
shōu rónɡ jiào yǎnɡ
  • shelter and rehabilitate;house and rehabilitate
  1. 收容教养制度立法研究

    On the Legislative Study of the System of Detaining for Reeducation System

  2. 少年教养包括少年收容教养和少年劳动教养。

    Juvenile correctional including juvenile reformatory custody and juvenile reeducation through labor .

  3. 在必要的时候,也可以由政府收容教养。

    When necessary , he may be taken in by the government for rehabilitation .

  4. 国民政府为维护社会的安定,在各地增建了许多游民习艺所、贫民教养院、救济院等机构来收容教养贫困人群。

    In order to defend social stability , the citizen government established many stations to accommodate the poor crowd such as the vagrant house , the pauper reformatory and the relief institution etc.

  5. 结合现行法律规定,从职权主体、事实、法律适用、程序四个方面对收容教养决定进行司法审查不失为一种较好的方法。

    Combining the current laws , the judicial examination of the decision on housing and reeducating young offenders must be done from the following four aspects : main body of authority , facts , the application of laws and procedures .

  6. 因不满十六周岁不予刑事处罚的,责令他的家长或者监护人加以管教;在必要的时候,也可以由政府收容教养。

    If a person is not given criminal punishment because he has not reached the age of 16 , the head of his family or his guardian shall be ordered to discipline him . When necessary , he may be taken in by the government for rehabilitation .

  7. 对劳动教养的决定,有严格的法定程序和法律监督制度,避免错误地决定收容劳动教养。

    The decision to put a person under education-through-labor is made through a strict legal procedure and under a system of legal supervision in order to avoid subjecting the wrong person to the program .