
  • 网络revenue;Earnings Forecasts;revenue forecast
  1. 基于市场周转率的股票市场收益预测

    Revenue Forecast on StockMarket Based on its Turn Over Rate

  2. 另一个原因是许多公司的股东是短期持股主义者,他们都被已经降低的收益和收益预测吓跑了。

    Another factor was that many of the firm 's shareholders are short-termists , who were scared away by lowered revenue and profit forecasts .

  3. 就连惠普的收益预测也在模仿IBM。

    HP is even mimicking IBM in its earnings forecast .

  4. JamesE.Hunton等的研究证明,收益预测值因公司的财务健康状况而有明显地不同。

    James E Hunton 's research found that the earning forecast value varies a lot in different financial conditions .

  5. 敏捷制造企业收益预测与风险度量

    The Return Prediction and Risk Calculation of the Agile Manufacturing Enterprise

  6. 项目经济评价中收益预测的可靠性及改进方法

    Reliability of Profits Estimate in Project Economic Appraisal and Measures for Improvement

  7. 未来收益预测是银行财务预测的基础。

    The future earnings forecast is the foundation of bank financial forecast .

  8. 一种卫生投资收益预测方法的探讨

    Study of A Kind of Medical Investment Profit Forecast Method

  9. 基于小波神经网络的商标未来收益预测

    The Forecast of Future Income of Band Based on Wavelet Neural Networks

  10. 基于马尔可夫模型的企业人力资本投资收益预测

    Income of Investment in human capital of enterprise based on Markov Forecasting Model

  11. 推荐成长曲线模型、灰色预测模型及改进灰色模型用于收益预测以提高评估科学性;

    Applying the growing curve prediction model and grey model to income prediction ;

  12. 贵州省退耕还林地经济收益预测

    Income Forecasting of Returned-farmland in Guizhou Province

  13. 基于财务基本信息的我国上市公司未来收益预测研究

    A Study on Predicting Future Earnings of Listed Companies in China Using Financial Basic Information

  14. 采用多元正交多项式回归方法建立了冬小麦生产经济收益预测的多元正交多项式回归模型。

    We have build the multivariate orthogonal polynomial regression forecasting model of the economical effect on winter wheat production .

  15. 但在许多公司,收益预测已成为一项单调的工作,目的是把未来90天对付过去。

    But , in many companies , earnings guidance has become a treadmill of managing for the next 90 days .

  16. 2004~2020年空调机组能效标准的节能和环保收益预测结果有力地支持了实施能效标准的必要性。

    Predicted contribution of energy savings and environmental protection implementing these standards from 2004 to 2020 suggests it is greatly necessary to implement EESs .

  17. 而股票收益预测则是金融研究的一个重要课题,在规避风险与投资决策中起着举足轻重的作用。

    Stock returns prediction is important branch of finance , which play vital important role in finance to reduce risk and take better decisions .

  18. 一项最新研究显示,分析师们的收益预测对公司股价的影响可以忽略不计。这将加深人们对荐股高手左右市场能力的怀疑。

    Analysts ' earnings forecasts have a negligible effect on a company 's share price , according to new research that will raise further doubts over stock-pickers ' ability to move markets .

  19. 将企业生命周期理论思想和指数拟合、线性拟合,运用到企业收益预测中,提出了新的超额收益现值法的计量模型,将量化与评估相结合,对商誉的价值进行计量。

    Exerting the theory of enterprise life cycle and regression analysis to enterprise income forecast , giving new measure model of current value of excess income , combining the quantitativeness to evaluation and measuring the value of goodwill .

  20. 当前项目收益预测的可靠性不高的原因在于,实践中指导收益分析预测的规范和技术方法难以满足项目建设和运营环境变化的需要。

    Presently , the reliability of project profits estimate is considerable low , the cause of which is that the measures and criterions for profits estimate cannot meet the requirement of project construction and change of operation circumstance .

  21. 会计盈余信息是影响投资者决策的关键信息,会计盈余的持续性是衡量会计盈余信息的一个重要指标,同时会计盈余的持续性保证了基于会计盈余的收益预测。

    Earnings information is the key to affect investment decision-making information , and earnings persistence is an important indicator of measured earnings information . At the same time , earnings persistence guarantee the earnings forecast based on earnings .

  22. 然后从投资成本、收益预测、融资模式、节目集成、市场细分、市场营销、客户服务等方面探讨了有线数字电视的具体业务运营思路。

    In such aspects , investment capital , profit analysis , finance mode , program combination , market subdivision , marketing , customer service and so on , the article has an discussion about the ideas of the specific operation .

  23. 债券种类繁多,每种债券具有独特的收益预测因子定价模型,债券收益模型研究的不完善,导致了债券型绩效评估的研究明显滞后于股票型基金绩效评估的研究。

    There are many different kinds of bonds , each bond has unique predictor of income pricing model , bond yields have incomplete model research , caused the bond performance evaluation research significantly lags behind the equity fund performance evaluation research .

  24. 为了避免长期收益预测的难题,论文在指出前人基于乘数模型的现金流折现改进模型的错误后,以剩余收益模型为基础,推导出了基于P/B乘数的剩余收益模型改进。

    To avoid the difficulty of long-term return forecast , after pointing out the predecessors'mistake of multiple model-based discounted cash flow improving model , on the basis of residual earnings model , this paper deduces the P / B multiple-based residual earnings model improvement .

  25. 基于BP神经网络的股指收益率预测研究&以高频数据为样本

    Forecast of Stock Market Returns Based on BP Neural Network & Case of the High-Frequency Data

  26. 对模型中检验得出的条件异方差采用GARCH模型对其进行修正,得出最终的收益率预测模型以及方差预测模型。

    Adopt GARCH model revision , obtain final earning ratio and predict model and variance predict models .

  27. 组合预测模型及其在股票收益率预测中的应用研究

    Research & Application of Combination Forecasting Method on Stock Rate of Return

  28. 高盛昨日发布的第二季度业绩证明,惠特尼对该公司收益的预测非常准确。

    Her forecast for its second-quarter earnings proved very accurate when they were published yesterday .

  29. 提出了一种建立在二次优化思想上的对资产的未来收益进行预测的最优组合预测方法。

    This paper presents an optimal combinatorial forecast method for the future profit of assets .

  30. 本文提出了一种基于可解释性模糊模型的股票指数收益率预测方法。

    Secondly , An approach to forecast Stock Index by using interpretable fuzzy models is presented in this paper .