
dànɡ àn ɡōnɡ zuò
  • archive work
  1. 因此我们需要更多录音样本,这就是为什么这项档案工作永远无法结束的原因。

    That 's why the archive work will never be finished .

  2. 改制后企业档案工作的发展思路

    Developing Idea of Enterprises ' Archive Work after Structural Reform

  3. WTO规则与档案工作

    On the WTO rules and archival work

  4. 从SWOT分析法谈网络环境下档案工作发展对策

    A discussion on archives work development countermeasures under network environment from SWOT analytical approach

  5. 指出加入WTO对档案工作既是挑战也是机遇,只有不断改革创新、吐故纳新,逐步与国际规范接轨才是档案工作发展的必由之路。

    It is the only way for development of the archives work continuously reforming and innovating , exhaling the old and inhaling the new and progressively coming close to the international standard .

  6. 知识视角下的企业档案工作新思维

    New Thought of Enterprise Archives From the Viewing Angle of Knowledge

  7. 21世纪高校档案工作的思考

    Considering on archives of college and universities ' in 21st century

  8. 开展企业档案工作目标管理活动的作用

    Effects Developing the Objective Management Activity in Enterprise 's Archives Work

  9. 资料编辑在档案工作中的地位

    On the Status of Editing Data in the Work of Archives

  10. 议基层科技档案工作的起点

    Starting Point of Scientific - Technical Archival Work in Basic Unit

  11. 做好全程物业管理档案工作

    To Do Archives Work of Whole - Process Property Management Well

  12. 本文阐述了档案工作在学校工作中的重要性。

    This article elaborates the importance of the school file work .

  13. 环境保护及可持续发展需要加强现代化档案工作

    Environmental protection and sustainable development need enhancing modern file work

  14. 新时期高校人事档案工作之我见

    On Colleges and Universities ' Personnel Files Work in the New Period

  15. 试论高校档案工作发展的不利因素及对策

    Measures against unfavourable factors in the management of college archives

  16. 高校档案工作现代化面临的问题及其对策

    A Discussion on Problems and Countermeasures of Modernized University Archives

  17. 增强现代化意识做好学校档案工作

    Strengthening a Modern Consciousness to Do Archives at School Better

  18. 试论信息时代的地震科技档案工作

    Management of Scientific and Technological Archives on Seismology in the Information Era

  19. 高校科技论文档案工作现代化探讨

    Modernization of the Archives Work of the ST Theses in Academic Institution

  20. 民营企业档案工作研究述评

    A Review on the Research of the Archival Work in Private Enterprises

  21. 由此,引申出人事档案工作必须进行改革。

    Therefore , the work of personnel archives has to be reformed .

  22. 谈档案工作统一领导与分级管理的合理结合

    Reasonable Combination of Unified Leadership " and Management in Different Grades "

  23. 干部人事档案工作思路

    Strategy of Doing Well Work of Cadres ' Personnel Archives

  24. 论档案工作为建立社会主义市场经济服务

    On Archival Work How to Serve the Socialism Market Economy

  25. 创新:高校档案工作发展的动力

    Innovation : the Drive of Archives Work Development in Higher Learning Schools

  26. 公共关系与城建档案工作的开放管理

    Public Relations and the Opening Management of Urban Development Archives

  27. 企业档案工作:为西部大开发服务

    On Enterprise Archival Work Serving for the Western Exploitation

  28. 企业档案工作的当务之急

    A Top Priority Task for Archival Work of Enterprises Business Data on working

  29. 档案工作的最终目的是为了服务于社会。

    The ultimate goal of the file work is to serve the society .

  30. 试论地质勘查单位档案工作规范化管理

    Standardized Management of Geological Archives in Geological Exploration Organizations