
dànɡ qī
  • movie theater schedule
  1. 值得注意的是该节目已从原来8月份的档期换到了7月份。

    It is noteworthy that the programme has been shifted from its original August slot to July

  2. 据灯塔实时数据,2月15日晚20时46分,2021春节档期内(2月11-17日)总票房(含预售)破60亿元,超过2019年春节档59.05亿元的票房,创下新纪录。

    At 8:46 pm on Monday , China has just set a new Spring Festival record by accumulating a box office total of around 6 billion yuan during the holiday , including presale tickets , according to the live movie information tracing app Beacon . The figure surpassed the former same-period record of 5.905 billion yuan in 2019 .

  3. 哥伦比亚广播公司还将播出收视率有保证的热门节目《星期四橄榄球之夜》(ThursdayNightFootball),覆盖10月底的档期。

    The network will also broadcast a guaranteed ratings hit , " Thursday Night Football , " through late October .

  4. 很可能是她正专注于电影《X射线营地》的档期中,这个夏天她一直在洛杉矶忙于这部电影的拍摄。

    Chances are she 's focusing on her set schedule for the film Camp X-Ray , which she 's been shooting around LA this Summer .

  5. 去年,由于担心外国电影在中国电影票房收入中占据的份额太大,政府控制的发行公司中国电影集团(ChinaFilmGroup,简称:中影集团)让一些好莱坞大片在相同的档期放映,进而限制了它们的商业潜力。

    Last year , concerned that foreign films were taking too big a share of box office , the government-controlled China Film distribution company released some big Hollywood movies on the same date , limiting their commercial potential .

  6. 现在,扮演珊莎·史塔克的明星SophieTurner似乎已经向《Variety》确认了开播的档期。

    Now , star Sophie Turner , who plays Sansa Stark , seems to have confirmed that date to Variety .

  7. 另外,由政府控制、负责发行中国境内多数影片的中国电影集团公司通过放映档期安排,将使多部好莱坞3D影片展开针尖对麦芒的竞争。

    The government-controlled China Film Group , which distributes most films in the country , has also arranged the release schedule so that several 3-D Hollywood movies will be pitted against one another .

  8. 他的合伙人乔伊·麦克法兰(JoeyMcFarland)是来自肯塔基州的小规模投资者,麦克法兰初涉娱乐业时,负责安排希尔顿等名人收费参加活动的档期。

    His partner , Joey McFarland , was a small-time investor from Kentucky whose entertainment-business apprenticeship included booking paid party appearances for celebrities like Ms. Hilton .

  9. 2015年,该剧被改编成剧本,导演吉列尔莫·德尔·托罗(GuillermoDelToro)将执导试播集,但由于档期冲突而退出。

    The project was revived as a scripted series in 2015 with Guillermo Del Toro set to direct the pilot until he dropped out over a scheduling conflict .

  10. 珂劳迪亚全世界都有档期。

    Claudia is getting offers from all over the world .

  11. 原定于今夏上映的这两部电影的档期此前都已推迟过。

    Both films had already been postponed from their original release dates this summer .

  12. 请联系我们咨询我们的档期和价格。

    Please contact us for availability and pricing .

  13. 环球影业把《万圣节:杀戮》的档期从2020年10月改为2021年10月。

    Universal rescheduled Halloween Kills from October 2020 to the same month in 2021 .

  14. 华纳兄弟电影公司把《哥斯拉大战金刚》的档期从今年11月推迟到2021年5月。

    Warner Bros. pushed Godzilla vs. Kong from November of this year to May 2021 .

  15. 你能相信吗?北京暂缓了所有海外电影的上映档期。

    Can you believe it ? Beijing has imposed a moratorium on new foreign films .

  16. 有人说是因为档期。

    Part of the explanation is timing .

  17. 其次,互联网改变了娱乐制作、广播和消费的档期。

    Secondly , the Internet changes the timeline of entertainment production , broadcast and consumption .

  18. 演员档期繁忙是预告片推迟发布的部分原因。

    Part of the reason for the delay has been the actors ' busy schedules .

  19. 而且有人担心未来数周还会有更多影片推迟档期。

    And there are fears that even more films could be pushed in the coming weeks .

  20. 迪士尼再次推迟了《花木兰》的上映时间,但还未公布新的档期。

    Disney delayed Mulan again and has not yet announced a new release date for the film .

  21. 据明星们自己也反映,他们的体重有下降,在节目档期的整个过程中一直提高了自己的耐力。

    The contestants themselves report weight loss and improved stamina over the course of the show 's season .

  22. 据玩具产业调查显示,50英镑以下的玩具将成为今年圣诞档期的主打产品。

    Toys costing less than £ 50 will dominate kids'Christmas lists this year , according to industry research .

  23. 包含四个角色的《谋杀谣》在外百老汇的演出档期不长,但在遥远的国度获得了大批粉丝。

    And even with its short Off Broadway run , the four-character Murder Ballad found fans far away .

  24. 汤姆·克鲁斯表示,尽管他已离婚,并且电影档期繁忙,他仍和女儿保持密切联系。

    Tom Cruise says he remains close to his daughter Suri despite his divorce and hectic film schedule .

  25. 而目前迪士尼方面也在计划拍摄真人版,档期定于2018年11月。

    Disney is also working on a live-action version , scheduled to be released in November , 2018 .

  26. 她说退出是因为与另一个工作档期冲突,详细情况还没有对外宣布。

    She cited a scheduling conflict with another project , the details of which have yet to be announced .

  27. 尽管周立波坚持在家乡上海演出,但他今年的档期已经被120场演出排满了。

    Although Zhou sticks to his hometown Shanghai , his schedule of this year is already full with 120 performances .

  28. 西方国家的假日档期或许已经结束,但对于中国电影行业来说,盛筵才刚刚开场。

    The holiday season in the west may be over but for the Chinese film industry party time has begun .

  29. 不过,中国演员通常隶属于某个剧团或学校,档期受限,很难接受外面演出的机会。

    But Chinese actors are typically affiliated with theater companies and schools , which limits their availability for outside jobs .

  30. 艾米·舒默因档期冲突而无法出演,安妮·海瑟薇也曾一度说要接替舒默。

    Amy Schumer dropped out due to scheduling conflicts , Anne Hathaway was also attached to replace Schumer at one point .