
  • 网络additive color
  1. 与加色法三原色互为补色的颜色为减色法三原色。

    Complementary to the three additive light primaries , there are three subtractive primaries .

  2. 早期彩色摄影采用加色法。

    The additive process was employed for early color photography .

  3. 结果:运用不同的重结晶溶剂,马来酸替加色罗可形成2种晶型,这2种晶型的熔点一致,它们的DSC和TG曲线都相同。

    Results : Crystallized from different solvents , tegaserod maleate has two crystal forms . Both of the crystal forms of tegaserod maleate have same melting points , their DSC and TG curves are same , too .

  4. 作者替加色罗多中心研究协作组;刘新光;

    Author The Multi-Center Cooperative Clinical Study Group for Zelmac in China ;

  5. (大步的)步法,步态加色法高速步进光学印刷机

    Person 's way of striding ; gait additive colour high-speed step optical printer

  6. 当时,有几个加色丁人前来控告犹太人。

    It was then that Chaldean diviners came to the king accusing the Jews .

  7. 加法混色:混和加色法原色,使它与某一指定颜色相似。

    Additive colour mixing : The mixing of additive primaries to match a specific colour .

  8. 在加色法中,不同颜色的光线混合以产生其他各种色彩。

    In the additive method separate colored lights are combined to produce various other colors .

  9. 加色法高速步进光学印刷机

    Additive colour high-speed step optical printer

  10. 在急性色氨酸缺失期,受试者饮用不加色氨酸的其他成分相同的饮料。

    During acute tryptophan depletion , subjects drank the same drink without the addition of tryptophan .

  11. 未受精的龙虾卵;烹饪时变红;用作装饰或给酱油加色。

    Unfertilized lobster roe ; reddens in cooking ; used as garnish or to color sauces .

  12. 加色法彩色放相技巧[参阅附表]

    Additive color printing method

  13. 加色法灯箱:由三个光源组成的印片机上的光源。一个光源对应一个彩色记录。

    Additive Lamphouse : A printer lamphouse consisting of three light sources ; one for each color record .

  14. 这些染料色是加色法的三原色红、绿、蓝的相互补充。原色(红、蓝、黄三色)

    These dye colors are the complementary colors to the three additive primaries of red , green and blue .

  15. 而土耳其人除了喜欢加色利普粉,还喜欢加乳香&乳香是从某类阿月浑子树上提取的一种树脂。

    The Turkish like salep as well as mastic , a resin from certain pistachio trees , in their ice cream .

  16. 一种叫加色法,通过把三种基本颜色相叠加以产生其他色彩。

    One method , called additive , starts with three basic colors and adds them together to produce some other colors .

  17. 介绍纯棉染色织物在色光不符客户供样要求时的各种补救方法,即加色、减色和消色三大类,阐述了各种修色方法的注意事项和工艺要求。

    In this paper , three methods of shade correction for cotton dyed fabric were described in detail , such as additive , subtractive and achromatic processes .

  18. 加色法三原色是绿、红和蓝(其中每一种占据总光谱中三分之一的波长)。

    The three additive primary colors are green , red and blue ( each proportions , about one third of the wavelengths in the total spectrum ) .

  19. 那时是加色丁人占领和焚毁耶路撒冷五周年月之七日。

    In the fifth year , in the seventh day of the month , at the time that the Chaldeans took Jerusalem , and burnt it with fire .

  20. 红、绿和蓝三种色光称为加色法原色,因为不同份量的三原色,可以混合成各种不同色光。

    Red , green and blue lights are called additive primary colours because by the combination of these three primaries in different proportion , various coloured lights will produce .

  21. 加色作用:把三原色,即红、绿和蓝光按一定比例混合则产生白色感觉的三色法。亦称加色法。合肥光源二分割三角型光位置检测器的研制

    Additive synthesis : Three-colour process wherein suitable proportion of red , green and blue lights are blended to form the sensation of white . Also called Additive process . Development of a Split Photon Beam Position Monitor for HLS

  22. 本论文讨论的是调频加网呈色模型研究。

    This paper aims to do research on FM color model .

  23. 本文研究了加性高斯色噪声背景中一维高分辨距离成像中的运动估计。

    This paper studies the movement estimation of the high resolution radar signal with additional Gaussian color noise .

  24. 因为根据皇室穿衣法则,出席正式场合时,指甲只能是不加修饰自然色。

    As per royal dress code , only natural-looking nails are allowed to be worn at official royal events .

  25. 基于高阶累积量的线性方程法对加性高斯色噪声有较好的压制效果,却强烈依赖于累积量样本估计的准确性。

    The cumulant-based linear equations approach is not sensitive to Gaussian colored noise , but strongly relies upon the accuracy of the trace cumulant estimates .

  26. 本文还采用了状态空间模型来描述时间序列,充分利用信号空间的结构特性,进而最终实现了在有色加性混合色噪声背景下较低信噪比的谐波恢复。

    In addition , the state space model and the structure property of signal space were fully employed in this article , therefore the better performance of the harmonic retrieval was gained under the additive hybrid colored noise background as well as lower signal noise rate .

  27. SilverandBlackSlipDress银黑条纹礼服这款DallinChase的小礼服在“V”形条纹上加上了金属色亮片和一些褶皱装饰。这件JSBoutique的礼服采用斜裁,肩上布满闪光珠串。

    Add sparkle with metallic ruched fabric and flattery with a cool chevron stripe design with this Dallin Chase dress .

  28. 你肯定会想,有如此了不起的履历,再加上毫不逊色的斯坦福大学MBA学位,一个人应该想出更实质性的业务,而不是一款约会应用。

    You 'd think someone with that kind of resume , topped by a Stanford MBA no less , would think up a more substantive business than a dating app .

  29. 加黑色或互补色,颜色加深。

    Dark colors are made by adding black or a complementary color .

  30. 祁红多酚类物质氧化程度对茶汤加奶后汤色的影响

    Influences of Oxidized Extent of Polyphenols in Qimen Black Tea on the Infusion Added Milk