
  • 网络family value
  1. 传统家庭价值观的恢复是对近几十年来放纵自由的一种抗拒。

    The return to traditional family values is a reaction against the permissiveness of recent decades .

  2. 卫生部部长呼吁传统家庭价值观的回归。

    The Health Secretary called for a return to traditional family values .

  3. 家庭价值观突然变得重要起来。

    Family values are suddenly the name of the game

  4. 他发表了有关家庭价值观的衰退的演说。

    He delivered an oration on the decline of family values .

  5. 星期一晚上,特朗普的妻子梅拉尼娅(Melania)谈到了丈夫和他们的家庭价值观。

    On Monday night , Mr. Trump 's wife , Melania , spoke about her husband and their family values .

  6. 在成长的过程中,他们学会了责任和家庭价值观。

    They learn responsibility and family values as they grow up .

  7. 保守党人批评这一议案会对家庭价值观造成冲击。

    Conservatives criticized the bill for its onslaught on family values .

  8. 甚至所谓的特朗普的家庭价值观也不是真实的。

    It seems not even purported Trump family values are authentic .

  9. 转型期撒拉族婚姻家庭价值观变迁探微

    Value Change about Marriage and Family of the Salars in Transition-Period

  10. 保守派的政客们尤其喜欢对家庭价值观谈个不休。

    Conservative politicians in particular like to natter on about family values .

  11. 保守的基督教团体的建立是为了支持传统的家庭价值观。

    The conservative Christian group was founded to support traditional family values .

  12. 我还以为你们中国人中,有些人跟我们一样有家庭价值观。

    I thought some of you Chinese had family values like we do .

  13. 该法案再次肯定了家庭价值观是国家的道德基础。

    The act reaffirmed family values as the moral bedrock of the nation .

  14. 因为缺乏传统家庭价值观。

    In the absence of tradionnal family values .

  15. 特朗普的家庭价值观可能不是特别值得尊敬,但他们却异常传统。

    While Trump family values may not be particularly honorable , they are perversely traditional .

  16. 美国人的家庭价值观

    The Family Values of the American People

  17. “上帝词汇”,就是一些包含正面评价的词,例如进步,事实,家庭价值观,收支平衡预算以及批判性思维等。

    God terms are good terms like progress , fact , family values , balanced budget and critical thinking .

  18. 社会转型期西北少数民族居民婚姻家庭价值观的变化

    The change of marriage values in the minority nationalities who living in the northwest of China during the social transformation

  19. 谈到家庭价值观,我认为这些所说与所为可以是两码事。

    When it comes to family values , I find that these people may be saying one thing while doing another .

  20. 它提倡服从权威、忠诚顺从、正统家庭价值观、孝顺父母、勤俭节约。

    It advocated submission to authority , loyalty and obedience , orthodox family values , filial piety , thrift and hard work .

  21. 象霍恩这样的保守派不就是想要坚持家庭价值观吗?那些人不就是要政府在这种私人事务上少管闲事吗?

    And aren 't conservatives such as Horn all about family values , but also about government keeping its nose out of those private matters ?

  22. 谈到家庭价值观,我们是做发达国家中唯一不享有带薪产假的员工,

    Are we a people who just talk about family values while remaining the only developed nation that doesn 't offer its workers paid maternity leave

  23. 德克萨斯大学社会学教授诺费尔·葛兰为美国父权行动协会设计了这项调查,并对调查结果进行分析,该协会提倡婚姻和家庭价值观。

    The survey was designed and analyzed by University of Texas sociology professor Norval Glenn for the National Fatherhood Initiative , which advocates marriage and family values .

  24. 麦科马克是一位积极的民主党募捐人,曾出版过一本书,详细讲述信奉家庭价值观的共和党政客们性生活的不检点。

    Mr. McCormack , an active Democratic fund-raiser , is the author of a book that details the sexual indiscretions of Republican politicians who espouse family values .

  25. 普京夫妇宣布这一消息时恰逢俄罗斯政府努力宣扬传统家庭价值观之际,这一定程度上是为了提高俄罗斯低迷的出生率。

    The announcement comes at a time when the Russian government is trying to promote traditional family values , in part to prop up the country 's sluggish birthrate .

  26. 共和党长久以来都拥护传统的家庭价值观,以及男性和女性的固有区别;而民主党强调平等主义,提倡为女人和女孩增加机会。

    The Republican Party has long praised traditional family values and intrinsic differences between men and women , while Democrats emphasize egalitarianism and expanding opportunities for women and girls .

  27. 中国人的家庭价值观较牢固,一般都乐意生活在自己熟悉的环境中。

    Summary of the Chinese people than the strong family values , there is the phenomenon of raising children for old age in general are willing to live in their own familiar environment .

  28. 笔者认为,在社会转型时期,随着社会大背景的转变,人们的价值观发生了变化,同时婚姻家庭价值观发生了很大的变化。

    The writer believes that people 's attitudes towards family and marriage have been greatly changed as well as their general values with the transformation of the social background in this transitional period .

  29. 在中观层面,教育部门应大力改善家庭价值观教育的落后状况,努力营造良好的主流价值观教育环境。

    At the meso level , the education organizations should improve the backwardness of family education of the outlook on honor and disgrace to create a favorable environment for social honor and disgrace .

  30. 许多人担心,同性婚姻合法化会破坏“家庭价值观”、“传统婚姻”或异性婚姻,但我们已经证实事实并非如此。

    Many fear that the legalization of same sex marriage may harm " family values , " " traditional marriage " or other heterosexual marriages , but we have shown that this is not true .