
  • 网络imitative ability;imitation;Ability to imitate
  1. 浅谈健美操教学中模仿能力的培养

    Elementary Exposition on Fostering Imitative Ability in Aerobics Dancing Teaching

  2. 模仿能力差、发音不准。

    Poor at imitation and pronunciation .

  3. 汤姆的模仿能力是超一流的,他能惟妙惟肖地模仿学院里的大多数老师。

    Tom was a brilliant mimic who could impersonate most of the college staff .

  4. BP神经网络具有高效的学习能力以及对人类认知系统的模仿能力,具有很强的非线性分类能力。

    BP neural network has efficient learning capability , simulation ability for cognizing system of human , and very good capacity of nonlinear classification .

  5. 然后对战略联盟与我国企业技术能力演变进行关联分析,讨论了我国企业在战略联盟不同合作层次中如何培育仿制能力、创造性模仿能力及自主创新能力。

    Then we analyzed the interrelationship of strategic alliance and technological capability .

  6. 贝佐斯承认自己具有模仿能力。

    Bezos has admitted to his copycat skill .

  7. 突然,他看到一个外国鹦鹉,它有惊人的模仿能力。

    Suddenly , he saw a foreign parrot and it was an amazing mimic .

  8. 温州一位权威人士表示,狗狗对他们观察到的行为有很强的模仿能力。

    An authority in Wenzhou explained that dogs have a strong ability to imitate behaviors they observe .

  9. 如果你想学习好英语,就学习孩子语言模仿能力。

    If you 'd like to learn English well , just learn from the kids , learn the language with immitation !

  10. 结果:自闭症儿童在目光接触、听从指令、模仿能力和表达要求方面得到改善。

    RESULTS : The autistic child made a progress in his eye contact , obeying orders , imitating ability and expressing demands .

  11. 人工神经网络是具有并行信息处理能力、自适应处理能力及优异的学习和模仿能力的非线性动力学系统。

    Artificial neural networks are nonlinear dynamic system with the property of parallel information processing , adaptable processing and excellent learning and imitation .

  12. 然而,尽管出现了一些发明和探索,对于生物机器相对更复杂的特性,人类的了解和模仿能力仍非常有限。

    Despite several inventions and explorations , humans are still limited in their understanding and ability to mimic the relatively more complicated properties of biological machines .

  13. 他的模仿能力本来就很强,象琪奥托小时候一样,他也在他的石板上画起羊呀,房屋呀,树林呀来。

    He applied his imitative powers to everything , and , like Giotto , when young , he drew on his slate sheep , houses , and trees .

  14. 比如,他们一般会认为:未成年人因为自制力和判断的能力较弱且模仿能力较强,看了武打片之后会模仿暴力的行为。读了言情故事之后会产生早恋的倾向。

    For example , they generally believe that : minors are strong ability to mimic the violence , They have the tendency to love after reading a romance story .

  15. 知识已成为一个企业的最重要的资源,一个企业的竞争力和潜在竞争力主要决定于知识的模仿能力和创新能力。

    Knowledge has became the most important resource of the enterprise , the competitive ability and potential competitive ability of company mainly depend on the imitating ability and innovating ability .

  16. 这些大受人们喜欢的特点非常逼真,这种机器人魅力十足,模仿能力强且容易相处。

    Those qualities that make interaction with other people enjoyable would be simulated as closely as possible , and the machine would appear to be charming stimulating , and easygoing .

  17. 随着第三方物流企业应用高科技的速度不断加快以及模仿能力的普遍提高,对成本进行有效控制已成为竞争的焦点。

    Along with the speed up of high-tech application and the increasing ability of imitating in third-party logistics enterprises ( TPLs ), the competitive focus should be transferred to valid cost control .

  18. 在开放式创新环境下,技术密集型企业的能力将沿着仿制能力-创造性模仿能力-自主创新能力-协同创新能力的轨迹演化发展。

    Under the open innovation environment , the technology-intensive enterprise capability will be along with the evolution of " imitation capability , creative imitation capability , independent innovation , cooperative innovation capability " .

  19. 然后分析了技术能力演化的基本模式,提出了发展中国家企业技术能力发展的基本轨迹:从仿制能力到创造性模仿能力,再到自主创新能力。

    Then the basic models of technological capability evolution are analyzed , the basic path of technological capability evolution in developing countries is brought forward : from imitating capability to creative imitating capability , and to indigenous innovative capability .

  20. 基层表演的队员身体协调性、动作模仿能力方面都基本过关,但基本姿态、音乐素养、动作力度、表现力等方面的素质急待进一步提高。

    As a result , the use of the performing aerobics is increasing . Evidences show that the performers are weak in basic pose , music attainment , action power and expressive force though they are qualified in physical harmony and imitational capacity .

  21. 在舞蹈教学中,学生的智能结构主要包括:观察能力、想象能力、模仿能力、记忆能力、思维能力、创造能力。教师对学生这六方面的智能的培养,是非常重要的;

    In dance teaching , structure of students ' intelligence includes the ability of observation , imagination , imitation , memory , thought and creation , and it is important for teachers to train students'six types of ability , meanwhile we can 't ignore unintelligent elements .

  22. 在课程教学中提高专科学生的模仿翻译能力

    Improving the Imitating Translation Ability of College Students in Teaching

  23. 这种难以模仿的能力能为企业带来超过平均水平的利润。

    Such ability difficult to imitate can bring the profit which exceed average level to enterprises ;

  24. 自主创新,作为科学技术发展的战略基点,能大力提高模仿创新能力、原始创新能力、集成创新能力。

    Independent innovation , as the base point of the science and technology development , can improve the imitated innovation ability , the original innovation ability , and the cooperated innovation ability .

  25. 本文从分析模仿创新能力与核心能力的异同和关系入手,从企业能力进化、组合创新和组织学习的角度,探讨了如何通过实施模仿创新,快速培育企业核心能力这一重要问题。

    Starting from the analysis of the difference and relation between imitational innovation capability and core competence , from the angle of combined innovation and organizational learning , the paper studies how to cultivate enterprises core competence by imitational innovation .

  26. 它是别的企业不可能学会或模仿的深层能力。

    It is also a deep ability which is impossible for others to learn or imitate .

  27. 企业核心竞争力是企业所拥有的、能够创造经济效益,并难以被竞争对手模仿的独特能力,它是企业建立和保持优势的必要条件。

    The core competences of enterprises are the unique capabilities and owned by enterprises and difficult to imitate . They are necessary conditions for the enterprises to set up and maintain the competitive strength .

  28. 中国的设计主要来自于对国外设计资料的抄袭和模仿,创新能力不足且缺乏民族文化底蕴和中国时代特色。

    Chinese design is come from mainly in the characteristic designing that the data plagiarizing and the ability copying , being innovative are not worth being short of national culture detail and the Chinese times at present to abroad .

  29. 核心竞争力一般是由竞争力上升和整合后形成的,是企业特有的、处于核心地位的竞争能力,是别人难以靠简单模仿获得的能力。

    The core competence , is general formed after the rising and conformity of the competence . It is the unique and core competence of the corporations . It is also the competence which other corporations difficult to obtain by simply copying .

  30. 为了保证扩频信号具有更高的扩频增益、更强的抗模仿和抗欺骗能力,必须实现P码的直接捕获。

    Direct P code acquisition is implemented in GPS receiver in order to achieve higher spread spectrum gain , the better anti-deception and anti-spoofing .