
  1. 第一季度GDP出现的意外增长刺激了新西兰联储的加息预期,为纽币继续上扬提供了动力。

    A direct result of the surprise boost to NZ Q1 GDP has been a concurrent boost for RBNZ rate expectations fueling NZD 's continued upside flight trajectory .

  2. 瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)经济学家詹姆斯斯威尼(JamesSweeney)最近将加息预期从6月份推迟到了9月份。他说:他们释放出的信号是,加息虽不会马上发生,但在今年推出的可能性仍然很大。

    They have signalled that a hike is not imminent at this point but is still very likely this year , said James Sweeney , an economist at Credit Suisse , who recently pushed back his rate-rise expectations from June to September .

  3. 与此相反,市场对美国的加息预期,以及欧洲和日本央行的量化宽松举措,推动资金流出新兴市场、流向美元资产。

    Instead expectations of rising US interest rates , combined with quantitative easing by European and Japanese central banks , have propelled outflows from emerging markets and into dollar assets .

  4. 在澳大利亚,市场迅速从加息预期转换为预测到年底前会有几次降息。

    In Australia , rapid market interest rates for forecasting the conversion from expected before the end of the year to there is a few times to cut interest rates .

  5. 美元出现反弹的一项关键原因,是美国的加息预期因就业数据而明显增强,从价格上看,未来12个月的预期加息幅度升至130个基点。

    One key reason for the dollar rebound was that US interest rate expectations surged on the jobs data , moving to price in 130 basis points of monetary tightening over the next 12 months .

  6. 自4月末以来,货币政策和财政政策之间的退出平衡已发生根本改变,加息预期明显推后,但全球经济回归扩张的大趋势仍在持续。

    The balance of exit between monetary and fiscal policy might have changed radically since late April , with expectations of rises in interest rates significantly delayed , but the broad return to global expansion continues .

  7. 食品和大宗商品价格持续上涨,已使市场加息预期提前,导致成交量大幅增长,因为通胀已成为企业、消费者和投资者最为担心的问题之一。

    Rising food and commodity prices have prompted markets to bring forward expectations of rate rises , sparking the jump in volumes as inflation has become one of the biggest concerns for businesses , consumers and investors .

  8. 美国在6月份已连续6个月丧失工作岗位,且失业人数仍在增加。这表明劳动力市场状况仍在恶化,并降低了市场的加息预期。

    The US lost jobs in June for the sixth month in a row and jobless numbers remained elevated , signalling an ongoing deterioration in the labour market and helping to push back thoughts of an increase in interest rates .

  9. 然而,金价在2011年底前见顶,在今年夏季开始屡创多年新低,背后因素在于中国和印度需求的减少,以及美元走强和美国加息预期。

    However , the market had peaked by the end of 2011 , and this summer began hitting multi-year lows , spurred by falling demand from China and India as well as by a strengthening dollar and the prospect of rising US interest rates .

  10. 欧洲央行(EuropeanCentralBank)昨日将主要利率上调0.25个百分点,至4%,达到自2001年9月以来的最高水平,而且几乎没有采取任何行动来打消市场关于今年还将继续加息的预期。

    The European Central Bank yesterday raised its main interest rate by 0.25 percentage points to 4 per cent – its highest level since September 2001 and did little to dissuade the markets that further rises were likely this year .

  11. 鉴于短期利率牢牢锁定在接近于零,对美联储(fed)加息的预期远远推迟到2011年,甚至有时是2012年,债券交易活动大多围绕着长期美国国债的表现。

    With short-term rates anchored near zero and expectations for a Fed rate hike being pushed out well into 2011 , and even towards 2012 in some quarters , much of the trading action in bonds centres on the behaviour of long-term Treasuries .

  12. 林伯仁说,市场对中国可能进一步加息的预期会给汇率带来影响。

    Lambregts says expectations of more rate increases could have an influence on the exchange rate .

  13. 当前面临新一轮的加息周期预期,会刺激提前还贷的发生,这也是本文选题的原因之一。

    Facing a new round of rate hikes expected , we will stimulate the occurrence of prepayment .

  14. 更糟糕的是,对美国加息的预期正阻碍着很多新兴市场采取亟需的反周期货币政策。

    Worse , expectations of rising US rates are preventing many emerging markets from adopting desperately needed counter-cyclical monetary policy .

  15. 英镑兑美元和日元的汇率昨日攀升至14年高点,对英国将继续加息的预期支撑了英镑走势。

    Sterling climbed to 14-year highs against the dollar and the yen yesterday as the pound continued to find support from expectations of further increases in UK interest rates .

  16. 市场对美联储加息的预期时间为6月或9月,但是美元飙升及一连串疲软的经济指标搅浑了本次会议的政策制定背景。

    Market expectations are for it to raise rates either in June or September , but the soaring value of the dollar and a spate of soft economic indicators have muddied the waters going into the meeting .

  17. 强劲的国内生产总值(GDP)数据突显日本复苏的动力,进一步支持了日本央行将在8月份加息的广泛预期。日本此轮经济复苏已是二战后持续时间最长的一次。

    The strong gross domestic product data underscored the strength of the Japanese recovery , already the longest since the end of the second world war . It reinforced widespread expectations that the central bank will raise rates in August .

  18. 期货市场的走势表明,投资者对美联储8月加息概率的预期,从85%左右小幅降至70%左右。

    The futures market inched down the probability of a Fed rate hike in August from about 85 per cent to about 70 per cent .

  19. 市场预计,美国低于预期的核心物价升幅将缓解美联储(Fed)的加息压力,而英国消费者价格指数升至3.1%,则增强了市场对英国加息的预期。

    The markets anticipated that lower than expected core price rises in the US would ease pressure on the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates , while a rise in UK consumer price inflation to 3.1 per cent increased expectations of higher British rates .