
jiā tínɡ yù fánɡ
  • family prevention
  1. 论述了强化家庭预防机制的合理根据,包括强化家庭预防机制的现实基础和理论基础。

    To strengthen family mechanism reasonable basis , including the base of reality and theory on family prevention mechanism .

  2. 提高家庭教育质量,强化家庭预防、矫治未成年人犯罪心理的功能;

    Secondly , we should improve the quality of family education , strengthen the family prevention and correct the criminous mental function of non-adults .

  3. 青少年犯罪的家庭预防对策研究

    The Search on the Family Countermeasure for Preventing Adolescent Crime

  4. 对于青少年犯罪应从以下几方面预防:一是家庭预防,二是学校预防,三是社会预防。

    We should prevent from the following aspects of teenagers ' crimes : first , the family prevents ; second , the school prevents ; third , the society prevents .

  5. 例如,电子香烟并没有在最近通过的家庭预防吸烟和烟草控制法案中提起,也不服从联邦和州营业税征收。

    For instance , e-cigarettes are not mentioned in the recently passed Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act , and are not subject to confiscatory federal and state excise taxes .

  6. “这是一种不同的治疗疾病的范式,”帮忙运营洛玛·琳达大学医学院家庭和预防医学住院医师项目的布伦达·雷亚博士说。

    " It 's a different paradigm of how to treat disease , " says Dr. Brenda Rea , who helps run the family and preventive medicine residency program at Loma Linda University School of Medicine .

  7. FerozMoideen是家庭暴力预防基金的教育男孩成为男人项目的负责人。

    Feroz Moideen is director of the Coaching Boys into Men program of the Family Violence Prevention Fund .

  8. 影响城市儿童家庭接受预防接种的行为因素分析

    Analysis on Behavioral Factors Influencing Undertaking Preventive Inoculation in Families of Urban Children

  9. 家庭吸烟预防与烟草控制法(烟草控制法)规定,卷烟包装和广告有更大和更明显的图片健康警告。

    The Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act ( Tobacco Control Act ) requires that cigarette packages and advertisements have larger and more visible graphic health warnings .

  10. 学校属于初级与次级犯罪预防教育机构,是犯罪预防体系的重要环节,正取代家庭犯罪预防的某些功能,发挥着专门机构无法替代的作用。

    Schools , an elementary educational unit of crime prevention , are replacing some functions of household prevention of crime , which can 't be substituted by special organizations .

  11. 家庭医学和预防医学部,犹他大学,盐湖市,美国犹他州。

    Department of Family and Preventive Medicine , University of Utah , Salt Lake City , Utah .

  12. 希望能为家庭暴力的预防、制止、干预、治疗提供有益的帮助。

    Hope for the domestic violence prevention , stop , intervention and treatment to provide useful help .

  13. 目的探讨在医护人员指导下实施家庭干预对预防精神分裂症复发的影响。

    Objective To explore the effect of family intervention under instructions on the recurrence of schizophrenia during rehabilitation period .

  14. 目的探讨健康教育卡片在卧床患者家庭护理并发症预防方面的应用效果。

    Objective To explore the effect of applying health education card in the prevention of family care complications in long-term bedridden patients .

  15. 现在他担心《2009年家庭吸烟行为预防和烟草控制法》将使他的产业所受到的管理和费用又会增加一层。

    Now he worries the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act of2009 will add another layer of regulation and expense to his industry .

  16. 乙肝疫苗计划免疫对于中低教育程度和中低收入家庭来说,是预防HBV感染的主要途径。

    For the low education and income families , Hepatitis B vaccine immunization is the main way to prevent HBV infection .

  17. 青少年自杀行为的家庭危险因素及其预防

    Family Risky Factors for Hobbledehoy 's Suicidal Behavior and Its Prevention

  18. 反对家庭暴力,重在预防和救助。

    Emphasis should be put on prevention and relief in order to fight against domestic violence .

  19. 家庭心理治疗是预防、矫治青少年犯罪的一种有效的方法。

    Psychological treatment of family is a kind of effective way to prevent and correct juvenile delinquency .

  20. 我听说过很多对于一般感冒的家庭治疗法和预防的措施。

    I have heard about so many home remedies for and preventive actions against the common cold .

  21. 对社区家庭输液的风险预防提出以下措施:强化自我保护意识;

    Proposes the measure to the community family infusion risk prevention : The strengthening protects oneself to realize ;

  22. 基于社会风险管理的理论框架描述了农村贫困家庭健康风险管理预防、缓和及应对策略。

    This article described the prevention , mitigation and coping strategies for health risk management in rural poor families .

  23. [目的]解决农村家庭如何应对艾滋病预防、治疗和护理问题。

    Objective : To solve the issues on the rural families how to responde to AIDS prevention , treatment and nursing .

  24. 妇女对有关生殖道感染途径、对个人和家庭的危害及预防措施的知识较为缺乏。

    Most patients were lack of knowledge of genital meatus infection , and preventive countermeasures against harm to themselves and families .

  25. 目的了解长宁区孕妇、家庭主妇和学生预防碘缺乏病健康教育状况。

    Knowledge and Practice about Iodine Deficiency Disorders among Pregnant Women , Housewives , and Pupils in Changning District , Shanghai ;

  26. 结论应用基因检测方法可以在地区性耳聋流行病学调查中帮助明确常见的遗传性耳聋病例,并可指导此类患者的家庭进行耳聋的预防。

    Conclusion Genetic testing methods can be used to diagnose hereditary hearing loss in an epidemiologic study in order to instruct the families how to prevent occurrence of deafness .

  27. 结论该地区农村居民伤害发生率较高,给农村居民的健康造成较大威胁,并导致了严重的社会和家庭经济负担,预防和控制农民伤害已迫在眉睫。

    Conclusion Injury was common and frequently occurred among residents in the countryside of rural Huanghe delta areas , that seriously endangered the health care systems and burden on families .

  28. 完善机制应做到公权力在立法、行政、司法三方面同时推进,综合运用法学,心理学,社会学理论,做好家庭暴力的事前预防,事中救助和事后治理的全部工作。

    Secondly , improve the mechanism . In this aspect , we should promote the public power in the legislative , executive , and judicial aspects simultaneously , prevent domestic violence in advance , rescue and govern subsequently by the theory of law , psychology and sociology .

  29. 在实证分析中,本文通过用教育支出为工具变量度量风险,首先选取《中国统计年鉴》的相关数据对我国城镇居民家庭和农村居民家庭的预防性储蓄动机强度进行了检验;

    In the section of empirical analysis , the paper takes educational expenditure as instrumental variable ( IV ) to measure the risk , uses the correlative data in China Statistical Yearbook firstly to estimate the precautionary saving motivation intensity in Chinese urban resident household and rural residents household .

  30. 家庭美德建设与犯罪的家庭预防

    Construction of Family Virtue and Family Precaution against Crime