
  • 网络Special fund management;special funds control
  1. 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金管理探讨

    Discussions on Management of Central Public-interest Scientific Institution Basal Research Fund

  2. 加强对教育专项资金管理的几点思考

    Reflections on Strengthening the Management of Special Funds for Education

  3. 从预算管理角度看国土资源调查专项资金管理

    Budget Management of Land and Resource Investigation Funds

  4. 本文采用现状描述、实证分析、理论分析等方法,对农业专项资金管理法治化的问题进行探讨。

    This paper approaches the legislative management of the agricultural special funds by the methods of status quo description , empirical comparison and theoretical analysis .

  5. 国家电影事业发展专项资金管理委员会近日发布的数据显示,今年二季度我国电影票房下滑4.6%。

    China 's box office dropped 4.6 % in the second quarter of 2016 , according to statistics from the National Film Development Funds Management Committee .

  6. 第三,加强农村基层组织建设、真正做到政务公开、加强财务管理和专项资金管理和完善监督,强化监督。

    Thirdly , strengthen the building of rural grassroots organizations 、 truly open government data 、 strengthen management of financial and special funds 、 improve and strengthen supervision .

  7. 随着财政体制改革的不断深入,加强财政专项资金管理,提高财政专项资金使用效益,越来越受到社会的广泛关注。

    Along with finance organizational reform , the enhancement of finance special fund management , and the financial special fund operational effectiveness are paid more and more social attention to .

  8. 加强国土资源调查专项资金管理是实现国家财政预算体制改革、国土资源调查专项资金的有效供给以及提高国家专项资金使用效果等几个方面的必然需要。

    Its mandatory to reinforce the special fund management in national land and resources survey , to ensure the reform of national fiscal budget system , effective fund supply and utilization , etc.

  9. 然后,对发达国家和地区建设工程安全生产专项资金管理模式进行分析,借鉴其中的成熟做法,指出对于我国的启示,包括健全的管理机制、有效的监管机制和成熟的保险机制。

    Then , analyze the special funds management mode in safety production of the developed countries and regions , including a sound management mechanism , the effective supervision mechanism and the mature insurance mechanism .

  10. 自2005年《中央财政小型农田水利工程设施建设民办公助专项资金管理试点办法》发布以来,民办公助模式在农村基础设施供给中广泛运用。

    Since the promulgation of the central finance small-scale infrastructure construction of farmland water conservancy " Civilian-Run and State-Subsidized " special fund management pilot approach in 2005 , " Civilian-Run and State-Subsidized " mode is widespread application .

  11. 为加强和规范专项资金的管理,提高资金使用效益,特制定本办法。

    These Measures are formulated in order to strengthen and regulate the administration of such funds and improve the use efficiency of the funds .

  12. 就业专项资金的使用管理办法由国务院财政部门和劳动行政部门规定。

    The measures for management and use of the special employment funds shall be formulated by the finance department and the administrative department of labor of the State Council .

  13. 国家示范性高职院校项目建设专项资金筹措与使用管理的思考

    On the Project Construction Special Funds Raising and Using Management in National Model Higher Vocational College