
shōu pán
  • close;closing quotation;liquidated
收盘 [shōu pán]
  • [close] 证券、黄金等交易市场每天营业终了时最后一次报告行情

  • 补偿证券开盘为126,收盘为128

  • 还差五分钟就该收盘了

收盘[shōu pán]
  1. 中国股市没有反映中国经济的增长强势。我们运用经济计量学的方法建立中国股市季度收盘指数冲击模型,反映宏观经济、股市扩容、业绩成长、利率变动与股票指数间的数量关系。

    We apply economic metrology to establish quarter closing quotation index impact model of Chinese stock market , reflecting quantity relationship among micro economy , stock market diffusion , operation growth , interest change , and stock index .

  2. 价格比昨天的收盘价稍高。

    The price is slightly above yesterday 's closing price .

  3. 股价从476便士猛涨到收盘536便士。

    Shares leapt in value from 476p to close at 536p .

  4. 收盘时股价略有上扬。

    Share prices had perked up slightly by close of trading .

  5. 这家公司的股票价格在收盘前略有回升。

    The company 's shares had rallied slightly by the close of trading .

  6. 英镑的汇价略跌,收盘时为1.534美元。

    The pound closed slightly down at $ 1.534 .

  7. 那天股票价格起先跌了,临近收盘时又涨了。

    Share prices fell early on but rose again late in the day .

  8. 这家公司的股票收盘价为265便士。

    Shares in the company closed at 265p .

  9. 法兰克福交易所收盘时股票上涨了1.7%。

    Shares ended 1.7 per cent firmer on the Frankfurt exchange .

  10. 美元汇率今日收盘时有所上涨。

    The American dollar finished the day up against foreign currencies

  11. 华尔街股市以今天的第二高点收盘。

    On Wall Street , stocks closed at their second highest level today

  12. 英国天然气公司股价上涨1便士,以287便士收盘。

    British Gas shares ended the day 1p up at 287p

  13. 期货价格在早盘深幅下跌后出现反弹,收盘时未见严重损失。

    Futures prices recovered from sharp early declines to end with moderate losses .

  14. 道森股票以219便士收盘,上涨了5便士。

    Dawson shares closed at 219p , up 5p

  15. 蓝筹股一路飙升,但股市其他股票却在当天收盘时稍有走低。

    Blue chip issues were sharply higher , but the rest of the market actually declined slightly by the end of the day .

  16. 两只领头羊-苹果和雅虎-宣布其第三季度盈馀后,周二下午收盘

    Two bellwethers - - Apple and Yahoo - - announced their third-quarter earnings after close of trading Tuesday afternoon .

  17. 在上海上市首日,中国建筑股份有限公司(ChinaStateConstructionEngineering)涨幅一度高达90%,收盘上涨56%。

    Shares in China State Construction Engineering rose by as much as 90 per cent on their debut before closing 56 per cent stronger in Shanghai .

  18. 每Trace对象包含一组Day对象,定义了当天的最高价、最低价和收盘价。

    Within each Trace object is a set of Day objects , which define the low , high , and close for that day .

  19. 受中国出台新刺激措施的希望鼓舞,日本的日经股指(Nikkeistockindex)昨日止跌转涨,收盘上升0.7%。

    Japan 's Nikkei stock index erased early losses to end up 0.7 per cent on hopes of fresh Chinese stimulus .

  20. 8月1日,Facebook的股价收盘于20.88美元,上市以来的新低(见表)。

    On August 1st Facebook 's shares closed at $ 20.88 , the lowest yet ( see chart ) .

  21. 认为可以由前两日的△f的变化以一定的概率预测次日的股价指数收盘价的涨落。

    This article deemed the rise or fall of closing price can be probability predicted with the fluctuations of Af between last two days .

  22. 中国人寿(ChinaLife)盘中一度跌至32.40港元,收盘反升0.6%,报33.20港元。该公司盘后称,上半年利润增长15%,逊于分析师的预期。

    China Life fell as low as HK $ 32.40 then settled 0.6 per cent up at HK $ 33.20 . After the market closed , it missed analysts ' expectations as it reported a 15 per cent rise in first-half profits .

  23. 从此就一蹶不振了。8月1日,Facebook的股价收盘于20.88美元,上市以来的新低(见表)。

    It has fallen further since . On August 1st Facebook 's shares closed at $ 20.88 , the lowest yet ( see chart ) .

  24. IPO抑价是指首次公开发行的新股的上市首日收盘价格高于其发行价格而产生的收益。

    IPO underpricing refers to the investment return by which the closing price at the first day of IPO is higher than issuing price .

  25. 按昨日收盘价折算,中石油的市值超过了埃克森美孚与荷兰皇家壳牌(RoyalDutchShell)市值的总和。中石油是中国最大的石油及天然气生产商。

    At yesterday 's closing price , PetroChina – China 's largest oil and gas producer – was valued at more than Exxon and Royal Dutch Shell combined .

  26. 即便假设针对新加坡石油公司(singaporepetroleumcompany)其余股份的强制性全面收购要约进展顺利(这并非十拿九稳:周一该股收盘价低于要约出价),此笔交易也微不足道。

    Even assuming a mandatory offer for the remainder of Singapore Petroleum Company proceeds smoothly ( not a given : shares on Monday closed below the offer price ) , this is small beer .

  27. 尽管苹果的表现弱于大盘,不过它仍然顶住了关于iPhone5的传言的压力,并在本周二以升幅收盘。

    Although Apple has underperformed the broad market , it was able to withstand the pressure of the iPhone 5 rumor to finish Tuesday in positive territory .

  28. 虽然公司承诺将在巴塞罗那全球移动大会(theBarcelonaMobileWorldCongress)上推出四款新型手机,但公司股票在亚洲股市收盘时仍下跌了5%。

    Despite promises that the company would bounce back on the strength of four new models to be introduced at the Barcelona Mobile World Congress , the stock closed 5 % lower in Asian trading .

  29. 10月19日上午,在主持节目时,美国道琼斯工业平均指数(DowJonesindustrialaverage)从股市开盘便大幅跳水,之后又出现暴跌,收盘时下跌了22.6%。

    The morning of Oct. 19 , he was on the news desk as the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged from the opening bell and then collapsed , ending up down 22.6 % .

  30. 在分析家所称的“自动反应效应”周五收盘时SensexIndex指数轻微上涨。

    After what analysts called a ' knee-jerk reaction , " the market settled back with Mumbai 's Sensex Index ending Friday slightly up .