育专业大学生的创新思维、创新能力、创新意识及创新精神均受其个性特征的影响。

    The research result of sports majors ' individual characteristics showed that the innovative thinking , ability , consciousness and spirit of sports majors were all affected by their individual characteristics .

  27. 采用面向对象的编程技术,以选煤专业技术人员的专业思维为设计方向,从环境配置、数据结构、界面设计、接口设计、输出预览五个方面重点构造选煤专业软件平台;

    Employing the programming technology of facing to the object and the technical thinking of specialist as the design tendency , the software platform for coal preparation is constructed on five key phases : environment disposition , data structure , interface design , connection design and output pre view ;

  28. 结论:在护理专业学生入学早期(基础医学课程教学阶段)开始进行护理专业的批判性思维的训练对学生批判性思维的形成是非常有利的。

    Conclusion : it is beneficial to the formation of critical thinking in nursing students to start the critical thinking ability training in their early in-school stage .