
  • 网络cash flow;cash circulation
  1. 目前,我们有一些现金流通问题。

    We have some cash flow problems at the moment .

  2. 小商贩们常常遇到短期的现金流通问题。

    Small traders often have short-term cash flow problems .

  3. 市场现金流通量(M0)为11204亿元,增长10.1%。

    The cash money in circulation ( M0 ) amounted to 1,120.4 billion Yuan , up by 10.1 percent .

  4. 瑞典央行瑞典国家银行(Riksbank),预计现金流通量将下降得很快,但未来20年仍然会流通。

    The Swedish central bank , the Riksbank , predicts it will decline fast but still be circulating in 20 years .

  5. 利用现金流通法计算石油经济可采储量

    Calculation of Proved Reserves of Oil with Cashflow Method

  6. 翻译1。银行利率越来越高,现金流通出现了问题。

    Higher interest rates have resulted in cashflow problem .

  7. 2008年上半年湖北省孝感市现金流通效应分析

    Analysis on Hubei Province Cash Circulation Effect in the First Half of 2008

  8. 用现金流通法计算石油经济可采储量共有七个步骤:①油藏地质评价;

    There are seven steps on calculating proved reserves of oil using cashflow method : ① Geologic evaluation of the reservoir .

  9. 他说,问题在于人民币币值过低,逐步升值还是没有能够起到减缓现金流通的作用。

    He says the problem is China 's currency , the yuan , is undervalued and a gradual appreciation has not slowed the flow of cash .

  10. 银行会关心你有没有做好实际的现金流通准备、业务成本评估,以及有没有健全的营销策略。

    The bank will be concerned that you have made realistic cash flow and operational cost assumptions , and that you have a sound marketing strategy .

  11. 第四,提出了破除中小企业可持续增长与融资障碍、实现资源优化配置、保持中小企业现金流通畅、推动中小企业的可持续增长的政策与建议。

    Fourthly , we also proposes some policies and proposals on how to break barriers of sustainable growth and financing for SMEs , to realize optimal allocation of resources , to maintain smooth cash flow for SMEs , to promote sustainable development of SMEs .

  12. 投入的资金很多,不是现金而是流通证券。

    There was a lot of money involved , not in hard cash but in negotiable securities .

  13. 现金是对流通货币,硬币,钞票的共同叫法。

    A : Cash is really a common term including everything-currency , coins , paper money .

  14. 研究表明,分配现金股利使非流通股股东实现高回报率,流通股股东获得股票股利的较高短期收益率。

    The result shows that non-circulated shareholders get high return rate by cash dividends , and circulated shareholders high return rate by stock dividends .

  15. 内部控制的一大重要原则是掌管现金或其他可流通资产的员工绝对不能负责会计记账。

    One of the most important principles of internal control is that employees who have custody of cash or other negotiable assets must not maintain accounting records .

  16. 相对于这种最优的分配方式而言,上市公司分配现金股利损害了流通股股东的利益,但是对非流通股股东来说两种分配方式没有差异。

    Distributing cash dividend will reduce the value of tradable shares comparing with the best method , while the two methods are the same for the value of non - tradable shares .