
  • 网络modern agricultural park
  1. 现代农业园区是集多种功能于一体的推动农业现代化的农业组织形式。

    Modern agricultural park is an agricultural organization which combines various functions together and promotes the modernization of agriculture .

  2. ISO14001在现代农业园区的实践与探讨

    The practice and Discussion on ISO 14001 applied in modern agricultural zone

  3. 基于当前现代农业园区的经营管理现状,本文从现代农业园区的资源高效利用的内涵出发,探讨了农业园区智能管理系统(APIMS)的设计。

    On the basis of the management fact of lately modern agriculture park , this paper , starting from the intention of efficiency utilization of resources of modern agriculture park , discusses the agriculture park intelligent management system ( APIMS ) .

  4. 上海金山现代农业园区建设理论与实践研究

    Study on Theory and Practice of the Construction of Jinshan Agriculture Park

  5. 现代农业园区农机化服务形式研究

    Study on the Service Form of Agricultural Mechanization in Modern Farm Area

  6. 现代农业园区系统结构与特点分析

    An analysis on the system organization and characteristics of modern agricultural parks

  7. 现代农业园区综合评价系统的开发研究

    Development and Research on the Comprehensive Evaluation System of Modern Agriculture Park

  8. 各类现代农业园区发展对黑龙江省的启示

    The enlightening to the development of all kind of modern agricultural special areas

  9. 关于上海现代农业园区推广平台构建的思考

    Platform Construction for Modern Agricultural Garden Extention in Shanghai

  10. 我国现代农业园区建设的发展启示

    Some Proposals of Construction of Modern Agricultural Garden

  11. 工作地点在上海奉贤现代农业园区。

    Working place is in Fengxian agriculture area .

  12. 人工神经网络在现代农业园区机械化程度综合评估中的应用

    Application of artificial neural network in assessment of mechanization degree of modern agriculture yard

  13. 我国现代农业园区的发展现状问题及建议

    Modern Agricultural Parks in China : The Situation , the Problems and Suggestions for Improvement

  14. 然而,现代农业园区的建设与运营效果并不理想。

    However , the effect of modern agriculture zone in constructing and operating is not good .

  15. 现代农业园区扩散期的功能分析与孵化运作能力的综合评价

    Analysis of the spreading period and comprehensive evaluation of the incubative operative of modern agricultural zones

  16. 台州市现代农业园区建设现状与发展对策研究

    Study on the Construction States of Modern Agriculture Demonstration Districts in Taizhou Region and Its Development Countermeasures

  17. 农业信息化建设已成为现代农业园区建设的重要内容和创新领域。

    The construction of agricultural informationization has become an important part and a creative area in the development of modern agricultural zones .

  18. 我国是一个多民族国家,现代农业园区在我国起步虽晚,但近几年来多种新型农业模式仍纷纷形成。

    China is a multiracial country , through modern agriculture zones have started late , new agriculture models were formed in recent years .

  19. 现代农业园区的建设与发展已成为各地依靠科技进步调整农业产业结构,引导农民增收致富的有效途径。

    The construction and development of modern agricultural parks has been an effective way for science-and-technology-based industrial structural adjustment in agriculture and for increasing peasants ? Incomes .

  20. 在实地考察和统计调查的基础上,分析现代农业园区的内涵、类型、系统结构、基本功能和特征,以促进现代农业园区的规范管理和健康发展。

    The paper analyses the implication , types , system structure , basic functions and the characteristics for the purpose of fostering the standard administration and the healthy development of the modern agricultural parks .

  21. 应当采取有力的措施解决现代农业园区在信息化建设过程中,经费投入不足、技术人才缺乏以及信息技术的应用脱离实际等突出问题,能够使现代农业园区的信息化建设水平向更高的层次发展。

    Effective measures should be taken to solve such prominent problems as inadequate funding , lacking technicians and isolation of application from practical needs so as to bring the informationization construction of modern agricultural zones to a higher level .

  22. 根据天津农业的特点和天津市现代农业园区的发展状况,在讨论评价指标体系构建原则的基础上,确定了现代农业园区综合评价指标体系。

    According to the characteristics of agriculture and development status of modern agricultural zones in Tianjin , the comprehensive evaluating index system of modern agricultural zones was set up based on the assessing of construction principles of evaluating index system .

  23. 从实施ISI14001标准,促进农业生态园区大型温室生产的需要出发,分析了现代农业园区大型温室生产中存在的环境因素,提出了管理控制方法措施。

    The existing environmental factors of production in a large scale greenhouse of modern agricultural zone were analysed from the need for practicing ISO 14001 standard and increasing modern greenhouse production , and then control methods and measures were put forward .

  24. 从实践规划项目角度得出建设现代农业园区的经验,包括农业园区应具备的三性一高特点、建设中要把握的六有要求以及发挥三整合三促进作用等。

    Consequently it is able to draw the experience of the construction of modern agricultural zones from practice planning project angle , such as " three-properties and one-characteristics of high " of agriculture parks 、" six requirements " of park construction and " Three integration three promote " role .

  25. 随着现代农业示范园区的发展,人们对现代农业示范园区的规划、建设和管理的要求越来越高,充分利用计算机网络、GIS等技术对现代农业示范园区进行科学化管理与决策是十分必要的。

    With the development of modern agricultural demonstration areas , programming , construction and management are demanded more and more . It is necessary to manage modern agricultural demonstration areas using the network , GIS technology .

  26. 木兰县现代农业科技园区管理运行模式研究

    Research on Management Model of Modern Agricultural Technology Park in Mulan County

  27. 现代观光农业园区规划研究

    The Research on Plan of Modern Touring-Agriculture Park

  28. 在关注和调研中发现,竹子在现代农业观光园区的建设和生产中具有强大的生命力。

    It is found in investigation , bamboo has great vitality in the construction of modern agricultural sight-seeing area , as well as productive practice .

  29. 本文最后对加快现代农业科技园区的建设和发展提出了一些具有参考价值的政策建议,并对现代农业科技园区的建设和发展进行了展望。

    Finally , the author suggests some policies as reference and gives the expectation of the construction and development of modern agricultural science and technology park .

  30. 现代农业科技园区具有很强的研究开发能力、辐射带动能力,具有将单项技术组装集成、试验示范、展示推广等多项功能〔15〕。

    Modern agricultural science and technology park has many functions such as strong RD ability , radiation ability and the ability of integrating single technique , experiment demonstration and generalization .