
  • 网络bury;Bloomsbury;Salisbury;Bunbury
  1. 在伯里酒吧(其中宣扬“衰退特价”)一个退休人员的午餐谈话中就可以看出普遍的愤怒:“他们都是半斤八两”;

    At a pensioners'lunch at a Bury pub ( which advertises " recession specials ") the anger is general : " they 're all as bad as each other ";

  2. 入口处在马伯里路,有清晰的路标。

    The entrance is well signposted and is in Marbury Road .

  3. 有一点可以肯定,阿斯特伯里的演唱风格多年来没怎么改变。

    One thing 's for sure , Astbury 's vocal style hasn 't changed much over the years

  4. 彭伯里总是起着使人扫兴的作用。

    Penbury always had a chilling effect .

  5. 同样大赚特赚的还有北加州的迈克尔?伯里(MichaelBurry),他以前是医生,后来改行做了股票投资人,患有亚斯伯格综合症(Asperger'ssyndrome)。

    So did Michael Burry , a doctor-turned-stock investor in northern California with Asperger 's syndrome .

  6. 而艾肯伯里和美国驻巴基斯坦大使安尼帕特森(annepatterson)也与霍尔布鲁克有着严重的分歧。

    In turn , Gen Eikenberry and Ann Patterson , the US ambassador to Pakistan , have had sharp differences with Mr Holbrooke .

  7. 外交专家称赞了驻伊拉克大使希尔(ChristopherHill)、驻阿富汗大使艾肯伯里中将(KarlEikenberry)中将和驻联合国大使赖斯(SusanRice)的经验。

    Diplomacy experts have praised the experience of Christopher Hill , ambassador to Iraq ; Lt. Gen. Karl Eikenberry , ambassador to Afghanistan ; and United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice .

  8. 来自澳大利亚悉尼的加文医学研究所的阿曼达?塞恩斯伯里萨利斯表示,目前还不清楚血液中含有多少POP会对人体造成危害,因此减肥者不应因此而放弃减肥。

    The level of POPs needed to have an adverse affect in humans is unknown , so it should not stop obese people trying to lose weight , said Amanda Sainsbury-Salis at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research in Sydney , Australia .

  9. 更重要的是,马伯里说,在这一分解过程产生的中间步骤,已在实验中证明是10000倍本身PFOA的毒性分子。

    What 's more , Mabury said , the intermediate steps in that breakdown process produce molecules that have been shown in experiments to be10,000 times more toxic than PFOA itself .

  10. 事实上他被称为马姆斯伯里的怪物。

    In fact , he was called the monster of Malmesbury .

  11. 欢迎你们到彭伯里来圣诞节。

    You are all to come to Pemberley at Christmas .

  12. 他各种工作都是受马姆斯伯里的指派。

    His various works assigned with Tomas Hobbes of Malmesbury .

  13. 马伯里太太是卡萝尔的姐姐的邻居和女友。

    Mrs. Marbury was a neighbour and friend of Carol 's sister .

  14. 关于这一点伯里先生还规劝过他。

    Mr. Perry had remonstrated with him about it .

  15. 可是怎样向彭伯里交待呢?

    But what is to be done about Pemberley ?

  16. 我们派出一名记者乘火车前往阿什伯里进行调查。

    We sent a journalist , by rail , to Ashbury to investigate .

  17. 他喜欢到彭伯里去,而且去起来大都是别人完全意料不到的时候。

    He delighted in going to Pemberley , especially when he was least expected .

  18. 那是彭伯里的达西先生吗?-

    Is that Mr Darcy of Pemberley ? -

  19. “你主人每年在彭伯里待的日子多吗?”

    " Is your master much at Pemberley in the course of the year ?"

  20. 伊丽莎白一直没收到过从彭伯里寄来的信。

    Elizabeth had received none since her return , that could come from Pemberley .

  21. 达西先生在彭伯里呆的时间长吗?嘉丁纳先生问。

    ' Does Mr Darcy spend much time at Pemberley ?' asked Mr Gardiner .

  22. 彭伯里的事和蓝白屯的事从来没有说给我听过!

    How little did you tell me of what passed at Pemberley and Lambton !

  23. 〔美〕雷·布莱德伯里著


  24. 你妹妹还在彭伯里吗?

    Is your sister at Pemberley still ?

  25. 乔治安娜现在长住在彭伯里了;

    Pemberley was now Georgiana 's home ;

  26. 霍布斯唯一被提及的可能就是,作为马姆斯伯里的怪物被驳斥的时候。

    Hobbes was only to be mentioned in order to be refuted hence monster of Malmesbury .

  27. 伊丽莎白这个晚上一心一意只想到彭伯里,比昨天晚上还要想得厉害。

    As for Elizabeth , her thoughts were at Pemberley this evening more than the last ;

  28. 斯通亨奇和埃夫伯里及相关遗址

    Stonehenge , Avebury and Associated Sites

  29. 伯里克里斯认为:清楚国家大战略来龙去脉的雅典人不多。

    Pericles assumes that the Athens can not make head or tail of his grand strategy .

  30. 是的,但你要在伯里尤奎站下车,而四个站之后就是这个站。

    Well , you have to get off at Berri Uqam , which is four stops away .