
  • Game room;game
  1. 和詹娜玩了一局之后你就离开游戏厅了

    You left the game room after your round with Jenna .

  2. 结果去了游戏厅!

    Then went to the computer game room !

  3. “就像老式的”游戏厅“。首先会是3D游戏,接着是完全的虚拟现实。

    In its place , he says , will be first3D games , then full-blown virtual reality .

  4. 为整个德克萨斯的学生提供服务的thepreisscompany旗下有一些房地产,包括泳池、健身房、游戏厅和高端精装公寓,令人愉悦的设施会让最有特权的英国应届毕业生都心生嫉妒。

    And the Preiss company , which caters for students across Texas , has properties that include swimming pools , gyms , games rooms and top-end furnished flats , amenities that would make even the most privileged British undergraduate green with envy .

  5. 她得知道是我让你去游戏厅的

    She needs to know that I sent you to the arcade

  6. 他会呆在游戏厅直到下班时间。

    And he spends less and less time in studying .

  7. 当地的电影院已改建成宾戈游戏厅了

    The local cinema have been make into a bingo hall

  8. 那么你并没有看到他跑进游戏厅喽?

    So you didn 't see the man run into the arcade ?

  9. 他在游戏厅工作吗?

    He wasing working in a pin-ball parlor ?

  10. 我们游戏厅生意还算可以,玩家人气相对稳定。

    Our game room business is OK , the player popularity is relatively stable .

  11. 不是你说你想去电子游戏厅的吗?

    Didn 't you say you wanted to go screw in a video room ?

  12. 宁夏在游戏厅管理上是西部地区中较为严格的省份。

    Ningxia is in the game room management in the western provinces are more stringent .

  13. 他们去电脑游戏厅花很少的一点钱就可以玩游戏。

    They have been going to Arcades where the computer games can be played for a small cost .

  14. 这可能是中国唯一没有电子游戏厅、台球厅和网吧的小镇。

    This may be the only town in China with no video arcade , billiards hall or Internet cafe .

  15. 我们还是先去游戏厅吧,玩几局虚拟高尔夫。

    Why don 't we go to the arcade first , and fire off a few rounds of virtual golf ?

  16. 学校周边网吧、电子游戏厅较多吸引力大于体育锻炼,学生参与到体育锻炼中的意识降低。

    Around the school cafe , video arcade is more attractive than physical exercise , students participate in physical exercise reduce .

  17. 通过前期的蹲点、调查和暗访工作,民警掌握了部分电子游戏厅利的具体情况。

    By the early months of the investigation and unannounced visits to work , police mastered some electronic game rooms benefit specific circumstances .

  18. 据了解,游戏厅或电玩城里的电玩必须经国家文化部批准的机型或机种。

    It is understood that the game room or arcade game in town must be approved by the Ministry of Culture model or models .

  19. 我们没太多钱,每个礼拜带着攒下的钱去游戏厅。

    We never had a lot of money , so every week we 'd collect what we had and go to a video arcade .

  20. 一些经营业主认为开游戏厅能赚大钱,投入少,来钱快,盲目投资开设。

    Some business owners also believes that the game room to make big money , put less money fast , blind investment to open .

  21. 根据全区游艺娱乐场所发展规划,开展游戏厅审批增减工作。

    According to the development of the region 's recreation , entertainment planning , game rooms for approval to carry out changes in work .

  22. 从布局上看,大多游戏厅分布在经济较好、人口流动大,密度高的区域。

    From the layout point of view , most of the game room located in the better , large population movements , high density areas .

  23. 上个月,赌场适时地关闭了,一些小的游戏厅也消失了,接下来轮到一个有232个房间的边关,那里现在已经空无一人。

    Last month the casino duly shut , and the smaller gaming halls have since gone too.The232-room hotel , which is almost empty , will be next .

  24. 执法人员对涉嫌赌博的电玩城游戏厅业主现场进行了批评教育,并责令其立即停业接受调查处理。

    Law enforcement officers suspected of gambling games gaming city hall owners had criticized the education field , and ordered its immediate closure of investigation and treatment .

  25. 社会方面:一些不健康的信息、网吧、游戏厅的不良诱惑、社会不良风气都直接或间接地影响学生的数学学习。

    Social aspect . Some not healthy information and net , game hall bad entice , social bad mood the direct mathematics or that affects student indirectly study .

  26. 据执法人员介绍,即使是证照齐全的游戏厅,除了在法定节假日,也不允许接纳未成年人。

    According to law enforcement personnel , even the full license of the game rooms , in addition to statutory holidays , do not allow the admission of minors .

  27. 次日,治安大队将鉴定结果送达上述三家游戏厅,对三家游戏厅处以停业整顿的处罚并对10台电玩进行了销毁。

    The next day , law and order brigade to reach the above results identified three game rooms , game rooms for three penalties imposed and ordered to stop the10 games were destroyed .

  28. 直到很久以后,我才真正懂得欣赏那些以前的演出场地——从那些俱乐部到一个游戏厅改建的场地——它们有一种亲近感,不是因为它们的大小,而是因为我们使用这些场地的方式。

    Only much later would I fully appreciate that the intimacy of those long-ago places , from clubs to a former bingo hall , was nurtured less by their size than by the way we used them .

  29. 我曾在游戏厅抓到他在玩有赌博性质的电玩。很多次儿子就是把钱输在了这种电玩上,几乎每个月的工资都花在了这上面。

    I have caught him in the game room playing a gambling game consoles and many times his son is the money lost in this game , almost a month 's wages are spent on something like that .

  30. 我已经警告过我两个不到十多岁的娇宝贝,这次旅游并不是我们通常的中国之旅&在那些租金低廉的游戏厅和破旧的中国游乐场之间游览著名寺庙和神圣山群。

    I had already warned my two squeamish pre-teens that this would not be our usual China trip : a tour of famous temples and sacred mountains by way of low-rent video game parlours and seedy Chinese amusement parks .