
  1. 现代土木工程特点与土木工程专业人才的培养模式

    Characteristics of modern civil engineering and undergraduate program of civil engineering specialty

  2. 对现代土木工程专业教育的几点探讨

    Some discusses on modern civil engineering professional education

  3. 现代土木工程中的可持续发展战略

    Sustainable Development Strategy in Modern Civil Engineering

  4. 面向新科技革命和知识经济大潮的现代土木工程

    Modern Civil Engineering in the Tides of Revolution in Science and Tech and Knowledge Economy

  5. 地基基础领域是土木工程中非常活跃的领域,也是非常有挑战性的领域,现代土木工程对复杂的工程地质情况要求日益严格。

    The foundation design is a real challenge because of the complex engineering geological conditions .

  6. 随着建筑工程技术的发展,高强混凝土在现代土木工程中的应用越来越广泛。

    With the development of construction technology , high-strength concrete is used more and more widely .

  7. 现代土木工程测量课程教学改革新思路

    New thinking of the teaching reform of the mapping and surveying course in the new century

  8. 科学合理地选择地基处理方式对于现代土木工程建设有着重要的意义。

    Science reasonable choice ground treatment way has the vital significance regarding the modern civil engineering construction .

  9. 混凝土是现代土木工程中不可缺少、用量最大、用途最广的建筑材料。

    Concrete is indispensable in modern civil engineering , use the largest and most versatile building materials .

  10. 混凝土作为一种现代土木工程中应用最广泛的建筑材料不断被深入研究,并得到完善和发展。

    Concrete is the widest applied building material in modern civil engineering which has been deeply studied and developed .

  11. 随着现代土木工程愈来愈多样化、复杂化、大型化,对岩土工程学科提出了更高的要求。

    Nowadays , as the civil engineering become more and more diversified , complicated and large scaled , geotechnical engineering is highly required .

  12. 在现代土木工程建设中,大面积混凝土结构的应用非常广泛,而存在于其中的温度应力问题也越来越引起人们的关注。

    With massive concrete structures being widely used in engineer practice , their temperature field and thermal stress problems continue to increasingly attract our attention .

  13. 随着现代土木工程技术的不断发展,人类对于重大工程的长期安全的检测和监控提出越来越高的要求。

    With the continuous development of modern technology of civil engineering , human request higher and higher about long-term safety testing and monitoring of major projects .

  14. 在现代土木工程结构领域里,由于各种恐怖活动及局部战乱地区的存在,工程结构经常会受到爆炸冲击作用。

    In the fields of modern engineering structures , as a consequence of terrorist activities and local turmoil , engineering structures are usually suffer from the blast shocks .

  15. 本套监测系统的成功应用体现了沉降监测技术的进步,符合现代土木工程信息化施工的发展方向。

    The successful application of this monitoring system reflects the progress of the technology of settlement monitoring and accords with the direction of modern informational construction of civil engineering .

  16. 伴随着现代土木工程向着超高、超重、超大方向发展,越来越多的工程设计采用大直径超长灌注桩群桩基础形式。

    With the modern civil projects developing in the directions of super-height , super-weight and super-depth , the pile group foundation composed of the Large-diameter and super-long piles are adopted by more and more projects .

  17. 在建筑材料领域,高强混凝土适应了高层、大跨、重载等现代土木工程对结构强度大、刚度大、耐久性好的要求,它是混凝土技术的一个重要发展方向。

    High-strength concrete capable of providing high strength , high stiffness and well durability demand for high-rise , long-span and over-loading structures in modern civil engineering , represents the expected development tendency in the field of building materials .

  18. 现代土木工程建设对地基提出了更高的要求,随着我国现代化建设事业的发展,越来越多的土木工程需要对天然地基进行处理。

    The foundation is faced a higher requirement due to the modern civil engineering construction . With the development of modernization in our country , it is necessary for us to deal with the natural foundation in order to satisfy this requirement .

  19. 钢筋锈蚀问题是现代土木工程领域广泛关注的主要问题,纤维筋的应用为解决这一问题提供良好的途径。

    Rebar corrosion problem is widespread concerned in the field of civil engineering today . FRP applications provide a good way to solve this problem , which has big advantages in terms of high specific strength , corrosion resistance , anti-fatigue performance , and resistance to electromagnetism .

  20. 随着现代土木工程的不断进步和发展,大量混凝土结构,如桥梁、吊车梁、采油平台和核防御壳等,长期经受循环荷载的作用,疲劳破坏是其主要破坏形式之一。

    With the continuous progress and development of modern civil engineering , most concrete structures , which include bridges , crane beams , oil production platforms , nuclear defense and so on , have withstood cyclic loading , leading to one of its main failure modes & fatigue failure .

  21. 大体积混凝土施工是现代大型土木工程中的特种技术,工程技术人员必须从理论上认清制约大体积施工质量的基本原因。

    Super-volume concrete construction technique is a special technique in civil engineering at present . Engineers must recognize the basic reasons that restrict the engineering quality of the super-volume concrete in theory .

  22. 随着现代社会和经济的发展,桩基础在现代土木工程发展中起了越益巨大的作用。

    According to the development of the society and economy , pile foundations have played more and more important effects in the development of modern civil engineering .