
  1. 知识管理对现代图书馆学研究内容的创新

    Innovation Made by Knowledge Management to Study Content of Modern Library Science

  2. 中国现代图书馆学的确立

    On the Form in g of Ch in ese Modern Library Science

  3. 载体知识信息的组织与传播&现代图书馆学研究的核心

    On Organizing and Disseminating the Carrier Knowledge and Information

  4. 确立中国现代图书馆学的关键:体系更新

    The Key to Forming Chinese Modern Library Science

  5. 从传统图书馆学向现代图书馆学的转型与过渡&1996~2000年的中国图书馆学基础理论研究

    The Transform and Transition from the Traditional Library Science to the Modern Library Science

  6. 现代图书馆学原理。

    What are modern library science principles .

  7. 文章简要考察了古代与近现代图书馆学思想,预测了未来图书馆学思想的发展趋向。

    This article reviews all the library thoughts and predicts the development trend of the thoughts of library science .

  8. 最后,总结了中国近代图书馆学的形成对现代图书馆学研究的影响。

    Finally , it summarizes that the formation of Chinese library science in recent times has an influence upon the research of library science in contemporary times .

  9. 简要回顾了现代图书馆学研究内容体系的种种观点,指出现代图书馆学研究内容体系应分为理论图书馆学与应用图书馆学两部分,并论述了知识管理对现代图书馆学研究内容体系的创新。

    Briefly review kinds of opinions on study content of modern library science , indicate that the study content systems of modern library science are divided into theoretical library science and applied library science , and discuss the innovation made by knowledge management to study content of modern library science .

  10. 常熟私家藏书及其学术活动,对中国近现代图书馆、图书馆学的发展,对目录学、藏书学及图书刊刻流布,都做出了重要贡献,在中国图书馆学发展史上具有重要地位。

    Private book collectors in Changshu and their academic activities have played important roles in the development of librarianship and library science in modern China , and have made great contributions to bibliography , book collection theories and book printing .

  11. 现代信息技术对图书馆学研究方法的影响

    Effects of modern information technology on the research method of library science

  12. 论现代大学图书馆的类型学特征&大学图书馆建筑设计之理论基础

    The Typology Characteristics of Modern Academic Library : The Theoretical Foundation of Academic Library Architecture Design

  13. 现代信息技术与图书馆学情报学理论紧密结合,创造了交叉发展的学科优势。

    The close combination of modern information technique with library science and informatics theory creates a disciplinary advantage in terms of crossing research and development .

  14. 目前,现代信息技术已渗透到图书馆的方方面面,本文仅以现代信息技术在图书馆领域中的应用为基础,讨论了现代信息技术对图书馆学研究方法的影响。

    ? present , modern information technology has been utilized in every aspect of library . Based on the practise of modern technology in this field , this article discusses the effects of modern technology on the research method of library science .